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L3Harris Aviation Products Technical Publications Catalog

Last update: 3/28/2025

Product Type Pub Part Number ATA Number Revision Revision Date Title Subject/Description Product Part Number
612RIU Component Maintenance Manual AD009A0480 0 2/1/1982 Installation and Maintenance Manual 612 RIU Remote Interface Unit 805D0480
7100 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 0040-28002-01 23-70-75 04 5/7/2024 SRVIVR25 (7100) CVDR CMM Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVDR 7100-3000-00, 7100-3900-00, 7102-3900-00, 7104-3000-00, 7104-3700-00
7100 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual L3HARRIS7100-25583-00001-00 31-34-01 009 11/13/2023 Component Maintenance Publication (CMP) Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (Dual - Deployable), 7100-0200-00 (Supersedes CMM 165E6493-00) 7100-0200-00
7100 CVDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-07 23-70-79 02 3/20/2023 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVDR, PN 7104-3700-00 7104-3700-00
7100 CVDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-02 23-70-77 01 3/14/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVDR, 7100-3900-00 7100-3900-00
7100 CVDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-01 23-70-76 04 1/19/2023 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVDR 7102-3900-00
7100 CVDR Installation Manual 165E6493-01 31-34-02 03 4/30/2020 Installation and Operation Manual, 7100-0200-00 Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (Dual - Deployable), 7100-0200-00 7100-0200-00
7100 CVDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-20 23-70-80 01 1/19/2023 Installation & Operation Manual, SRVIVR25 (7100) SRVIVR25 Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder ARINC 757 Variant RIPS Capable 7104-3000-00
7100 CVDR Instruction Manual 905-E6493-22 01 11/30/2021 Accident Investigation Procedure. 7100CVDR (dual-deployable) Accident Investigation Procedure 7100-0200-00
7100 CVDR Service Bulletin SB002-SVR7100CVDR SVR7100CVDR-23-6000 00 2/28/2022 Software Release 1.4 Software Release 1.4 7100-3000-00, 7102-3900-00
7100 CVDR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100CVDR-EMB SVR7100CVDR-23-0001 00 3/31/2022 MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA 7104-3700-00, SVR7100CVDR-23-0001
7100 CVDR Service Bulletin SB003-SVR7100CVDR 00 6/20/2022 Software 1.5 Software Release 1.5 7100-3000-00, 7102-3900-00
7100 CVDR Service Letter SIL-001-7100 00 10/5/2021 SRVIVR25 CVR/CVDR Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) date and time mismatch. SRVIVR25 CVR/CVDR Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) date and time mismatch 7100-xxxx-xx
7100 CVDR Service Letter SIL-002-7100 00 9/11/2024 Possible delamination of circuit card conformal coating. Provide customers information on circuit card assembly coating for affected serial numbers. 7100-0200-00
7100 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 0040-28002-02 23-70-70 11 8/14/2024 SRVIVR25 (7100) CMM Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR 7100-1000-00, 7100-1000-12, 7100-1000-30, 7100-1000-31, 7100-1000-70, 7100-1100-20, 7100-1900-30, 7100-1900-31, 7102-1000-00, 7102-1000-20, 7102-1100-00, 7102-1900-30, 7104-1000-00, 7104-1000-20, 7104-1100-00, 7104-1100-20, 7104-1900-00, 7104-1900-20
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-04 23-70-71 02 11/13/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR 7100-1000-30, 7100-1000-31
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-05 23-70-72 02 11/20/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR 7100-1900-30, 7100-1900-31
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-19 23-70-90 05 2/15/2024 Installation and Operation Manual, SRVIVR25 (7100) Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR, ARINC 757 Variant 7100-1000-00, 7100-1100-00 7102-1000-00, 7102-1100-00 7104-1000-00, 7104-1100-00
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-12 23-70-85 01 8/12/2024 Installation and Operation Manual, 7102-1900-30 Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR, ARINC 757 Variant 7102-1900-30
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-06 23-70-73 01 3/1/2023 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR, 7100-1000-70 7100-1000-70
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-13 23-70-86 04 12/5/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR, 7104-1100-20, 7104-1900-20 7104-1100-20, 7104-1900-20
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-15 23-70-87 01 2/15/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR, 7100-1000-12 7100-1000-12
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-18 23-70-89 01 11/25/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) , CVR, ARINC 757, DC Only, No RIPS, Short, Common Grounds, Std Memory 7100-1100-20, 7102-1000-20, 7104-1000-20
7100 CVR Installation Manual 0040-28001-21 23-70-60 01 4/10/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice Recorder (SRVIVR25) CVR, 7104-1900-00 7104-1900-00
7100 CVR Instructions for Continued Airworthiness iCA 8210686-600 C 4/30/2023 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for the Bombardier CRJ-200/900 SRVIVR25 CVR with RIPS Recorder System Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for the Bombardier CRJ-200/900 SRVIVR25 CVR with RIPS Recorder System Recorder Cockpit Voice Recorder, 7100
7100 CVR Instructions for Continued Airworthiness iCA 8210691-600 - 8/10/2022 DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-100/-300 SRVIVR25 CVR NSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-100/-300 SRVIVR25 CVR NSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS Recorder Cockpit Voice Recorder, 7100
7100 CVR Instructions for Continued Airworthiness iCA 8210693-600 C 12/18/2023 DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-400 SRVIVR25 CVR INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-400 SRVIVR25 CVR INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS Recorder Cockpit Voice Recorder, 7100
7100 CVR Instructions for Continued Airworthiness iCA 8010116-600 B 7/25/2023 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for the Boeing 737NG SRVIVR25 CVR with RIPS Recorder System Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for the Boeing 737NG SRVIVR25 CVR with RIPS Recorder System Recorder Cockpit Voice Recorder, 7100
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB002-SVR7100CVR SVR7100CVR-23-6000 01 4/14/2022 Software Release 1.4 Software Release 1.4 7102-1000-00, SVR7100CVR-23-6000
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100CVR SVR7100CVR-23-0000 00 3/31/2022 MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA 7100-1000-12
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB001-7100CVR-AB 00 3/31/2022 ADMT A - New Aircraft Interface CCA ADMT A - New Aircraft Interface CCA 7100-1000-30, 7100-1000-31, 7100-1900-30, 7100-1900-31, SVR7100CVR-23-0001
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100CVR-ABC 00 4/13/2022 ADMT A - New Aircraft Interface CCA ADMT A - New Aircraft Interface CCA 7102-1900-30, SVR7100CVR-23-0003
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100CVR-BA SVR7100CVR-23-0002 00 3/31/2022 MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA 7104-1100-20, 7104-1900-20
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB002-SVR7100CVR-BA SVR7100CVR-23-6001 00 4/14/2022 Software Release 1.4 Software Release 1.4 7104-1100-20, 7104-1900-20, SVR7100CVR-23-6001
7100 CVR Service Bulletin SB003-SVR7100CVR SVR7100CVR-23-6001 00 6/20/2022 Software 1.5 Software Release 1.5 7102-1000-00
7100 CVR Service Letter SIL-001-7100 00 10/5/2021 SRVIVR25 CVR/CVDR Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) date and time mismatch. SRVIVR25 CVR/CVDR Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) date and time mismatch 7100-xxxx-xx
7100 CVR Supplemental Type Certificate ST02721LA A 4/14/2023 Bombardier / MHI for CVR ST02721LA MHI/Bombardier 7100-
7100 CVR Supplemental Type Certificate ST04560CH A 2/13/2023 DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-400 - CVR ST04560CH DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-400 7100-
7100 CVR Supplemental Type Certificate ST04559CH C 1/5/2023 DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-100/300 - CVR STC for DE HAVILLAND DHC-8-100/300 Rev C: Add TCCA approval certificate 7100-
7100 CVR Supplemental Type Certificate ST02719LA B 10/5/2022 BOEING B737-700 B737-800 - CVR STC ST02719LA BOEING B737-700 B737-800 7100-xxxx-xx
7100 FDR Component Maintenance Manual 0040-28002-03 31-30-70 05 5/7/2024 SRVIVR25 (7100) FDR CMM Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR 7100-2400-00, 7100-2400-12, 7100-2700-00, 7100-2700-20, 7100-2700-30, 7100-4400-00, 7100-4400-70
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-11 31-30-74 01 11/12/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR 7100-3700-30
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-17 31-30-76 01 12/9/2024 Installation and Operation Manual, SRVIVR25 (7100) Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR, 7100-2400-20, 7100-2700-20 7100-2400-20, 7100-2700-20
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-09 31-30-72 03 12/27/2023 Installation and Operation Manual Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25), FDR, 7100-4400-00 7100-4400-00
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-03 23-70-78 03 3/14/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR, 7100-3000-00 7100-3000-00
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-14 31-30-75 00 11/16/2020 Installation and Operation Manual Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR, 7100-2400-12 7100-2400-12
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-10 31-30-73 01 5/15/2023 Installation and Operation Manual Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR, 7100-4400-70 Specific, ARINC 747 Variant, no RIPS 7100-4400-70
7100 FDR Installation Manual 0040-28001-08 31-30-71 03 5/23/2024 Installation and Operation Manual Flight Data Recorder (SRVIVR25) FDR 7100-2400-00, 7100-2700-00
7100 FDR Service Bulletin SB002-SVR7100FDR 00 2/28/2022 Software Releae 1.4 Software Release 1.4 7100-4400-00
7100 FDR Service Bulletin SB003-SVR7100FDR SVR7100FDR-31-6001 00 6/20/2022 Software 1.5 Software Release 1.5 7100-2400-00, 7100-2700-00, 7100-4400-00
7100 FDR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100FDR SVR7100FDR-31-0000 00 3/31/2022 MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA 7100-2400-12
7100 FDR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100FDR-EMB SVR7100FDR-31-0001 00 3/31/2022 MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA MOD 1 – New Aircraft Interface CCA 7100-2400-00, 7100-2700-00, SVR7100FDR-31-0001
7100 FDR Service Bulletin SB001-SVR7100FDR-ABC 00 3/31/2022 AMDT A – New Aircraft Interface CCA AMDT A – New Aircraft Interface CCA 7100-2700-30, SVR7100FDR-31-0002
A100 -IRIS Drawings / SPEC A46PM5048 D 12/8/2006 IRIS ICAW IRIS ICAW 9200-18000-01 9200-18000-02 9200-18000-03 9200-18000-0
A100 -IRIS Installation Manual 0040-18001-01 D 4/3/2012 Installation Manual Install Manual 9200-18000-( ), 9200-18000-01
A100 -IRIS Pilot Guide 0040-18000-01 B 4/27/2007 Pilots Guide for the Infrared Imaging System IRIS Model A100 Pilots Guide 9200-18000-( ), 9200-18000-01
A100 -IRIS Service Letter SL-228 A 7/21/2007 Permission to use STC Permission to use STC 9200-18000-( ), 9200-18000-01
A100 -IRIS Service Letter SL-232 A 4/9/2008 PMA APPROVAL LIST FOR A-100 IRIS PMA APPROVAL LIST FOR IRIS A-100 9200-18000-01
A100A Component Maintenance Manual 165E010100 23-70-01 3 3/4/2004 A100 / A100A CVR CMM 93A100, 93A151, 93A152, 93A055
A100A Component Maintenance Manual 165E010200 23-70-11 Initial 8/1/1989 GA100 Component Maintenance Manual GA100 CMM by special request only. Contact Avionics.TechPubs@L3Harris.com GA100-0000, GA150-0000
A100A Installation Manual 165E280700 23-70-01 02 7/1/2002 A100 / A100A Installation & Operation Manual A100 / A100A Installation & Operation Manual 93A10010, 93A10011, 93A10011, 93A10030, 93A10031, 93A10032, 93A10033, 93A10080, 93A10081, 93A10082, 93A10083, 93A10084, 93A10085, 93A15100, 93A15101, 93A15120, 93A15130, 93A15140, 93A15150, 93A15200, 93A15201, 93A15204, 93A15220, 93A15225, 93A15230, 93A15235, 93A15240, 93A15250, 93A15260, 93A15270, 93A05500, 93A05510, 93A05520, 93A05530, 93A05540, 93A05545, 93A05550, 93A05555, 93A05560, 93A05565, 93A05566, 93A05567, 93A05595, 93A15020
A100A Miscellaneous A100 Recorder Service Letters n/a 11/18/2021 UntitledLetters provide information on A100 obsolescence and replacement options. Letters provide information on A100 obsolescence and replacement options. n/a
A100A Service Letter A100/A100A CVR 025 Orig 8/13/2014 ACCESS TO A100/A100A TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS ACCESS TO A100/A100A TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 93A100, 93A151, 93A152, 93A055
A100S Component Maintenance Manual 165E094800 23-70-02 03 7/1/2005 A100S Component Maintenance Manual S100–0080–00, S100–0080–01, 93A15101, 93A15120, 93A15130, 93A15140, 93A15150, 93A15200, 93A15201, 93A15204, 93A15220, 93A15225, 93A15230, 93A15235, 93A15240, 93A15250, 93A15260, 93A15270, 93A05500, 93A05503, 93A05510, 93A05520, 93A05530, 93A05550, 93A05555, 93A05540, 93A05545, 93A05560, 93A05565, 93A05566, 93A05567, 93A05595, 9300A165, 9300A16501
A100S Installation Manual 165E2712-00 23-70-02 Initial 8/1/1993 A100S Installation & Operation Manual A100S Installation & Operation Manual (previously FAR04611238) S100–0080–00, S100–0080–01, 93A15101, 93A15120, 93A15130, 93A15140, 93A15150, 93A15200, 93A15201, 93A15204, 93A15220, 93A15225, 93A15230, 93A15235, 93A15240, 93A15250, 93A15260, 93A15270, 93A05500, 93A05503, 93A05510, 93A05520, 93A05530, 93A05550, 93A05555, 93A05540, 93A05545, 93A05560, 93A05565, 93A05566, 93A05567, 93A05595, 9300A165, 9300A16501
A100S Miscellaneous A100 Recorder Service Letters n/a 11/18/2021 UntitledLetters provide information on A100 obsolescence and replacement options. Letters provide information on A100 obsolescence and replacement options. n/a
A200S Component Maintenance Manual 165E123300 23-70-03 5 3/1/2005 A200S Component Maintenance Manual A200S CMM by special request only. Contact Avionics.TechPubs@L3Harris.com S200–0012–00, S200–0003–00, S200–0003–90, S200–0012–91, S200–0003–91
A200S Service Bulletin A200S SSCVR SB009 23‐70‐03-009 00 2/2/2015 MD 4 & 5: Introduction of 90 Day ULB A200S SSCVR MD 4 & 5: Introduction of 90 Day ULB S200–00XX–XX
A200S Service Letter A200S SSCVR 003 01 8/23/2006 NOTIFICATION OF OBSOLESCENCE NOTIFICATION OF OBSOLESCENCE S200-0003-xx S200-0012-xx S200-xxxx-xx
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1038-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1038-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1038-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-4 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (Model change) 501-1038-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1038-( ), 501-1038-01, 501-1038-02
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1038-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1038-7 Orig 6/29/1984 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1038-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-4 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (model change) 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command LImiter Circuit Card Assemlby. 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1042-7 Orig 6/29/1984 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1042-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-4 D 8/5/2004 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (Model change) 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1047-7 Orig 5/29/1984 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assemlby. 501-1047-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1048-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1048-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1048-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-4 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (Model Change) 501-1048-01, 501-1048-03
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1048-( ), 501-1048-01, -02
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assemlby. 501-1048-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1048-7 Orig 7/26/2005 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assemlby. 501-1048-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1072-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1072-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1072-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-4 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (Model change) 501-1072-01, 501-1072-03
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1072-01, 501-1072-02
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1072-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1072-7 Orig 6/29/1984 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1072-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1073-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1073-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1073-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-4 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (model change) 501-1073-01, 501-1073-03
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1073-01, 501-1073-02
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1073-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1073-7 Orig 6/29/1984 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Curcuit Card Assemlbly. 501-1073-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-1 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1074-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-2 Orig 1/15/1973 Replace diodes on interconnect PC board and removal of C5 from solid state synchronizer board. 501-1074-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-3 A 8/1/1974 Modification of solid state synchronizer board. 501-1074-01
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-4 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (Model Change) 501-1074-01, 501-1074-03
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-5 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1074-01, 501-1074-02
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-6 Orig 8/4/1983 Resistor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assemlby. 501-1074-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1074-7 Orig 6/29/1984 Resisitor Replacement on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assemlby. 501-1074-( )
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1254-1 D 8/5/1983 To retrofit Flight Controller for 6 degree per second Roll Rate Limiter. (Model Change) 501-1254-01, 501-1254-02, 501-1254-05, 501-1254-06
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1254-2 D 9/24/1984 Retrofit flight controller to limit pitch command capability to 20 deg/UP and 10 deg/down. (Model change) 501-1254-01, 501-1254-02, 501-1254-07, 501-1254-08
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1254-3 Orig 8/1/1983 To replace resistor to provide increase ROLL SERVO BALANCE adjustment range. 501-1254-03, 501-1254-04, 501-1254-07, 501-1254-08
AC-111 Service Bulletin SB501-1254-4 Orig 6/1/1984 To replace resistor on Command Limiter Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1254-03, 501-1254-04, 501-1254-05, 501-1254-06
Accelerometer Component Maintenance Manual 165E4878-01 31-20-01 05 8/6/2015 Multi-Axial Accelerometer CMM Multi-Axial Accelerometer 17A717-03-00
Accelerometer Installation Manual 165E4878-00 05 8/12/2014 Multi-Axial Accelerometer Installation and Operation Manual w/IPC Multi-Axial Accelerometer 17A542-03-00
Accelerometer Installation Manual 165E4878-02 02 8/12/2014 Multi-Axial Accelerometer (High Sensitivity) Installation & Operation Manual w/IPC Multi-Axial Accelerometer (High Sensitivity) Installation & Operation Manual w/IPC 17A542-03-01, ARINC 542 / TRI AXIS, Multi-Axial Accelerometer (High Sensitivity)
Accelerometer Service Bulletin SB002-17A717 17A717-31-002 01 9/24/2024 Service Bulletin (Label Update) Hardware – Product Identification Label Update for TSO-C124c and ED-112A. 17A717-03-00
ADC-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1797-3 B 12/3/2008 To eliminate intermittent air data invalidities after extended period of flight. To eliminate intermittent air data invalidities after extended period of flight. 501-1797-(), 501-1797-00 thru -64, 501-1797-66, 501-1797-68 thru -76, 501-1797-78
ADC-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1797-1 A 3/14/2003 Stabilize air data sensors. Stabilize air data sensors. 501-1797-( ), 501-1797-01 thru -61
ADC-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1797-2 B 2/11/2009 Correct intermittent air data invalidities. [Inspect for Mod D or higher identification on Rosemount ID plate]. Correct intermittent air data invalidities. 501-1797-01 thru -71
ADC-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1890-1 Orig 2/12/2003 Eliminates erratic altitude display. Incorporation of MOD 1 by inspecting for MOD A on Rosemount ID Plate." 501-1890-( )
ADC-3000 Service Letter SL-176 K 1/9/2023 Factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. Provide factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. 501-1797-(), 501-1841-(), 501-1881-(), 501-1890-() 9200-30000
ADC-3000 Service Letter SL-185 Orig 1/20/2004 Inform customers of the Cessna Citation Bravo Series Aircraft of Airdata problem. 501-1741-( )
ADC-3000 Service Letter SL-243 B 1/9/2018 Replacement of ADC-3000 with ADC-4000 Replacement of ADC-3000 with ADC-4000 501-1797-( ), 9200-30000-( )
ADC-3001 Service Letter SL-176 K 1/9/2023 Factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. Provide factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. 501-1797-(), 501-1841-(), 501-1881-(), 501-1890-() 9200-30000
ADC-3100 Service Letter SL-176 K 1/9/2023 Factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. Provide factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. 501-1797-(), 501-1841-(), 501-1881-(), 501-1890-() 9200-30000
ADC-3100 Service Letter SL-338 A 11/12/2018 End of Manufacturing Life Service Letter 501-1841-
ADC-4000 Installation Manual 0040-30001-01 D 1/20/2023 Installation Manual, ADC-4000 Air Data Computer 9200-30000
ADC-4000 Service Bulletin SB9200-30000-1 A 5/6/2009 Eliminate spurious faults due to stale data built-in-test failure 9200-30000-205, 9200-30000-206
ADC-4000 Service Bulletin SB9200-30000-2 A 5/3/2010 Enable automatic recovery when a recoverable fault is detected
ADC-4000 Service Letter SL-255 A 12/22/2015 ADC-4000 Status Indicator To provide operational information on ADC-4000 Status Indicator (LED) 9200-30000
ADC-4000 Service Letter SL-243 B 1/9/2018 Replacement of ADC-3000 with ADC-4000 Replacement of ADC-3000 with ADC-4000 501-1797-( ), 9200-30000-( )
ADC-4000 Service Letter SL-176 K 1/9/2023 Factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. Provide factory generated tolerance settings of altitude accuracy for certified repair stations. 501-1797-(), 501-1841-(), 501-1881-(), 501-1890-() 9200-30000
ADI-330 Component Maintenance Manual TP-435 34-20-33 4 2/17/2017 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-435 501-1566-01, 501-1566-02, 501-1566-03, 501-1566-04, 501-1566-05, 501-1566-06, 501-1566-07, 501-1566-08, 501-1566-09, 501-1566-10, 501-1566-11, 501-1566-12, 501-1566-13, 501-1566-14, 501-1566-15, 501-1566-16, 501-1566-17, 501-1566-18, 501-1566-19, 501-1566-20, 501-1566-21
ADI-330 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
ADI-330 Installation Manual TP-434 34-20-29 A 8/23/2017 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-434 501-1566-01, 501-1566-02, 501-1566-03, 501-1566-04, 501-1566-05, 501-1566-06, 501-1566-07, 501-1566-08, 501-1566-09, 501-1566-10, 501-1566-11, 501-1566-12, 501-1566-13, 501-1566-14, 501-1566-15, 501-1566-16, 501-1566-17, 501-1566-18, 501-1566-19, 501-1566-20, 501-1566-21
ADI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1566-1 B 9/1/1993 To prevent possible degradation of flag relay contacts which may result in improper or intermittent flag operation. 501-1566-01, 501-1566-02, 501-1566-03, 501-1566-04, 501-1566-05, 501-1566-06, 501-1566-07, 501-1566-08, 501-1566-09, 501-1566-10, 501-1566-11, 501-1566-12, 501-1566-13, 501-1566-14, 501-1566-15, 501-1566-16, 501-1566-19
ADI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1566-2 A 1/1/1995 MOD 5 prevents possible intermittent flags due of over voltage conditions at the input to the attitude indicator. 501-1566-()
ADI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1566-3 Orig 7/1/1997 To replace caging shaft with stronger, standardized part on the 502-1380-() indicator assemblies. GYRO 501-1566-()
ADI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1566-4 Orig 1/1/1999 To prevent loss of caging shaft retaining rings. 501-1566-()
ADI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1566-5 Orig 7/19/2002 Reduce possibility of gear slippage. 501-1566-()
ADI-330 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADI-331 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
ADI-331 Component Maintenance Manual TP-438 34-20-35 B 1/13/2025 Component Maintenance Manual JET® Attitude Indicator 501-1567-01, 501-1567-02, 501-1567-03, 501-1567-04, 501-1567-05, 501-1567-06, 501-1567-07, 501-1567-08, 501-1567-09, 501-1567-10, 501-1567-11, 501-1567-12, 501-1567-13, 501-1567-14
ADI-331 Installation Manual TP-437 A 8/31/2003 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-437 501-1567-01, 501-1567-02, 501-1567-03, 501-1567-04, 501-1567-05, 501-1567-06, 501-1567-07, 501-1567-08, 501-1567-09, 501-1567-10, 501-1567-11, 501-1567-12, 501-1567-13, 501-1567-14
ADI-331 Service Bulletin SB501-1567-1 Orig 9/1/1999 To prevent possible undesirable flag and pointer activity caused by induced noise upon activation of power failure flag switching circuit when caging the indicator. 501-1567-( )
ADI-331 Service Bulletin SB501-1567-2 Orig 2/1/1997 To replace caging shaft with stronger, standardized part on the 502-1381-01 indicator assembly. 501-1567-( )
ADI-331 Service Bulletin SB501-1567-3 Orig 1/8/1999 Incorporation of MOD 4 by cutting pads joining leads of A2L5. Change restores EMI protection to qualified configuration. 501-1567-( )
ADI-331 Service Bulletin SB501-1567-5 Orig 6/16/2002 Reduce possibility of Gear slippage by the incorporation of MOD 4 or 5 (model dependant) by replacing Face Gear P/N: 571-1550-01 with P/N: 571-1741-01. 501-1567-( )
ADI-331 Service Bulletin SB501-1567-6 B 10/23/2009 Incorporation of MOD 5 or 6 (dependant on unit part number) to prevent spurious Watchdog Interrupts, which causes G/S andILS Flags to flutter 501-12567-( )
ADI-331 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADI-332 Component Maintenance Manual TP-459 34-20-41 A 12/6/2018 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-459 501-1656-01, 501-1656-02, 501-1656-03, 501-1656-04, 501-1656-05
ADI-332 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
ADI-332 Installation Manual TP-458 34-20-40 Reis 3/19/1998 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-458 501-1656-01, 501-1656-02, 501-1656-03, 501-1656-04, 501-1656-05
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-1 B 8/1/1995 Mod 1 prevents possible degradation of flag relay contacts, which may result in improper or intermittent flag operation. Mod 2 prevents possible degradation of back course engage relay contacts, which may result when switching from back course mode annunc 501-1656-( )
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-2 A 8/1/1995 Mod 3 prevents a possible short circuit condition between Meter Switching Circuit Card Assembly (A8) power ground and housing and plate assembly, which may cause undesirable chassis ground connections. 501-1656-( )
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-3 A 8/1/1995 Mod 5 prevents possible intermittent flags due to over voltage conditions at the input to the attitude indicator. 501-1656-( )
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-4 Orig 6/1/1995 Mod 4 prevents possible failure of the ILS function switch and bracket assembly because of switch damage or shaft separation, which is normally caused by excessive force on the ILS function knob during ILS mode selection. 501-1656-( )
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-5 Orig 2/1/1997 To replace caging shaft with stronger, standardized part on the 502-1413-01 thru -04 indicator assemblies. 501-1656-( )
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-6 A 1/22/2003 To prevent loss of caging shaft retaining rings. 501-1656-( )
ADI-332 Service Bulletin SB501-1656-7 Orig 3/14/2003 Reduce possibility of gear slippage. 501-1656-( ), 501-1656-01, 501-1656-02, 501-1656-03, 501-1656-04, 501-1656-05
ADI-332 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADI-333 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
ADI-333 Component Maintenance Manual TP-512 34-20-62 A-4 2/20/2017 Component Maintenance Manual, 501-1657-02 ADI-333B 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Component Maintenance Manual TP-446 34-20-37 2 8/13/2018 Component Maintenance Manual, 501-1657-01 ADI-333A 501-1657-01
ADI-333 Installation Manual TP-445 34-20-67 A 12/23/2005 Installation and Operation Manual, 501-1657-( ) ADI-333A, ADI-333B 501-1657-01, 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Intermediate Maintenance Manual TP-639 24-20-76 A 7/16/2012 intermediate Maintenance Manual, ADI-333B Bench level test. No open box repair information. ADI-333B 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Pilot Guide TP-444 C 12/23/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-444 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1567-4 Orig 6/16/2002 To prevent loss of caging shaft retaining rings. 501-1567-02, 501-1567-10
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-2 B 1/22/2003 To replace the caging shaft with stronger, standardized part on indicator assembly (P/N 502-1414-01). 501-1657-01
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-3 A 9/6/2002 To prevent loss of caging shaft retaining ring. 501-1657-01, 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-4 B 1/22/2003 Reduce possibility of bearing damaging sphere housing. 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-5 A 9/22/2003 Improve gear tooth engagement to reduce occurrence of slipped Spheres. 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-6 B 7/20/2009 To reduce oscillation on the 15V and 5V power supplies. 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-7 Orig 9/24/2003 Improve gear tooth engagement to reduce occurrence of slipped Spheres and to ensure that the screws are replaced to prevent them from backing out. 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-8 B 10/23/2009 Incorporation of MOD 4 to prevent spurious Watchdog Interrupts, which causes G/S andILS Flags to flutter 501-1657-01
ADI-333 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADI-333 Service Letter SL-208 A 5/24/2006 To provide instructions for replacing caution label. To provide instructions for replacing caution label. 501-1657-02
ADI-333 Service Letter SL-217 A 1/2/2007 To provide a means of monitoring temperature of units in the field and to provide guidance of the location of the temperature tag. 501-1657-02
ADI-334 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
ADI-334 Installation Manual TP-477 34-20-52 Reis 8/15/1994 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-477 501-1704-01, 501-1704-02, 501-1704-03, 501-1704-04
ADI-334 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADI-335 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
ADI-335 Installation Manual TP-490 34-20-49 C 11/24/2010 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-490 501-1753-01, 501-1753-02, 501-1753-03, 501-1753-04, 501-1753-05, 501-1753-06, 501-1753-07, 501-1753-08, 501-1753-09, 501-1753-10, 501-1753-11, 501-1753-12, 501-1753-13, 501-1753-14, 501-1753-15, 501-1753-16, 501-1753-17, 501-1753-18
ADI-335 Pilot Guide TP-493 B 1/27/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-493 501-1753-01, 501-1753-02, 501-1753-03, 501-1753-04, 501-1753-05, 501-1753-06, 501-1753-07, 501-1753-08, 501-1753-09, 501-1753-10
ADI-335 Service Bulletin SB501-1753-5 B 1/23/2008 Replace possibility of gear slippage MOD 6 Replace possibility of gear slippage 501-1753-01, 501-1753-02, 501-1753-03, 501-1753-04, 501-1753-05, 501-1753-06, 501-1753-07, 501-1753-08, 501-1753-09, 501-1753-10, 501-1753-11, 501-1753-12, 501-1753-13, 501-1753-14, 501-1753-15, 501-1753-16, 501-1753-17, 501-1753-18
ADI-335 Service Bulletin SB501-1753-6 A 1/23/2008 Limited quantity of non-conforming parts Limited quantity of non-conforming parts 501-1753-04
ADI-335 Service Bulletin SB501-1753-1 Orig 5/1/1997 Manufacturers discontinuation of the (A-K) light sensitive resistor in auto dimming control of display brightness. 501-1753-( )
ADI-335 Service Bulletin SB501-1753-2 Orig 5/1/1997 Provide the proper operation of DME (A-K) hold function when unit is operated with scanning DME in conjunction with ARINC output type equipment. 501-1753-( )
ADI-335 Service Bulletin SB501-1753-3 Orig 5/22/2001 Change caging shaft for increased strength. 501-1753-( )
ADI-335 Service Bulletin SB501-1753-4 Orig 5/22/2001 Prevent possible undesirable flag/pointer activity caused by induced noise upon activation of power failure flag switching circuit when caging indicator. 501-1753-( )
ADI-335 Service Letter SL-163 A 12/14/2004 To provide flight personnel with general information concerning operation of AI/ADI-33 (X) Attitude Indicators. To provide flight personnel with general information concerning operation of AI/ADI-33 (X) Attitude Indicators. 501-
ADI-335 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-442 34-20-34 2 6/27/2018 Component Maintenance Manual, 501-1617-01 Pub# TP-442 406-375-220-101, 501-1617-01
ADI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-545 A C1 9/3/2002 Maintenance Manual with IPL, 501-1742-01 Pub# TP-545 501-1742-01
ADI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-403 34-20-22 Orig 9/1/1986 Intermediate Maintenance Manual, 501-1442-01 Pub# TP-403 501-1442-01
ADI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-390 34-20-10 Orig 12/1/1983 Maintenance Manual with IPL, 501-1284-01 Pub# TP-390 501-1284-01
ADI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-220 34-20-11 Orig 5/22/1985 Operation, Installation, and Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-220 501-1243-01, 501-1458-01
ADI-350 Installation Manual TP-532 B C1 8/30/2002 Installation and Operation Manual, 501-1809-01 Pub# TP-532 501-1809-01
ADI-350 Pilot Guide TP-271 A 1/31/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-271 501-1218-01, 501-1277-01, 501-1278-01, 501-1442-01, 501-1598-01
ADI-350 Pilot Guide TP-272 A 2/1/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-272 501-1230-01, 501-1519-01, 501-1583-01
ADI-350 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
ADLP - software Instruction Manual 165E3596-03 02 4/12/2024 ADLP Software v3.6, v3.7 Operator's Manual Operator's Manual for ADLP software version 3.6 & 3.7 17TES0436
ADLP - software Service Bulletin SB005-ADLP 00 4/12/2024 ADLP Software v3.7 Release ADLP Software v3.7 Release Service Bulletin 17TES0436
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Component Maintenance Manual 165E5733-10 23-28-01 09 12/12/2023 AFIRS 228S Iridium CMM Level 1 Maintenance 228E5733-00, 228E5733-01, 418E5733-00, 418E5733-01
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Installation Manual 165E5733-02 D 12/12/2023 AFIRS 228S Installation Manual for A220 Series For A220 Series A/C 418E5733-01, 228E5733-00, 228E5733-01, 418E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Installation Manual 165E5733-00 06 12/12/2023 AFIRS 228S Installation Manual for A320/A330 For A320/A330 Series A/C 228E5733-00, 228E5733-01, 23-28-01, 418E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Instruction Manual 165E5733-21 B 11/30/2022 AFIRS 228S Welcome Package and Quick Start Guide for A220 Series A220 Series Aircraft. Welcome Package and Quick Start Guide 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Instruction Manual 165E5733-20 03 11/30/2022 AFIRS 228S Welcome Package and Quick Start Guide for A320/A320 Series A320/A320 Series Aircraft. Welcome Package and Quick Start Guide 228E5733-00, 418E5733-00, SDU Configuration Module
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Pilot Guide 165E5733-41 A 5/28/2019 AFIRS 228S Pilot’s Guide for A220 Series For A220 Series A/C 418E5733-01, 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin SB010-Iridium SDU228-23-0005 01 6/5/2024 SDU Part Number Conversion to 228E5733-01 ADMT B, Repair Station Only SDU Part Number Conversion to 228E5733-01 ADMT B 228E5733-01
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin SB009-Iridium SDU228-23-0004 01 9/6/2022 SDU Part Number Conversion to 228E5733-01 ADMT A, Repair Station Only SDU Part Number Conversion to 228E5733-01 ADMT A 228E5733-00, 228E5733-01
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin SB008-Iridium SDU228-23-0001 06 9/1/2023 Introduction to New Iridium SDU Part Number 228E5733-01 and -01 AMDT A Introduction to New Iridium SDU Part Number 228E5733-01 and -01 AMDT A ( Iridium) 228E5733-00, 228E5733-01, 228E5733-01 AMDT A,
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin SB006-Iridium SDU228-23-0002 05 9/5/2023 Software (OFP) 840E5733-20 Customer notification of Software 20. 228E5733-00, 228E5733-01
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin Iridium-SB001 23-28-01-001AB 00 7/11/2016 Software Revision 17 Software Revision 17 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin Iridium-SB002 23-28-01-002AB 07 5/11/2018 MOD 1. fix several field issues MOD 1 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin Iridium-SB003 23-28-01-003AB 00 9/23/2019 Software (OFP) 840E5733-18 Software Revision 18 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin Iridium-SB004 00 8/20/2019 SDU functionality , Repair Station Only ADMT D To increase SDU functionality by adding simultaneous transmission of voice and data. This SB no longer applies to new production units since there has been a revision change from -00 to -01. Repairs are still possible. 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Service Bulletin SB005-Iridium SDU-23-0000 00 9/30/2020 Remove and Replace Data Modem Instructions, Repair station only Remove and Replace Data Modem Instructions. 228E5733-00
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Software 840E5733-20 0 5/25/2021 Software for hardware PN 228E5733-01 Operation SW 20 228E5733-01
AFIRS 228S - Iridium Software 840E5733-20 00 5/25/2021 840-E5733-20 Operation Software 20 228E5733-01
AI-330 Component Maintenance Manual TP-431 34-20-27 A ch 5/14/2019 Component Maintenance Manual 501-1568-01, 501-1568-02, 501-1568-03, 501-1568-04, 501-1568-05, 501-1568-06, 501-1568-07, 501-1568-08, 501-1568-09, 501-1568-10, 501-1568-11, 501-1568-12, 501-1568-13, 501-1568-15, 501-1568-21, 501-1568-28, 501-1568-30, 501-1568-33, 501-1568-34, 501-1568-38, 501-1568-40, 501-1568-43
AI-330 Component Maintenance Manual TP-450 34-20-38 B 5/15/2018 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-450 501-1568-14, 501-1568-16, 501-1568-17, 501-1568-18, 501-1568-19, 501-1568-20, 501-1568-22, 501-1568-24, 501-1568-26, 501-1568-27, 501-1568-39, 501-1568-41, 501-1568-47, 501-1568-51, 501-1568-55, 501-1568-57, 501-1568-58
AI-330 Component Maintenance Manual TP-488 34-20-48 A C1 4/3/2018 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-488 501-1568-29, 501-1568-44
AI-330 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-330 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-330 Installation Manual TP-454 34-20-51 C 2/5/2018 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-454 501-1568-01, 501-1568-02, 501-1568-03, 501-1568-04, 501-1568-05, 501-1568-06, 501-1568-07, 501-1568-08, 501-1568-09, 501-1568-10, 501-1568-11, 501-1568-12, 501-1568-13, 501-1568-14, 501-1568-15, 501-1568-16, 501-1568-17, 501-1568-18, 501-1568-19, 501-1568-20, 501-1568-21, 501-1568-22, 501-1568-24, 501-1568-25, 501-1568-26, 501-1568-27, 501-1568-28, 501-1568-29, 501-1568-30, 501-1568-31, 501-1568-33, 501-1568-34, 501-1568-37, 501-1568-38, 501-1568-39, 501-1568-40, 501-1568-41, 501-1568-43, 501-1568-44, 501-1568-45, 501-1568-46, 501-1568-47, 501-1568-48, 501-1568-49, 501-1568-51, 501-1568-54, 501-1568-55, 501-1568-56
AI-330 Installation Manual TP-480 34-20-54 A 4/3/2018 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-480 501-1568-29, 501-1568-44
AI-330 Pilot Guide TP-573 D 2/5/2018 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-573 501-1568-()
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-1 D 10/11/1999 To prevent intermittent flags due to overvoltage condition. 501-1568-( )
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-2 A 5/1/1997 To replace caging shaft with stronger, standardized part on the 502-1364-( ) and 502-1448-( ) indicator assemlbies. 501-1568-( )
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-10 A 12/26/2007 Planning Information 501-1568-01, 501-1568-28
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-10 A 12/13/2007 Limited Quantity of non-conforming parts 501-1568-01, 501-1568-28
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1657-1 A 1/22/2003 To prevent switch damage and shaft separation. To prevent switch damage and shaft separation. 501-1657-01
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-3 C 3/14/2003 To prevent loss of caging shaft retaining rings. 501-1568-( )
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-4 A 5/1/2001 To reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1568-48
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-5 A 9/15/2011 Incorporation ID plates with bar code information. 501-1568-34
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-6 Orig 5/1/2001 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1568-48
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-7 A 7/19/2002 To improve paint adhesion. 501-1568-28, 501-1568-56
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-8 Orig 7/19/2002 Remove lacquer paint from bezel and knob to eliminate peeling paint during tape test. 501-1568-28, 501-1568-56
AI-330 Service Bulletin SB501-1568-9 Orig 7/19/2002 Reduce possibility of gear slippage. 501-1568-()
AI-330 Service Letter SL-163 A 12/14/2004 To provide flight personnel with general information concerning operation of AI/ADI-33 (X) Attitude Indicators. To provide flight personnel with general information concerning operation of AI/ADI-33 (X) Attitude Indicators. 501-
AI-330 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-330 Supplemental Type Certificate SA5852NM Reis 1/25/1993 Installation of a BFGoodrich Jet Electronics AI-330 standby altitude indicator. Installation of a BFGoodrich Jet Electronics AI-330 standby altitude indicator.
AI-330 Supplemental Type Certificate SA5853NM Reis 12/11/1992 Installation of a BF Goodrich Jet electronics AI-330 standby attitude indicator. Installation of a BF Goodrich Jet electronics AI-330 standby attitude indicator.
AI-330 Supplemental Type Certificate SA7083NM Orig 4/22/1994 Installation of BF Goodrich Aerospace, Jet Electronics and Technology Inc. Model AI-330 standby attitude indicator and associated indicator power supply. Installation of BF Goodrich Aerospace, Jet Electronics and Technology Inc. Model AI-330 standby attitude indicator and associated indicator power supply.
AI-330 Supplemental Type Certificate SA8044NM Orig 12/15/1994 Installation of BF Goodrich, Jet Electronics Model AI-330 standby indicator Installation of BF Goodrich, Jet Electronics Model AI-330 standby indicator
AI-330 Supplemental Type Certificate SA97-25 Orig 2/6/1997 Installation of BF Goodrich Aerospace, Jet Electronics and Technology Inc. Model AI-330 standby attitude indicator and associated indicator power supply. Installation of BF Goodrich Aerospace, Jet Electronics and Technology Inc. Model AI-330 standby attitude indicator and associated indicator power supply.
AI-330 Supplemental Type Certificate SA5853NM Orig 4/10/1995 Installation of Jet Electronics and Technology Inc. AI-330 Standby Indicator. Installation of Jet Electronics and Technology Inc. AI-330 Standby Indicator.
AI-340 Component Maintenance Manual TP-423 34-20-25 2C1 9/10/2014 AI-340 B & C CMM AI-340 B & C CMM 501-1539, 501-1539-01, 501-1539-02
AI-340 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-340 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-340 Installation Manual TP-441 34-20-32 Reis 5/20/1995 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-441 501-1539-01, 501-1539-02
AI-340 Service Bulletin SB501-1539-1 A 4/13/1994 Reduce roll slip ring and brush block current Reduce roll slip ring and brush block current 501-1539, 501-1539-01, 501-1539-02
AI-340 Service Bulletin SB501-1539-2 Ori 9/11/1995 To prevent possible interference between lighting wedge and inclinometer 501-1539, 501-1539-01, 501-1539-02
AI-340 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-482 34-20-46 A 4/17/2018 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-482 501-1745-01
AI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-543 B 4/3/2018 Maintenance Manual with IPL Pub# TP-543 501-1833-01, 501-1856-01, 501-1861-01
AI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-673 A1 6/27/2018 Maintenance Manual Pub#TP-673 501-1757-01, 501-1790-01
AI-350 Component Maintenance Manual TP-674 A2 12/3/2024 Maintenance Manual Pub#TP-674 501-1817-01, 501-1817-02
AI-350 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-350 Installation Manual TP-507 34-20-63 Orig 10/31/1996 Installation and Operations Manual Pub# TP-507 501-1790-01
AI-350 Installation Manual TP-514 34-20-65 A 9/15/2004 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-514 501-1817-01, 501-1817-02
AI-350 Installation Manual TP-595 A 12/19/2003 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-595 501-1833-03
AI-350 Installation Manual TP-596 A 12/19/2003 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-596 501-1757-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1817-1 Orig 7/1/2000 Reduce the possibility of bearing damaging sphere housing. 501-1817-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1817-2 Orig 6/11/2002 Improve gear tooth engagement to reduce occurrence of slipped spheres. 501-1817-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1817-3 B 7/14/2005 To reduce the possibilty of stress craking of erection switches during temperature extremes an adhesive is being used to secure leads. 501-1817-01, 501-1817-02
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1757-1 Orig 7/24/2000 Reduce the possibility of bearing damaging sphere housing. 501-1757-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1757-2 Orig 9/6/2002 Reduce possibility of gear slippage. 501-1757-01, 501-1757-02, 501-1757-03
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1790-1 Orig 7/1/2000 Reduce the possibility of bearing damaging sphere housing. 501-1790-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1745-1 Orig 12/1/1996 To replace caging shaft with stronger, standardized part on the 502-1457-01 indicator assembly. 501-1745-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1745-2 Orig 7/25/2003 Reduce possibility of gear slippage. 501-1745-01
AI-350 Service Bulletin SB501-1856-01 A 1/23/2012 Reduce the possibility of bearing damaging sphere housing. 501-1856-01
AI-350 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-360 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-360 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-360 Installation Manual TP-564 E 7/12/2007 Installation and Operation Manual TP-564 501-1874-( ), 501-1874-01, 501-1874-02, 501-1874-03, 501-1874-04, 501-1874-05, 501-1874-06, 501-1874-08, 501-1874-09, 501-1874-10, 501-1874-11, 501-1874-14, 501-1874-16, 501-1874-17
AI-360 Installation Manual TP-625 A 11/10/2006 Installation and Operation Manual J.E.T.® Model AI-360 With NVIS Lighting 501-1874-( ), 501-1874-12, 501-1874-13, 501-1874-15
AI-360 Pilot Guide TP-565 E 1/26/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-565 501-1874-()
AI-360 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-360 Service Letter SIL-001-AI-360 00 11/25/2024 Service Information Letter To inform customers that the AI-360 has reached manufacturing end of life and will no longer be available for sale. 501-1874-xx 501-1874-01 501-1874-06 501-1874-14 501-1874-02 501-1874-08 501-1874-16 501-1874-03 501-1874-09 501-1874-17 501-1874-04 501-1874-10 501-1874-05 501-1874-11 501-1874-12 501-1874-13 501-1874-15
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-513 34-20-64 A C3 2/10/2016 Component Maintenance Manual Changed from ITAR to EAR 501-1674-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-549 B1 1/24/2019 Maintenance Manual with IPL Changed from ITAR to EAR 501-1857-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-439 34-20-31 1 2/8/2016 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-439 501-1647-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-380 34-20-03 A C4 2/16/2016 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-380 501-1131-01, 501-1131-02, 501-1219-01, 501-1386-01, 501-1423-01, 501-1646-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-601 B 2/25/2016 Maintenance Manual with IPL Pub# TP-601 501-1845-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-548 B C1 2/10/2016 AI-803BG Maintenance Manual 501-1604-03
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-677 A 3/16/2016 CMM for AI-803V CMM for AI-803V 501-1239-51
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-678 A 3/23/2016 CMM for AI-803CG CMM for AI-803CG 501-1646-02
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-679 A 3/23/2016 CMM fo AI-803CJ CMM fo AI-803CJ 501-1795-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-681 A 5/31/2016 AI-803DF 501-1893-01
AI-803 Component Maintenance Manual TP-680 A 5/31/2016 AI-803DA CMM AI-803DA CMM 501-1832-01
AI-803 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-803 Installation Manual TP-675 D 2/4/2016 Installation and Operation Manual, 501-1907-01 AI-803DJ 501-1907-01
AI-803 Installation Manual TP-537 C 2/4/2016 Installation and Operation Manual, 501-1804-01 Install manual for AI-803CK 501-1804-01
AI-803 Installation Manual TP-590 C 2/4/2016 Installation and Operation Manual, 501-1832-01 Install Manual for AI-803DA 501-1832-01
AI-803 Pilot Guide TP-591 E 2/4/2016 Pilot's Guide Changed from ITAR to EAR 501-1832-01
AI-803 Pilot Guide TP-307 C 2/4/2016 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-307 501-1022-01, 501-1032-01, 501-1049-51, 501-1086-01, 501-1098-01, 501-1101-01, 501-1101-02, 501-1131-01, 501-1131-02
AI-803 Pilot Guide TP-308 B 2/4/2016 Pilot's Guide changed from ITAR to EAR 501-1087-01
AI-803 Pilot Guide TP-479 B 2/4/2016 Pilot's Guide 501-1710-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1821-2 Orig 5/1/2001 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1821-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1806-1 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1806-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1806-2 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1806-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1845-1 Orig 4/17/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1845-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1857-1 Orig 4/17/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1857-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1821-1 Orig 5/15/2001 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1821-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1832-1 A 12/13/2007 Limited Quantity of Non-Conforming Parts Limited Quantity of Non-Conforming Parts 501-1832-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1845-2 A 12/13/2007 Limited Quantity of Non-Conforming Parts Limited Quantity of Non-Conforming Parts 501-1845-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1857-02 A 12/13/2007 Limited Quantity of Non-Conforming Parts Limited Quantity of Non-Conforming Parts 501-1857-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1710-1 Orig 12/3/1999 Removal of external label from unit. 501-1710-01
AI-803 Service Bulletin SB501-1857-2 A 12/13/2007 Limited quantity of non-conforming parts installed. High temp performance affected (mod 2) Limited quantity of non-conforming parts installed. High temp performance affected (mod 2) 501-1857-01
AI-803 Service Letter SL-162 Orig 6/10/1999 To establish authorization to remove lead seal and replace with safety wire.
AI-803 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-804 Component Maintenance Manual TP-624 34-20-73 A C2 2/8/2016 AI-804CD CMM AI-804CD CMM 501-1748-01
AI-804 Component Maintenance Manual TP-218 34-20-01 B C8 9/22/2022 Component Maintenance Manual PUB#TP-218 501-1036-01, 501-1036-02, 501-1036-03, 501-1036-04, 501-1036-05, 501-1036-06, 501-1036-07, 501-1105-01, 501-1105-02, 501-1105-03, 501-1105-04, 501-1105-05, 501-1105-06, 501-1105-07, 501-1105-08, 501-1105-09, 501-1105-10, 501-1105-11, 501-1197-01, 501-1197-02, 501-1197-03, 501-1197-04, 501-1197-05, 501-1197-06, 501-1197-07, 501-1197-08, 501-1197-09, 501-1197-10, 501-1197-11, 501-1197-12, 501-1197-14, 501-1197-15, 501-1197-16, 501-1197-17, 501-1197-18, 501-1197-19, 501-1197-21, 501-1197-22, 501-1197-23, 501-1197-24, 501-1197-25, 501-1197-26, 501-1197-27, 501-1197-28, 501-1197-29, 501-1197-31, 501-1197-32, 501-1197-33, 501-1197-34, 501-1295-01, 501-1296-01, 501-1296-02, 501-1296-03, 501-1296-04, 501-1296-05, 501-1296-06, 501-1296-07, 501-1296-08, 501-1412-01, 501-1412-02, 501-1412-03, 501-1412-04, 501-1412-05, 501-1412-06, 501-1455-01, 501-1648-02, 501-1748-02, 501-1798-01, 501-1811-01, 501-1812-01, 501-1828-01, 501-1838-01, 501-1844-01, 501-1848-01, 501-1850-01, 501-1882-01
AI-804 Component Maintenance Manual TP-464 34-20-42 A 6/29/2016 Maintenance Manual This revision corrects major volumes of text 501-1648-01
AI-804 Component Maintenance Manual TP-555 34-20-01A B 6/29/2016 Component Maintenance Manual This Revision corrects major volumes of text 501-1197-20
AI-804 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-804 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-804 Installation Manual TP-599 C 2/4/2016 Installation and Operation Pub# TP-599 501-1748-01
AI-804 Installation Manual TP-326 34-20-02 H 9/9/2013 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-326 501-1036-01, 501-1036-02, 501-1036-03, 501-1036-04, 501-1036-05, 501-1036-06, 501-1036-07, 501-1063-01, 501-1063-02, 501-1063-03, 501-1063-04, 501-1063-05, 501-1063-06, 501-1063-07, 501-1063-08, 501-1078-01, 501-1078-02, 501-1078-03, 501-1078-04, 501-1078-05, 501-1078-06, 501-1078-07, 501-1078-08, 501-1078-09, 501-1078-10, 501-1078-11, 501-1078-12, 501-1078-13, 501-1105-01, 501-1105-02, 501-1105-03, 501-1105-04, 501-1105-05, 501-1105-06, 501-1105-07, 501-1105-08, 501-1105-09, 501-1105-10, 501-1105-11, 501-1170-01, 501-1170-02, 501-1170-03, 501-1170-04, 501-1170-05, 501-1170-06, 501-1170-07, 501-1170-08, 501-1170-09, 501-1170-10, 501-1170-11, 501-1170-12, 501-1170-13, 501-1170-14, 501-1170-15, 501-1170-16, 501-1170-17, 501-1170-18, 501-1170-19, 501-1170-20, 501-1170-21, 501-1170-22, 501-1170-23, 501-1170-24, 501-1170-25, 501-1170-26, 501-1170-27, 501-1170-28, 501-1170-29, 501-1170-30, 501-1170-31, 501-1170-32, 501-1170-33, 501-1170-35, 501-1170-36, 501-1170-37, 501-1170-38, 501-1170-39, 501-1170-40, 501-1170-41, 501-1170-42, 501-1197-01, 501-1197-02, 501-1197-03, 501-1197-04, 501-1197-05, 501-1197-06, 501-1197-07, 501-1197-08, 501-1197-09, 501-1197-10, 501-1197-11, 501-1197-12, 501-1197-14, 501-1197-15, 501-1197-16, 501-1197-17, 501-1197-18, 501-1197-19, 501-1197-20, 501-1197-21, 501-1197-22, 501-1197-23, 501-1197-24, 501-1197-25, 501-1197-26, 501-1197-27, 501-1197-28, 501-1197-29, 501-1197-31, 501-1197-32, 501-1197-33, 501-1197-34, 501-1237-01, 501-1237-02, 501-1242-01, 501-1242-02, 501-1242-03, 501-1242-04, 501-1242-05, 501-1242-06, 501-1242-07, 501-1242-08, 501-1257-01, 501-1295-01, 501-1296-01, 501-1296-02, 501-1296-03, 501-1296-04, 501-1296-05, 501-1296-06, 501-1296-07, 501-1296-08, 501-1297-01, 501-1412-01, 501-1412-02, 501-1412-03, 501-1412-04, 501-1412-05, 501-1412-06, 501-1413-01, 501-1413-02, 501-1426-01, 501-1455-01, 501-1648-01, 501-1748-02, 501-1798-01, 501-1811-01, 501-1812-01, 501-1828-01, 501-1838-01, 501-1844-01, 501-1848-01, 501-1849-01, 501-1850-01, 501-1876-01, 501-1882-01, 501-1889-01, 501-1895-01, 501-1896-01
AI-804 Instruction Manual TP-630 A 2/12/2009 Instruction Manual, Level 1 Maintenance, AI-804 This manual contains functional bench test instructions for the AI-804 Attitude Indicator. 501-1036, 501-1105, 501-1197, 501-1295, 501-1296, 501-1412, 501-1455, 501-1648-02, 501-1748-02, 501-1798, 501-1811-01, 501-1812-01, 501-1828-01, 501-1838-01, 501-1844-01, 501-1848-01, 501-1849-01, 501-1895-01, 501-1896-01, 501-1902-01
AI-804 Pilot Guide TP-325 C 1/27/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-325 501-1036-01, 501-1036-02, 501-1036-03, 501-1036-04, 501-1036-05, 501-1036-06, 501-1036-07, 501-1063-01, 501-1063-02, 501-1063-03, 501-1063-04, 501-1063-05, 501-1063-06, 501-1063-07, 501-1063-08, 501-1078-(), 501-1078-01, 501-1078-02, 501-1078-03, 501-1078-04, 501-1078-05, 501-1078-06, 501-1078-07, 501-1078-08, 501-1078-09, 501-1078-10, 501-1078-11, 501-1078-12, 501-1078-13, 501-1105-01, 501-1105-02, 501-1105-03, 501-1105-04, 501-1105-05, 501-1105-06, 501-1105-07, 501-1105-08, 501-1105-09, 501-1105-10, 501-1105-11, 501-1170-01, 501-1170-02, 501-1170-03, 501-1170-04, 501-1170-05, 501-1170-06, 501-1170-07, 501-1170-08, 501-1170-09, 501-1170-10, 501-1170-11, 501-1170-12, 501-1170-13, 501-1170-14, 501-1170-15, 501-1170-16, 501-1170-17, 501-1170-18, 501-1170-19, 501-1170-20, 501-1170-21, 501-1170-22, 501-1170-23, 501-1170-24, 501-1170-25, 501-1170-26, 501-1170-27, 501-1170-28, 501-1170-29, 501-1170-30, 501-1170-31, 501-1170-32, 501-1170-33, 501-1170-35, 501-1170-36, 501-1170-37, 501-1197-01, 501-1197-02, 501-1197-03, 501-1197-04, 501-1197-05, 501-1197-06, 501-1197-07, 501-1197-08, 501-1197-09, 501-1197-11, 501-1197-12, 501-1197-14, 501-1197-15, 501-1197-16, 501-1197-17, 501-1197-18, 501-1237-01, 501-1242-01, 501-1242-02, 501-1242-03, 501-1242-04, 501-1242-05, 501-1242-06, 501-1242-07, 501-1242-08, 501-1257-01, 501-1295-01, 501-1296-01, 501-1296-02, 501-1296-03, 501-1296-04, 501-1296-05, 501-1296-06, 501-1297-01, 501-1412-01, 501-1412-02, 501-1413-01, 501-1413-02, 501-1426-01, 501-1455-01, 501-1648-(), 501-1798-(), 501-1811-(), 501-1812-(), 501-1828-(), 501-1838-(), 501-1844-(), 501-1848-(), 501-1850-()
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1828-1 A 12/1/2000 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1828-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1828-2 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1828-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1828-3 Orig 4/22/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1828-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1844-1 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1844-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1844-2 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1844-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1844-3 Orig 4/22/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1844-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1811-1 A 5/1/2001 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1811-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1811-2 Orig 5/1/2001 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1811-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1812-1 A 5/1/2001 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1812-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1812-2 Orig 5/1/2001 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1812-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1798-1 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1798-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1798-2 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1798-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1798-3 Orig 4/22/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1798-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1848-1 A 12/6/2000 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1848-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1848-2 Orig 12/6/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1848-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1849-1 Orig 4/17/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1849-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1850-1 A 5/1/2001 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1850-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1850-2 Orig 5/1/2001 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1850-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1648-4 A 12/13/2007 Limited quantity of non-conforming parts Limited quantity of non-conforming parts 501-1648-02
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1748-1 A 2/8/2016 Replace Airplane P/N 565-1709-07 with Airplane P/N 565-1709-08. 501-1748-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1748-2 B 2/8/2016 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. 501-1748-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1748-3 A 2/8/2016 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1748-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1748-4 A 2/8/2016 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1748-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1648-1 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1648-01, 501-1648-02
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1648-2 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1648-01, 501-1648-02
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1648-3 Orig 4/17/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1648-01, 501-1648-02
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1412-1 Orig 10/1/1995 To insure proper connection between chassis ground pin of J1 and case of unit. 501-1412-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1412-2 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1412-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1412-3 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1412-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1412-4 Orig 4/22/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1412-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1296-1 Orig 8/1/1997 To incorporate lighting system with longer life. 501-1296-04
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1296-2 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1296-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1296-3 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1296-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1296-4 Orig 4/22/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1296-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1197-1 A 1/1/1993 To provide an attitude indicator with a longer caging knob. 501-1197-05
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1197-2 A 12/1/2000 Reduce tendency of erector weight to stick. (superceded) 501-1197-20
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1197-3 A 12/1/2000 New erector is a simplified design. 501-1197-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1197-4 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of erection system. 501-1197-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1197-5 Orig 4/30/2002 Reliability improvement. New part has strengthened locking tang. 501-1197-( )
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1748-5 B 2/8/2016 Limited quantity of non-conforming parts installed. High temp performance affected (mod 5) Limited quantity of non-conforming parts installed. High temp performance affected (mod 5) 501-1748-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1828-4 A 12/13/2007 Limited quantity of non-conforming parts installed. High temp performance affected. 501-1828-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1849-2 A 12/13/2007 Limited quantity of non-conforming parts installed. High temp performance affected. 501-1849-01
AI-804 Service Bulletin SB501-1197-6 A 12/13/2007 Planning Information Planning Information 501-1197-28, 501-1197-29, 501-1197-32
AI-804 Service Letter SL-172 Orig 4/12/2001 To inform Authorized Repair Facilities of correct manual use when repairing the AI-804 () Attitude Indicator.
AI-804 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-804 Service Letter SL-12 E 4/23/2010 To provide Attitude Indicator operation information.
AI-903 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-903 Component Maintenance Manual TP-643 A 1/29/2019 Component Maintenance Manual, 501-1509-01 3" Attitude Indicator 501-1509-01
AI-903 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-903 Pilot Guide TP-306 A 2/1/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-306 501-1077-01, 501-1152-01, 501-1153-01, 501-1154-01, 501-1190-01, 501-1190-02
AI-903 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-903 Service Letter SL-184 Orig 12/5/2003 Proper Operation of Caging Knob
AI-904 Component Maintenance Manual TP-508 34-21-01 C, Chg 2 9/26/2024 Component Maintenance Manual Rotor Housing Assemblies Manual contains repair information for JET commercial rotor assemblies. 502-1015-01, 502-1015-02, 502-1025-04, 502-1044-01, 502-1044-02, 502-1153-04, 502-1154-07, 502-1154-08, 502-1177-01, 502-1177-04, 502-1177-07, 502-1177-08, 502-1177-11, 502-1177-12, 502-1177-13, 502-1177-15, 502-1241-02, 502-1253-01, 502-1378-01, 502-1378-04, 502-1378-06, 502-1449-01, 502-1490-01
AI-904 Component Maintenance Manual TP-216 34-20-06 6 10/9/2012 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-216 501-1063-01, 501-1063-02, 501-1063-03, 501-1063-04, 501-1063-05, 501-1063-06, 501-1063-07, 501-1063-08, 501-1078-01, 501-1078-02, 501-1078-03, 501-1078-04, 501-1078-05, 501-1078-06, 501-1078-07, 501-1078-08, 501-1078-09, 501-1078-10, 501-1078-11, 501-1078-12, 501-1078-13, 501-1170-01, 501-1170-02, 501-1170-03, 501-1170-04, 501-1170-05, 501-1170-06, 501-1170-07, 501-1170-08, 501-1170-09, 501-1170-10, 501-1170-11, 501-1170-12, 501-1170-13, 501-1170-14, 501-1170-15, 501-1170-16, 501-1170-17, 501-1170-18, 501-1170-19, 501-1170-20, 501-1170-21, 501-1170-22, 501-1170-23, 501-1170-24, 501-1170-25, 501-1170-26, 501-1170-27, 501-1170-28, 501-1170-29, 501-1170-30, 501-1170-31, 501-1170-32, 501-1170-33, 501-1170-35, 501-1170-36, 501-1170-37, 501-1170-38, 501-1170-39, 501-1170-40, 501-1237-01, 501-1242-01, 501-1242-02, 501-1242-03, 501-1242-04, 501-1242-05, 501-1242-06, 501-1242-07, 501-1242-08, 501-1413-01, 501-1413-02, 501-1426-01
AI-904 Component Maintenance Manual TP-356 3 10/16/2012 Overhaul Manual and Parts Breakdown Pub# TP-356 501-1297-01
AI-904 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-904 Installation Manual TP-326 34-20-02 H 9/9/2013 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-326 501-1036-01, 501-1036-02, 501-1036-03, 501-1036-04, 501-1036-05, 501-1036-06, 501-1036-07, 501-1063-01, 501-1063-02, 501-1063-03, 501-1063-04, 501-1063-05, 501-1063-06, 501-1063-07, 501-1063-08, 501-1078-01, 501-1078-02, 501-1078-03, 501-1078-04, 501-1078-05, 501-1078-06, 501-1078-07, 501-1078-08, 501-1078-09, 501-1078-10, 501-1078-11, 501-1078-12, 501-1078-13, 501-1105-01, 501-1105-02, 501-1105-03, 501-1105-04, 501-1105-05, 501-1105-06, 501-1105-07, 501-1105-08, 501-1105-09, 501-1105-10, 501-1105-11, 501-1170-01, 501-1170-02, 501-1170-03, 501-1170-04, 501-1170-05, 501-1170-06, 501-1170-07, 501-1170-08, 501-1170-09, 501-1170-10, 501-1170-11, 501-1170-12, 501-1170-13, 501-1170-14, 501-1170-15, 501-1170-16, 501-1170-17, 501-1170-18, 501-1170-19, 501-1170-20, 501-1170-21, 501-1170-22, 501-1170-23, 501-1170-24, 501-1170-25, 501-1170-26, 501-1170-27, 501-1170-28, 501-1170-29, 501-1170-30, 501-1170-31, 501-1170-32, 501-1170-33, 501-1170-35, 501-1170-36, 501-1170-37, 501-1170-38, 501-1170-39, 501-1170-40, 501-1170-41, 501-1170-42, 501-1197-01, 501-1197-02, 501-1197-03, 501-1197-04, 501-1197-05, 501-1197-06, 501-1197-07, 501-1197-08, 501-1197-09, 501-1197-10, 501-1197-11, 501-1197-12, 501-1197-14, 501-1197-15, 501-1197-16, 501-1197-17, 501-1197-18, 501-1197-19, 501-1197-20, 501-1197-21, 501-1197-22, 501-1197-23, 501-1197-24, 501-1197-25, 501-1197-26, 501-1197-27, 501-1197-28, 501-1197-29, 501-1197-31, 501-1197-32, 501-1197-33, 501-1197-34, 501-1237-01, 501-1237-02, 501-1242-01, 501-1242-02, 501-1242-03, 501-1242-04, 501-1242-05, 501-1242-06, 501-1242-07, 501-1242-08, 501-1257-01, 501-1295-01, 501-1296-01, 501-1296-02, 501-1296-03, 501-1296-04, 501-1296-05, 501-1296-06, 501-1296-07, 501-1296-08, 501-1297-01, 501-1412-01, 501-1412-02, 501-1412-03, 501-1412-04, 501-1412-05, 501-1412-06, 501-1413-01, 501-1413-02, 501-1426-01, 501-1455-01, 501-1648-01, 501-1748-02, 501-1798-01, 501-1811-01, 501-1812-01, 501-1828-01, 501-1838-01, 501-1844-01, 501-1848-01, 501-1849-01, 501-1850-01, 501-1876-01, 501-1882-01, 501-1889-01, 501-1895-01, 501-1896-01
AI-904 Pilot Guide TP-325 C 1/27/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-325 501-1036-01, 501-1036-02, 501-1036-03, 501-1036-04, 501-1036-05, 501-1036-06, 501-1036-07, 501-1063-01, 501-1063-02, 501-1063-03, 501-1063-04, 501-1063-05, 501-1063-06, 501-1063-07, 501-1063-08, 501-1078-(), 501-1078-01, 501-1078-02, 501-1078-03, 501-1078-04, 501-1078-05, 501-1078-06, 501-1078-07, 501-1078-08, 501-1078-09, 501-1078-10, 501-1078-11, 501-1078-12, 501-1078-13, 501-1105-01, 501-1105-02, 501-1105-03, 501-1105-04, 501-1105-05, 501-1105-06, 501-1105-07, 501-1105-08, 501-1105-09, 501-1105-10, 501-1105-11, 501-1170-01, 501-1170-02, 501-1170-03, 501-1170-04, 501-1170-05, 501-1170-06, 501-1170-07, 501-1170-08, 501-1170-09, 501-1170-10, 501-1170-11, 501-1170-12, 501-1170-13, 501-1170-14, 501-1170-15, 501-1170-16, 501-1170-17, 501-1170-18, 501-1170-19, 501-1170-20, 501-1170-21, 501-1170-22, 501-1170-23, 501-1170-24, 501-1170-25, 501-1170-26, 501-1170-27, 501-1170-28, 501-1170-29, 501-1170-30, 501-1170-31, 501-1170-32, 501-1170-33, 501-1170-35, 501-1170-36, 501-1170-37, 501-1197-01, 501-1197-02, 501-1197-03, 501-1197-04, 501-1197-05, 501-1197-06, 501-1197-07, 501-1197-08, 501-1197-09, 501-1197-11, 501-1197-12, 501-1197-14, 501-1197-15, 501-1197-16, 501-1197-17, 501-1197-18, 501-1237-01, 501-1242-01, 501-1242-02, 501-1242-03, 501-1242-04, 501-1242-05, 501-1242-06, 501-1242-07, 501-1242-08, 501-1257-01, 501-1295-01, 501-1296-01, 501-1296-02, 501-1296-03, 501-1296-04, 501-1296-05, 501-1296-06, 501-1297-01, 501-1412-01, 501-1412-02, 501-1413-01, 501-1413-02, 501-1426-01, 501-1455-01, 501-1648-(), 501-1798-(), 501-1811-(), 501-1812-(), 501-1828-(), 501-1838-(), 501-1844-(), 501-1848-(), 501-1850-()
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1297-1 Orig 2/1/1987 To install hardened gear train. 501-1297-01
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1237-1 Orig 7/1/1978 To insure power warning flag operation when used with PS-823C or D Emergency Power Supply. 501-1237-01
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1237-2 B 12/15/2000 Conversion of Model AI-904W (part number 501-1237-01) to AI-904AZ (part number 501-1237-02). 501-1237-01
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1242-1 Orig 7/1/1978 To insure power warning flag operation when used with PS-823C or D Emergency Power Supply. 501-1242-( )
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1078-1 7/30/1973 Unknown
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1078-2 Orig 9/1/1981 To prevent dynamic braking of indicator gyro caused by back EMF. 501-1078-( )
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1170-1 A 2/1/1985 To convert listed AI-904 models to models for helicopter use. 501-1170-09, 501-1170-10, 501-1170-13, 501-1170-14
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1170-2 Orig 2/1/1985 To provide instructions necessary for relocation of C1 capacitor which will permit installation of the replacement circuit card assembly. 501-1170-( ), 501-1413-01
AI-904 Service Bulletin SB501-1170-3 Orig 4/1/1985 To incorporate gears with hard finish. 501-1170-( )
AI-904 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AI-904 Service Letter SL-12 E 4/23/2010 To provide Attitude Indicator operation information.
AI-930 Drawings / SPEC JET SPECIFICATION 579 F 8/28/1995 Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Calibration of Pitch & Bank Indicators used in Fixed Wing High Speed Aircraft Applications. Gyro - general
AI-930 Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AP General Files Drawings / SPEC AutoPilot Service D 3/9/2017 Change location of DN-104 repairs Change location of DN-104 repairs 501-
AP General Files Installation Manual TP-336, TP-352, TP-447, TP-470 x.x 4/17/2023 IOM - Service Information Letter Manual transfer to Extant Aerospace The production and service of this product has been transferred to Extant Aerospace. The technical manuals and service literature will no longer be accessible from the L3Harris Aviation Products technical publications website after 04/17/2023. See SIL-008. The following rev/date was last L3H AP releases prior to transfer to Extant. [PS-823, TP-336, rev R, 9/26/22 PS-835, TP-352, reissue, 6/10/1987 PS-834, TP-447, rev B, date 5/8/06 PS-850/855, TP-470 rev K, date 8/22/17] 501-1075-( ), 501-1228-( ), 501-1682-( ), 501-1712-( ), 501-1719-( )
AP General Files Installation Manual 0040-21453-01 N 8/8/2011 Installation Manual Sold product. The ADR-7050 transfer has been transferred to Genesys aerosystems. https://genesys-aerosystems.com/ ADR-7050 Part Numbers: 9200-21453-01 9200-21453-02 9200-21453-03 ADR-7050 Mounting Tray Part Numbers: 9010-21453-01 9010-21457-01
AP General Files Miscellaneous FC-xxx Flight Control and system components B 5/13/2015 Notice of Transfer of Service LearJet Updates See SL-280 n/a
AP General Files Miscellaneous A100 Recorder Service Letters n/a 11/18/2021 UntitledLetters provide information on A100 obsolescence and replacement options. Letters provide information on A100 obsolescence and replacement options. n/a
AP General Files Miscellaneous 2023 SAP Migration 00 5/22/2023 2023 SAP Migration Letter The purpose of this letter is to provide information concerning a forthcoming Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and time keeping systems transition. Following more than 20 years in our current systems; Impressa, Visual and Eshop; the size and scale of our business and the growing complexities in our end to end value chains necessitates that we upgrade our infrastructure in order to best serve our many stakeholders. We are currently in the process of upgrading our existing ERP systems to the latest version of SAP S/4 HANA, our MRP system to SAP Shopfloor and our timekeeping system to Auto Time. This change will be implemented across all of our Commercial Avionics locations in Grand Rapids, St. Petersburg and Phoenix with a current Go Live target date of July 5th, 2023. None
AP General Files Miscellaneous ADR-7050 0 5/25/2023 Information on ADR-7050 The ADR-7050 transfer has been transferred to Genesys aerosystems. https://genesys-aerosystems.com/ 9200-21453-01 9200-21453-02 9200-21453-03
AP General Files Miscellaneous 2024-Repair-Price JAN2024 5/30/2024 L3Harris commercial avionics: repair and aftermarket services catalog Repair and aftermarket services catalog All L3H AP and ACSS
AP General Files Miscellaneous 2023-Repair-Policy-Announcement 2023-01 2/15/2023 Streamlining of Repair and Overhaul Process/Standard Repair Use We have streamlined our repair and overhaul process to accelerate the shop processing of customer repairs. This means that for standard repairs and no-fault-found recertification, the returned units will be processed, final tested, shipped, and invoiced without seeking approval for standard repairs. L3H AP and ACSS
AP General Files Pilot Guide 0040-21454-01 A 5/5/2006 Pilot's Guide The ADR-7050 transfer has been transferred to Genesys aerosystems. https://genesys-aerosystems.com/ 9200-21453-01 9200-21453-02 9200-21453-03
AP General Files Service Letter SL-153 A 5/16/2018 Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. Elimination of Internal Moisture in Attitude Indicators. All P/N 501-xxxx-xx, models AI- and ADI-
AP General Files Service Letter SL-156 B 2/27/2019 Define the L3 Aviation Products Exchange/Overhaul Program and acceptable/unacceptable exchange core to the field. L3 Aviation Products Exchange Program n/a
AP General Files Service Letter SL-159 Orig 3/8/1999 Establishment of policy requiring use of clean room environment during disassembly, repair, and assembly for all AI/ADI/VG and DG products. n/a
AP General Files Service Letter SL-1 F 5/16/2018 Provide general repair instructions for circuit card assembies. Provide general repair instructions for circuit card assembies. All
AP General Files Service Letter SL-10 T 10/8/2018 Gyro Handling, Storage and Packaging To provide all service facilities and aircraft operators information concerning gyro handling, storage, packaging, and shipping. ADI-330, ADI-331, ADI-332, ADI-333, ADI-334, ADI-335, ADI-336, ADI-350, ADI-363,, AI-330, AI-350, AI-360, AI-803( ), AI-804( ), AI-903, AI-904, DG-110, DG-710, DN-101, DN-104, DN-501, DN-600, RG-225, RG-227, VG-204, VG-206, VG-208, VG-301, VN-202
AP General Files Service Letter SL-175 F 3/23/2023 Cross-reference of Avaition Products chemical part numbers to vendor and vendor numbers. Chemical part numbers cross-reference. (Rev F adds new and replaced RTV refences) general
AP General Files Service Letter SL-49 F 5/16/2018 To provide BFG customers with information concerning the latest moisture/fungus proofing materials/methods being used. Moisture/Fungus Proofing general
AP General Files Service Letter SL-234 B 10/15/2009 Part Number Clarification Part Number Claification multi-
AP General Files Service Letter SL-299 B 8/27/2015 Service Letter - Service transfer of SKYWATCH to Extant Aerospace Transfer of Service SKY497 and SKY899 805-10800-( ) 805-11900-( )
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-008 02 4/18/2023 Service Information Letter Service/Manual transfer to Extant Aerospace The transfer of technical manuals, service literature, production, and service to Extant Aerospace is effective April 17, 2023. This includes spares and piece part sales. Orders received after this date by L3Harris will not be accepted. Repair units received by L3Harris Aviation Products from that date and later will be returned. 501-1873-01 Adapter Charger 501-1334-01 Adapter Phase Lock 501-1334-02 Adapter Phase Lock 501-1334-03 Adapter Phase Lock 501-1043-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1043-02 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-02 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-03 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-04 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-05 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-06 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-07 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-08 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-09 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-10 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-11 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-12 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-13 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-14 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-15 Emergency Power Supply 501-1075-16 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-02 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-03 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-04 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-05 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-06 Emergency Power Supply 501-1228-07 Emergency Power Supply 501-1682-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1682-02 Emergency Power Supply 501-1686-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1712-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1712-02 Emergency Power Supply 501-1712-03 Emergency Power Supply 501-1712-04 Emergency Power Supply 501-1719-01 Emergency Power Supply 501-1719-02 Emergency Power Supply 501-1179-01 Phase Lock Assembly 501-1179-02 Phase Lock Assembly 501-1318-01 Static Converter 201-1001-001 Static Inverter 501-1128-01 Static Inverter 501-1130-01 Static Inverter 501-1148-01 Static Inverter 501-1148-02 Static Inverter 501-1167-01 Static Inverter 501-1167-02 Static Inverter 501-1178-01 Static Inverter 501-1205-01 Static Inverter 501-1205-02 Static Inverter 501-1206-01 Static Inverter 501-1235-01 Static Inverter 501-1240-01 Static Inverter 501-1240-02 Static Inverter 501-1249-01 Static Inverter 501-1265-01 Static Inverter 501-1329-01 Static Inverter 501-1330-01 Static Inverter 501-1331-01 Static Inverter 501-1475-01 Static Inverter 501-1666-01 Static Inverter 501-1666-02 Static Inverter 501-1724-01 Static Inverter 24E508294G01 Transformer Rectifier 24E508294G02 Transformer Rectifier 3S2060DC168B1 Generator Control Unit 3S2060DC168D1 Generator Control Unit 3S2060DM169A1 Battery Charger 3S2060DM169A3 Battery Charger 3S2060DM169B1 Battery Charger 44B258051P002 Feeder Protection Relay
AP General Files Service Letter SL-346 A 12/18/2019 Service Letter - Service transfer of Stormscope to Extant Aerospace Stormscope® Series II Weather Mapping System WX-1000 ( ), P/N 78-8060-( )-( ), 78-8051-( )-( ) WX-500, P/N 805-11500-001 WX-900, P/N 78-8060-( )-( ) WX-950 ( ), P/N 805-10950-( ), 805-10951-( ) WX-110, P/N 78-8060-6045-1 (System P/N 78-8060-6040-2) WX-PA, (Portable Analyzer) WX-SM, (Skinmapper) NY163, Antenna, P/N 805-10930-( ) Display Unit, P/N 78-8060-5900-8, 78-8060-5900-9
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-006 02 3/15/2023 Service Information Letter Product and Service transfer to Extant Aerospace To inform customers that the production and service of Servo/Actuator and associated products listed in the service letter have been transferred to Extant Aerospace. 501-1076-01 Sensor Pitch Force 501-1123-02 Sensor Position 501-1123-03 Sensor Position 501-1123-04 Sensor Position 501-1132-01 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1132-02 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1132-04 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1132-05 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1133-01 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-02 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-03 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-05 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-06 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-07 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-08 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-09 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-10 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-11 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1142-04 Air Data Sensor 501-1142-05 Air Data Sensor 501-1142-07 Air Data Sensor 501-1258-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1258-02 Capstan Assembly 501-1259-03 Servo Actuator Assembly 501-1259-04 Servo Actuator Assembly 501-1259-05 Servo Actuator Assembly 501-1321-01 Battery Charger 501-1321-02 Battery Charger 501-1420-01 Servo Actuator 501-1421-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1478-01 Servo Actuator 501-1478-02 Servo Actuator 501-1478-03 Servo Actuator 501-1478-04 Servo Actuator 501-1478-05 Servo Actuator 501-1482-01 Controller Assembly Autopilot 501-1483-01 Servo Actuator 501-1483-02 Servo Actuator 501-1505-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1505-02 Capstan Assembly 501-1535-01 Servo Actuator 501-1535-04 Servo Actuator 501-1661-03 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1661-04 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1661-05 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1662-01 Servo Actuator 501-1679-01 Autopilot Controller 501-1679-02 Autopilot Controller 501-1679-03 Autopilot Controller 501-1684-01 Servo Actuator 501-1684-02 Servo Actuator 501-1684-03 Servo Actuator 501-1684-04 Servo Actuator 501-1685-05 Capstan Assembly 501-1708-02 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1708-03 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1711-02 Servo Actuator 501-1770-01 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-02 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-03 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-04 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-05 Pusher Actuator 501-1771-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-02 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-03 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-04 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-05 Capstan Assembly 501-1772-01 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-02 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-03 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-04 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-05 Stick Pusher System 501-1814-01 Stick Pusher System 501-1814-02 Stick Pusher System 501-1864-01 Capstan Assembly 509-1005-01 Follow-Up, Position Sensor 509-1005-02 Follow-Up, Position Sensor
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-007 02 3/15/2023 Service Information Letter Manual transfer to Extant Aerospace Transfer of Publications from L3Harris Aviation Products. See SIL-007 for specific model and part numbers affected by this Transfer of Publications. 501-1076-01 Sensor Pitch Force 501-1123-02 Sensor Position 501-1123-03 Sensor Position 501-1123-04 Sensor Position 501-1132-01 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1132-02 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1132-04 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1132-05 Mach Trim Computer Assembly 501-1133-01 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-02 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-03 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-05 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-06 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-07 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-08 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-09 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-10 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1133-11 Spoileron Computer Assembly 501-1142-04 Air Data Sensor 501-1142-05 Air Data Sensor 501-1142-07 Air Data Sensor 501-1258-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1258-02 Capstan Assembly 501-1259-03 Servo Actuator Assembly 501-1259-04 Servo Actuator Assembly 501-1259-05 Servo Actuator Assembly 501-1321-01 Battery Charger 501-1321-02 Battery Charger 501-1420-01 Servo Actuator 501-1421-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1478-01 Servo Actuator 501-1478-02 Servo Actuator 501-1478-03 Servo Actuator 501-1478-04 Servo Actuator 501-1478-05 Servo Actuator 501-1482-01 Controller Assembly Autopilot 501-1483-01 Servo Actuator 501-1483-02 Servo Actuator 501-1505-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1505-02 Capstan Assembly 501-1535-01 Servo Actuator 501-1535-04 Servo Actuator 501-1661-03 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1661-04 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1661-05 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1662-01 Servo Actuator 501-1679-01 Autopilot Controller 501-1679-02 Autopilot Controller 501-1679-03 Autopilot Controller 501-1684-01 Servo Actuator 501-1684-02 Servo Actuator 501-1684-03 Servo Actuator 501-1684-04 Servo Actuator 501-1685-05 Capstan Assembly 501-1708-02 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1708-03 Computer Amplifier Nose Steering 501-1711-02 Servo Actuator 501-1770-01 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-02 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-03 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-04 Pusher Actuator Assembly 501-1770-05 Pusher Actuator 501-1771-01 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-02 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-03 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-04 Capstan Assembly 501-1771-05 Capstan Assembly 501-1772-01 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-02 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-03 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-04 Stick Pusher System 501-1772-05 Stick Pusher System 501-1814-01 Stick Pusher System 501-1814-02 Stick Pusher System 501-1864-01 Capstan Assembly 509-1005-01 Follow-Up, Position Sensor 509-1005-02 Follow-Up, Position Sensor
AP General Files Service Letter SL-336 A 9/4/2018 Notification of NGT- Product transfer Customers of Lynx® Series of Products To inform customers that technical manuals, software, databases, and STC’s for the Lynx® Series product line are to be obtained from Aviation Communications and Surveillance Systems (ACSS) for the products listed in Table 1 and Table 2, effective September 15, 2018. 9200-
AP General Files Service Letter SL-297 D 9/27/2018 AIM ® Series product. Sold Product Sold Product (Attitude Indicator) To inform customers that technical manuals for the AIM ® Series product line are to be obtained from Extant Aerospace for the products listed in Table 1, effective January 31, 2015. 205-, 210-, 305-, 500-, 505-, 540-
AP General Files Service Letter SL-302 A 9/14/2015 To inform customers that technical manuals for the SKYWATCH ® Series. SKY497 / SKY899 To inform customers that technical manuals for the SKYWATCH ® Series product line are to be obtained from Extant Aerospace for the products listed in Table 1, effective September 21, 2015. 805-11900-xx, 805-10800-xx
AP General Files Service Letter SL-347 A 12/18/2019 To inform customers that technical manuals for the Stormscope® Series II product lines are to be obtained from Extant Aerospace Sold Product (Stormscope) To inform customers that technical manuals for the Stormscope® Series II product lines are to be obtained from Extant Aerospace for the products listed in Table 1, effective December 13, 2019. 78-8060-( )-( ), 78-8051-( )-( ), 805-11500-001, 78-8060-6045-1, 78-8060-6040-2, 78-8060-( )-( ), 805-10950-( ), 805-10951-( )
AP General Files Service Letter SL-348 A 12/18/2019 New location for repair and service. CD800 Transfer of service to Extant Aerospace 805-11800-002
AP General Files Service Letter SL-349 A 12/18/2019 To inform customers that technical manuals for the CD800 Control Display Unit product lines are to be obtained from Extant Aerospace To inform customers that technical manuals for the CD800 product lines are to be obtained from Extant Aerospace for the products listed in Table 1, effective December 13, 2019. Control Display Unit
AP General Files Service Letter SL-299 B 8/27/2015 Transfer of Service (Extant Aerospace). SKY497 / SKY899 Transfer of Service (Extant Aerospace) Repair and service of the SKY497 and SKY899 is being transferred to Extant Aerospace 805-10800-, 805-11900-
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-004 04 8/1/2024 Support Logistics Services Partners To provide general information and contact information of Global Support partners. L3H Aviation Products (L3H AP) and Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems (ACSS) Global Support Logistics Services. General
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-002 00 7/1/2020 Change of manufacturers Cage Code. Change of manufacturers Cage Code. general
AP General Files Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-003 00 5/25/2021 To provide customers a means of identifying legacy Recorder product part numbers L3H AP legacy Recorders product line Part Number Clarification general
AP General Files Service Letter SL-353 A 2/4/2020 Discontinued Literature Package Distribution Discontinued Literature Package Distribution n/a
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-001 00 5/1/2020 Cleaning and disinfecting guidance. Cleaning and disinfecting guidance. N/A
AP General Files Service Letter SL-335 A 10/23/2019 To provide customers with instructions for Return Materials Authorization (RMA). Return Materials Authorization (RMA) procedure general
AP General Files Service Letter SL-240 B 11/21/2011 Discontinued support of products To inform customers of discontinued support of products owned by Avionics Systems. Effective September 1, 2009 Avionics Systems will no longer support the repair and service of the products listed in Table 1 general
AP General Files Service Letter SL-344 A 7/29/2019 Pilot’s Guide Distribution To inform customers that L3 Aviation Products will no longer be providing hard copies of product Pilot’s Guides. general
AP General Files Service Letter SL-307 A 2/29/2016 Maintenance Manual Revision Packets Discontinue issuing of Revision Packets Multi-
AP General Files Service Letter SL-261 H 7/30/2024 Shipping Instructions for International Customers Part 145 (Repairs) and Part 21 (RMA) shipping instructions for international customers. General
AP General Files Service Letter SL-280 D 9/6/2018 Autopilot product line sold to Butler Avionics Service Letter FC-110, FC-200, FC-530, FC-535, FC-550
AP General Files Service Letter SL-294 D 9/11/2018 Transfer of Service to Butler Avionics for SA-400A New location for repair and overhaul 501-1212-01
AP General Files Service Letter SL-298 B 9/11/2018 Product sold to Butler Avionics Transfer of Service Nose Wheel Computer CA-400 ( ) and Altitude Preselect Computer PC-500 ( ) 501-1211-( ), 501-1288-( )
AP General Files Service Letter SL-8, SL-80, SL-120, SL-170 x.x 4/17/2023 Service Information Letter Manual transfer to Extant Aerospace The production and service of this product has been transferred to Extant Aerospace. The technical manuals and service literature will no longer be accessible from the L3Harris Aviation Products technical publications website after April 17, 2023. See SIL-008. The following rev/date was last L3H AP releases prior to transfer to Extant. [PS-823, SL-8, rev U, date 6/22/11. PS-835, SL-80, rev AD, date 4/11/18. PS-834, SL-120, rev F, date 11/30/09. PS-850 / PS-855, rev K, date 7/23/14. 501-1075-( ), 501-1228-( ), 501-1682-( ), 501-1712-( ), 501-1719-( )
AP General Files Service Letter TP-202, TP-329, TP-475, TP-483 x.x 4/17/2023 CMM - Service Information Letter Manual transfer to Extant Aerospace The production and service of this product has been transferred to Extant Aerospace. The technical manuals and service literature will no longer be accessible from the L3Harris Aviation Products technical publications website after 04/17/2023. See SIL-008. The following rev/date was last L3H AP releases prior to transfer to Extant. [PS-823, TP-202, rev B date 8/01/2018], [PS-834, TP-475, rev B date 04/23/2018], [PS-835, TP-329, rev C5 date 3/30/2020], [PS-850 / PS-855, TP-483, rev C5 date 04/16/2019] 501-1075-( ), 501-1228-( ), 501-1682-( ), 501-1712-( ), 501-1719-( )
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-001-ACSS - 4/18/2023 Transfer of Service - ACSS TCAS II and Mode S Transponder Repair and service of both the TCAS II and Mode S Transponder is being transferred to Penta Avionics. L3Harris Aviation Products / ACSS will no longer offer any repair support or testing of the part numbers listed in the Effectivity as of March 31, 2023. 4066010-901, 4066010-902, 4066010-903, 4066010-904, 4066010-905, 4066010-907, 4066010-910, 4066010-911, 4066010-912, 4066010-913, 4066010-914, 4066010-954, 4066010-984 4061400-901, 4061400-902, 4061400-903, 4061400-904, 4061400-905
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-002-ACSS 00 2/28/2024 Transfer of Service - ACSS DV-910 VSI/TRA and TCAS Control Panel Repair and service of both the DV-910 VSI/TRA and TCAS Control Panel is being transferred to Penta Avionics. L3Harris Aviation Products / ACSS will no longer offer any repair support or testing of the part numbers listed in the Effectivity as of December 4, 2023. DV-910 VSI/TRA, 4067241-801, 4067241-802, 4067241-803, 4067241-804, 4067241-805, 4067241-806, 4067241-840, 4067241-841, 4067241-842, 4067241-843, 4067241-844, 4067241-845, 4067241-860, 4067241-861, 4067241-862, 4067241-863, 4067241-864, 4067241-865, 4067241-880, 4067241-881, 4067241-882, 4067241-883, 4067241-884, 4067241-885, 4067241-890, 4067241-891, 4067241-892, 4067241-893, 4067241-894, 4067241-895. TCAS Control Panel, 4052190-902, 4052190-903, 4052190-904, 4052190-905, 4052190-906, 4052190-907, 4052190-908, 4052190-909
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-002-ULB 00 9/16/2024 Battery Information for 90 Day Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB). Provide Composition Information on Ingredients and Transportation Rules information on 90-day ULB. NOTE: The battery is considered a battery inside a contained product (i.e., ULB). P/N 266E5542-00 (Dukane DK120/90) P/N 9080-10036-01 (Dukane DK290-11) P/N 266E6914-00 (Novega 22960-00, GREEN90)
AP General Files Service Letter SIL-004-ULB 00 1/23/2025 Notification of Dukane Seacom Service Information Letter. Reports of internal battery spring discoloration within the DK120/90 have been reported by service technicians performing field battery replacement activities in accordance with Technical Manual 03-TM-0063 Section V. P/N 266E5542-00 (Dukane DK120/90)
BTP-1634 Installation Manual 009-10140-001 C 6/2/2008 Instruction Manual Pub# 009-10140-001 805-10045-001
BTP-1634 Service Bulletin SB001-BTP-1634 00 4/3/2023 Service Bulletin, BTP-1634 Bench Test Panel for AN/ARN-154 (V) TACAN System MOD A: Add TACAN+ Compatibility. 805-10045-001, 805-10045-002, 805-10045-003
CA-2001 Service Bulletin SB501-1200-1 Orig 4/1/1978 To prevent possible false VNAV CAPTURE indication. To prevent possible false VNAV CAPTURE indication 501-1200-03, 501-1200-04
CA-2001 Service Bulletin SB501-1200-2 Orig 4/1/1978 To prevent inadvertent localizer engagement of receiver when RNAV power is off. To prevent inadvertent localizer engagement of receiver when RNAV power is off. 501-1200-03, 501-1200-04
CATS - Software Installation Aircraft Tools n/a x.x 10/26/2021 CVR AUTOMATED TEST STATION/ RECORDER INTERFACE UNIT (CATS/RIU) CATS 2.4. 17TES0420
CATS - Software Instruction Manual 165E4127-01 Init 4/19/2013 CVR Automated Test Station (CATS) / Recorder Interface Unit (RIU) Operator's Manual CATS / RIU Operator's Manual 17TES0700, 17TES0710
CATS - Software Service Bulletin SB003-CATS Initial 10/30/2023 CVR Automatic Test Station (CATS) Software v2.4 CVR Automatic Test Station (CATS) Software v2.4 17TES0420
CATS - Software Service Letter SIL-001-CATS 00 6/20/2023 Service Information Letter FA2100 CVR (P/N 2100-1227-02) failing power consumption test when using CATS software. 17TES0700, 2100-1227-02, 17TES0710
CATS - Software Service Letter SIL-001-L3AP 00 5/27/2021 CVR audio data. If synchronized CVR audio data is required, the .CVR format must be downloaded from the recorder. The .CVR format will produce synchronized audio between all channels n/A
CD-2001 Service Bulletin SB501-1172-1 7/26/2005 SB501-1172-1 501-1172-( )
CD-2001 Service Bulletin SB501-1172-2 Orig 10/1/1977 To replace lamp overlay plate. 501-1172-01, 501-1172-02
CD605 Service Bulletin SB805-10007-1 A 12/14/2005 An inspection modification to verify the RNG and TEST push button backlighting is NVIS Type I, Class B compatible (i.e., NVIS green backlighting). 805-10007-013
CD605 Service Letter SL-266 A 3/21/2011 Recommended Alternate Display Options 805-10007-005, 805-10007-006, 805-10007-007, 805-10007-008
CDU-600 Miscellaneous ETM-600 N/A x.x 1/1/2023 Information on ETM-600 Engine Temperature Monitor - Discontinued product. 501-1460-01 501-1513-01
CICC/3 Installation Manual 165E4049-00 01 10/25/2007 CICC/3 Installation Sheet Installation Instructions for using CICC3 The CICC/3 requires Rose 3.8 or higher on a PC running Windows XP SP2. 17TES0075
CICC/3 Service Bulletin CICC2-SB001 original 11/26/2007 Service Bulletin, CICC/3, MOD 1 Customers using the CICC/3 with the 45-foot extension cable, p/n 17TES0039, occasional downloading errors were occurring. This service bulletin introduces a software modification to remedy this problem. 17TES0075
CICC/3 Service Bulletin CICC2-SB002 original 3/23/2017 Service Bulletin, CICC/3, MOD 2 When using the CICC/3 with FA2100 NAND memory CVRs, CVDRs or FDRs, occasional downloading errors were occurring. Refer to Table 1 for information on the NAND memory upgrades to the FA2100s 17TES0075
CICC/3 Service Bulletin SB003-CICC3 00 3/28/2023 Service Bulletin, CICC/3, MOD 3 Update Portable Interface CCIC/3 to replace obsolete cable with new external interconnect cable assembly. 17TES0075
CICC/4 Service Letter CICC4-001 02 8/4/2021 Notification of obsolescence Service Information Letter 17TES0073
CM-710 Component Maintenance Manual TP-407 34-20-21 4 7/17/2017 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-407 501-1515-01, 501-1515-02, 501-1516-01, 501-1517-01, 501-1517-02, 501-1518-01, 501-1518-02, 501-1518-03
DB682 Installation Manual 009-10099-001 Orig 12/8/1995 Installation Manual Pub# 009-10099-001 805D0650-01, 805D0650-02, 805D0650-03
DB682 Pilot Guide 002A0652 2 11/21/1995 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0652 805D0650-01, 805D0650-02, 805D0650-03
DCM Installation Manual TP-582 G 3/4/2010 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3100, sw 4.0 Pub# TP-582 501-1826-01, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0104, 501-1870-( )
DCM Installation Manual TP-559 K 3/30/2017 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3100, SW 3.0 This manual contains installation and operating information for the GH Electronic Standby Instrument System. Information in this manual includes the following products: GH-3100 Electronic Standby Indicator (with 1.3, 1.4 or 3.0 software), DCM-3100 Detachable configuration Module, and MAG-3000 / MAG-3100 Magnetometer. This information is supplemented and kept current by revisions, service letters and service bulletins. 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02, 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0103, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0203, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0303, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0403, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0503, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0603, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0703, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1103, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1203, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1303, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1403, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1503, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1603, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1703, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-1803, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2103, 501-1860-2201, 501-1860-2203, 501-1870-( )
DCM Service Bulletin SB501-1803-1 A 5/10/2010 To provide missing labeling information 501-1803
DCM Service Letter SL-262 A 11/24/2010 The customer (IS&S) requested a change to the -143 configuration data on their Detachable Configuration Module 501-1870-143
DCM Service Letter SL-259 A 7/12/2010 The DCM-3100 may not be recognized by the GH-310 Electronic Standby Indicator at startup. 501-1870-()
DG-110 Component Maintenance Manual TP-255 1 C4 4/6/1983 DG-106D Overhaul Manual DG-106D 501-1149-01
DGS-710 Component Maintenance Manual TP-407 34-20-21 4 7/17/2017 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-407 501-1515-01, 501-1515-02, 501-1516-01, 501-1517-01, 501-1517-02, 501-1518-01, 501-1518-02, 501-1518-03
DGS-710 Component Maintenance Manual TP-474 1 7/20/1994 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-474 510-1140-01, 510-1140-02
DGS-710 Installation Manual TP-429 34-20-26 Orig 12/1/1989 Installation Manual Pub# TP-429 501-1518-01, 501-1518-02
DGS-710 Service Bulletin SB501-1517-1 B 10/1/1995 Installation of new thread forming inserts into the Integrally Illuminated Information Panel that prevents panel and inserts from separating. 501-1517-01, 501-1517-02
DGS-710 Service Bulletin MOD 1 and 2 A 12/8/2015 SB501-1515-13 To incorporate the cut-and-jumper modifications from Mod 1 and Mod 2 into the Computer CCA layout 501-1515-01
DI681 Component Maintenance Manual 009A0550 Orig 8/1/1985 Installation and Maintenance Manual Pub# 009A0550 805D0500, 805D0520, 805D0530, 805D0550-( ), 805D0570, 805D0580
DI681 Service Bulletin SB-50 Orig 10/1/1984 Sperry EFIS interface modification 805D0570
DI681 Service Bulletin SB-57 Orig 2/1/1988 To allow DI681 to operate as DI681A with RNC601B. 805D0570
DI681 Service Bulletin SB-44 Orig 6/1/1984 To allow the RNC601 to communicate with the DI681 DataBase. 805D0550
DI681 Service Bulletin SB-46 Orit 9/1/1984 To eliminate wavering left/right needle and erratic OBS operation. 805D0550
DM58 Installation Manual 165E5822-00 03 11/15/2023 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, DM58 MODEL DM58 PRE−AMPLIFIED DIGITAL MICROPHONE DM58-0048-10 DM58-0148-00
DME Installation Manual 009A0305 C1 12/1/1990 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0305 805C0604-0x, 805C0620-4x
DME Installation Manual 009A0601 Orig 1/1/1986 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0601
DME Pilot Guide 009A0602 0 7/26/2005 Operations Manual Pub# 009A0602
DME Pilot Guide 009A0302 Orig 8/1/1988 TCN 970 Pilot Guide TCN 970 Pilot Guide 805D0602, 805D0602-00, 805D0602-01, 805D0602-02
DME675 Installation Manual 009A0305 C1 12/1/1990 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0305 805C0604-0x, 805C0620-4x
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-10 CXL 7/26/2005 SB5-2000-10
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-11 Orig 11/1/1975 To remove yaw sync operation during initial starting cycle. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-12 Orig 7/1/1977 To modify Slaving Pre-amp and Servo amp to provide linear annunciation output of "4/ into 1K 200 micro amp meter. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-13 A 1/1/1988 To minimize introduction of moisture and provide short-circuit protection. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-14 A 12/1/1977 To verify proper wattage resistors on servo amp boards. 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-15 A 2/1/1987 To replace fuse with slow blow fuse. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-16 A 4/24/2003 To insure proper HSI flag voltage is maintained when using Relay Circuit Card Assembly part number 542-1964-02. 5-2000-(), 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-5 Orig 2/1/1969 To provide two flag capability for Directisyns with single flag capability. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-6 B 3/1/1988 To provide for slaving adjustment. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-7 Orig 4/1/1970 To provide for solid state time delay. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-8 A 11/1/1975 To minimize heading error during turns. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-10 Service Bulletin SB5-2000-9 Orig 9/1/1975 To provide gyro with solid state synchronizer. 5-2000-01, 5-2000-02, 5-2000-03, 5-2000-04, 5-2000-05, 5-2000-06, 5-2000-07
DN-501 Component Maintenance Manual TP-395 7/26/2005 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-395 501-1359-02
DN-501 Installation Manual TP-394 34-20-19 Revision 1 11/15/1989 Installation Manual Directisyn 501-1359-02
DU-42 Installation Manual 0040-38501-01 D 6/2/2016 DU-42 Installation Manual Rev C Incorporate minor changes to mating connector & details on pull up resistor for dimming control 9200-38500, 9200-38600
DU-42 Pilot Guide 0040-38500-01 D 3/17/2023 DU-42 Pilots Guide Pilots Guide 9200-38500 9200-38600
DU-42 Printer Copies 0040-38500-01PC D 3/17/2023 DU-42 Pilots Guide Printer copy DU-42 PG 9200-38500-( ) 9200-38600-( )
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38500-2 A 3/15/2016 DU-42 MOD B Incorporation of MOD B 9200-38500, 9200-38500-0201
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38600-2 A 3/15/2016 DU-42 MOD B Incorporates MOD B to the DU-42 9200-38600, 9200-38600-0201
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38500-3 A 4/19/2016 To improve engagement of the rear connector standoffs to connector J3 9200-38500-0201
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38600-3 A 4/19/2016 Improve engagement of the rear connector standoffs to Connector J3 9200-38600-0201
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38500-5 A 8/14/2017 Inspection MOD 9200-38500-0201
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38600-5 A 8/14/2017 Inspection MOD 9200-38600-0201
DU-42 Service Bulletin SB9200-38600-4 A 8/25/2016 Incorporation of MOD D MOD D 9200-38600-0201
EBDI-4000 Installation Manual TP-566 C 1/31/2018 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-566 501-1871-0101, 501-1871-0201
EBDI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1871-1 Orig 5/15/2003 Correct length of screw. 501-1871-0101, 501-1871-0201
EBDI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1871-2 B 4/18/2007 New DSP FPGA release to improve timing margins. 501-1871-0101, 501-1871-0201
EBDI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1871-3 C 1/3/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1871-0101, 501-1871-0201
EBDI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1871-4 B 2/12/2009 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1871-0101, 501-1871-0201
EFB Pilot Guide 165E4860-02 4 2/17/2015 Operation Manual L-3 CrewMate 840 Electronic Flight Bag OPERATOR’S MANUAL DISPLAY UNIT N01A10000X AIRCRAFT INTERFACE UNIT N01A20000X DOCKING STATION N01A30000X DOCKING CABLE N01A40000X HOTEL KIT N01A50000X
EFB Service Letter EFB-SIL-005 00 1/18/2024 Service Information Letter Obsolescence Notice for the Crewmate 840 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Display Unit N01A10000X Aircraft Interface Unit N01A20000X Docking Station N01A30000X Docking Cable N01A40000X Hotel Kit N01A50000X
EFD-750 Drawings / SPEC 0100-15753-01 D 2/17/2023 Interface Control Document (Platform), EFD-750 The purpose of this document is to describe pin level interfaces to the hardware of the L3Harris Aviation Products, Inc., Model EFD-750. This data is generated for customer use at the engineering level. 9200-15750-01
EFD-750 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6343-04 A 2/17/2023 ACM Tool for Software 1.3 (EFD-750) ACM Tool for Software 1.3 (EFD-750) aircraft configuration file version (1.03), ACM Tool (revision 1.00) 9200-15753-0101 9200-15754-0101 9200-15754-0201 9200-15754-0301
EFD-750 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6439-02 A 9/23/2020 ACM Tool Aircraft Configuration Module Tool, SIM-750 Simulator
EFD-750 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6343-02 A 6/26/2019 ACM Tool for Software 1.1 (EFD-750) ACM Tool for Software 1.1 (EFD-750) aircraft configuration file version (1.01), ACM Tool (revision 1.00) 576-6343-02, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6343-01 A 2/7/2019 ACM Tool for Software 1.0 (EFD-750) ACM Tool for Software 1.0 (EFD-750) aircraft configuration file version (1.00), ACM Tool (revision 1.00) 576-6343-01, 9200-15750-0101, 9200-15751-0101, 9200-15751-0201, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6343-03 A 12/12/2019 ACM Tool for Software 1.2 (EFD-750) ACM Tool for Software 1.2 (EFD-750) aircraft configuration file version (1.02), ACM Tool (revision 1.00) 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Installation Manual 0040-15751-01 F 2/13/2023 Installation Manual, EFD-750 / MAG-500 includes SW1.2 / new part number includes SW1.3 9200-15751-0101, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201, 9200-15500-0101, 9200-15500-0201, 9200-15750-0101, 9200-15751-0201, 9200-15754-0301
EFD-750 Installation Manual 0040-15800-01 00 5/22/2023 Installation Manual, SIM-750 Electronic Flight Display Simulator Model: SIM-750 9200-15800-0101 9200-15800-0301
EFD-750 Pilot Guide 0040-15750-01 D 2/13/2023 Operation Manual, EFD-750 includes SW1.1, SW1.2 and SW1.3 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201, 9200-15751-0101, 9200-15751-0201, 9200-15750-0101
EFD-750 Service Bulletin SB003-EFD-750 EFD750-34-6001 00 2/13/2023 Service Bulletin, SW 1.3 System Software Release 1.3 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201, 9200-15754-0301
EFD-750 Service Bulletin SB001-EFD-750 A 12/12/2019 System Software Release 1.2 System Software Release 1.2 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Service Bulletin SB002-EFD-750 01 8/18/2021 The incorporation of MOD A provides improved reliability, especially during operation at cold ambient temperatures of -15 Celsius and below. MOD A – Operational Improvement in Cold Environments 9200-15750-0101, 9200-15751-0101, 9200-15751-0201, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Service Letter SIL-001-EFD-750 00 11/12/2024 Service Information Letter The Skylight Avionics NAV/CONV Navigation Signal Converter is an optional navigation source called out in AML STC ST02718LA used for VOR/ILS presentation on the EFD-750 flight display. 9200-15753-0101 and 9200-15754-0101
EFD-750 Software EFD-750 Software 1.1 0 6/26/2019 EFD-750 Software 1.1 System Software 1.1 576-6343-02, 8010-15750-0101, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Software EFD-750 Software 1.2 0 12/12/2019 EFD-750 Software 1.2 System Software 1.2 8010-15750-0102, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201
EFD-750 Software 8010-15750-0103 1.3 2/17/2023 System Software Version 1.3 Software Executable Object Code, EFD-750 9200-15753-0101 9200-15754-0101 9200-15754-0201 9200-15754-0301
EFD-750 Supplemental Type Certificate 9002455-001 C 12/20/2021 Supplemental Type Certificate AML ST02718LA, EFD-750 Installation of EFD-750 Electronic Flight Display (0031-15750-01) 0031-15750-01, 9002455-001
EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual 13131-A037 2 8/9/2017 EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual (level 1) ATR EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual (level 1) ATR E57A000-00-000
EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual 13131-A903 1 11/3/2016 EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual (level 1) E57A000-00-000, E57A000-00-100, E57A000-00-200
EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual 0040-E57A2-01 A 12/20/2019 Maintenance Manual EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual (level 2) EHA Repair E57A000-00-200, E57A000-00-000, E57A000-00-100
EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual 0040-E57A0-01 H 4/16/2024 Component Maintenance Manual EFI-650 Component Maintenance Manual (level 2) E57A000-00-000, E57A000-00-100, E57A000-00-200
EFI-650 Installation Manual 13131‐A907 C 5/23/2019 Installation and Operation Manual EFI-650 Installation and Operation Manual E57A000-00-000, E57A000-00-100, E57A000-00-200
EFI-650 Installation Manual 13131‐A908 A 5/23/2019 Installation and Operation Manual (ATR), EFI-650 EFI-650 Installation and Operation Manual (ATR) E57A000‐00‐000
EFI-650 Installation Manual 0040-E57A1-01 A 9/25/2019 TroubleShooting Guide Aircraft Level Troubleshooting Procedures E57A000-00-000, E57A000-00-100, E57A000-00-200
EFI-650 Service Bulletin SB001-EFI-650 00 3/7/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD A (PN E57A000-00-000, ATR) Modification A to remove diodes from rear connector circuit card assembly. E57A000-00-000
EFI-650 Service Bulletin SB002-EFI-650 00 4/10/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD A (PN E57A000-00-100, E57A000-00-200) Modification A to remove diodes from rear connector circuit card assembly. E57A000-00-100, E57A000-00-200
EHSI-4000 Installation Manual TP-580 B 12/6/2007 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-580 501-1879-0101, 501-1879-0201
EHSI-4000 Pilot Guide TP-581 B 8/12/2008 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-581 501-1879-0101
EHSI-4000 Pilot Guide TP-627 A 4/15/2008 EHSI-4000 REL 2.X EHSI-4000 Pilots Guide 501-1879-0102
EHSI-4000 Printer Copies TP-627PC A 4/15/2008 Pilot's Guide Printer copy EHSI-4000 PG 501-1879-0102
EHSI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1879-4 B 2/12/2009 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1879-0101
EHSI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1879-5 A 2/12/2009 Provide replacement display due to dimminishing source Provide replacement display due to dimminishing source 501-1879-0101, 501-1879-0102
EHSI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1879-5 A 2/12/2009 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source Provide replacement display due to diminishing source 501-1879-0101, 501-1879-0102
EHSI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1879-3 B 2/3/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1879-0101
EHSI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1879-1 A 8/15/2003 Correct length of screw. 501-1879-0101
EHSI-4000 Service Bulletin SB501-1879-2 A 8/15/2003 To prevent shorting of diode during lightning testing which removed reversed input protection. 501-1879-0101
ESI-1000 Installation Manual 0040-32001-01 U 10/13/2017 ESI-1000 Installation Manual Electronic Standby System This manual contains installation instructions and recommended flightline maintenance information for the ESI-1000 Electronic Standby Indicator Release 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and 2.1. 9200-32000-0101 9200-32000-( ) 9200-32100-( )
ESI-1000 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness iCA E08046-3400-B002 A 6/10/2009 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ESI-1000 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ESI-1000 ESI-1000, 9200-32000, 9200-21200-01
ESI-1000 Pilot Guide 0040-32000-01 G 10/24/2017 ESI-1000 Pilots Guide PUB# 0040-32000-01 9200-34000-0101
ESI-1000 Printer Copies 0040-32000-01PC G 10/24/2017 ESI-1000 Pilots Guide Printer copy ESI-1000 PG 9200-32000-( ) 9200-32100-( )
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-7 A 9/15/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32000-0301, 9200-32000-0401, 9200-32000-0701, 9200-32000-0801
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32100-6 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at Startup To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at Startup 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32100-1001, 9200-32100-3203
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32100-5 A 4/1/2016 Eliminate the possibility of Power Supplyt Test points being shorted Eliminate the possibility of Power Supplyt Test points being shorted 9200-32100-0201
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32100-4 A 3/18/2016 Eliminate the possibility of power supply test-points (TP16, TP18, and TP21) being shorted against the top cover threaded plate (Mod D) Eliminate the possibility of power supply test-points (TP16, TP18, and TP21) being shorted against the top cover threaded plate (Mod D) 9200-32100-1001
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-2 B 8/6/2012 Incorporation of Mod 2 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32000-0301, 9200-32000-0401
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32100-2 A 4/4/2011 Incorporation of Mod B 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32100-1001
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32100-1 A 12/22/2010 LED Backlight is obsolete 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32100-1001
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-1 A 5/3/2010 Revise night lighting color from blue to white 9200-32000-0301, 9200-32000-0401
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-3 A 3/29/2012 To standardize DSP boards across ESI product line 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32000-0601
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-4 A 4/9/2012 Replace obsolete LED Backlight assembly 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32000-0301, 9200-32000-0401, 9200-32000-0701, 9200-32000-0801
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-5 A 8/23/2012 Improve backlight low end brightness characteristics 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32000-0301, 9200-32000-0401, 9200-32000-0701, 9200-32000-0801
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32100-3 A 8/23/2012 Improve backlight low end brightness characteristics 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32100-1001
ESI-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32000-6 A 12/17/2012 Incorporation of 1.1 Software 9200-32000-0301, 9200-32000-0401, 9200-32000-0701, 9200-32000-0801
ESI-1000 Service Letter SL-273 A 9/28/2011 ESI-1000 Corrected Vmo Table Definition data 9200-32100-1001
ESI-1000 Service Letter SL-277 A 8/21/2013 Trilogy Congiuration Tool Trilogy Configuration Tool 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32100-1001, 9200-32500, 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041, 9200-32500-0051, 9200-32500-0061, 9200-32500-0071, 9200-32500-0081, 9200-32500-0121
ESI-1000 Service Letter SL-254 E 2/5/2013 ESI-1000/2000 AML STC ESI-1000/2000 AML STC 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021
ESI-1000 Service Letter SL-327 B 7/27/2017 ESI-1000/2000 end of production ESI-1000/2000 end of production 9200-32000, 9200-32100, 9200-32500
ESI-1000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA02738CH 0 2/15/2022 ESI-1000 and ESI-2000 - Permission to Use AML STC ESI-1000 and ESI-2000 0
ESI-2000 Installation Manual 0040-32501-01 L 8/1/2018 ESI-2000 Installation Manual Rev L corrections only. 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041
ESI-2000 Pilot Guide 0040-32500-01 E 3/25/2011 ESI-2000 Pilots Guide Pub# 0040-32500-01 9200-32500-()
ESI-2000 Service Bulletin SB-9200-32500-4 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at statrt up To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at statrt up 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041, 9200-32500-0051, 9200-32500-0061, 9200-32500-0071, 9200-32500-0081, 9200-32500-0121
ESI-2000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32500-2 A 4/4/2011 Incorporate Mod B by adding washers and updating software to Version 1.2 Incorporate Mod B by adding washers and updating software to Version 1.2 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041
ESI-2000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32500-1 A 11/11/2010 Release of new software Software 1.12 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041
ESI-2000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32500-3 A 8/23/2012 Improve backlight low end brightness Improve backlight low end brightness 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041, 9200-32500-0061, 9200-32500-0081, 9200-32500-0121
ESI-2000 Service Letter SL-268 A 6/7/2011 To provide information on the installation of the ESI-2000 (P/N 9200-32500-0121) on a Piper Cheyenne II, Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS): A8EA 9200-32500-0121
ESI-2000 Service Letter SL-277 A 8/21/2013 Trilogy Congiuration Tool Trilogy Configuration Tool 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32100-1001, 9200-32500, 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021, 9200-32500-0031, 9200-32500-0041, 9200-32500-0051, 9200-32500-0061, 9200-32500-0071, 9200-32500-0081, 9200-32500-0121
ESI-2000 Service Letter SL-286 C 4/1/2016 Annual battery maintenance ESI-2000 Battery Maintenance 9200-32500, 9200-32501
ESI-2000 Service Letter SL-254 E 2/5/2013 ESI-1000/2000 AML STC ESI-1000/2000 AML STC 9200-32000-0101, 9200-32000-0201, 9200-32100-0101, 9200-32100-0201, 9200-32500-0011, 9200-32500-0021
ESI-2000 Service Letter SL-327 B 7/27/2017 ESI-1000/2000 end of production ESI-1000/2000 end of production 9200-32000, 9200-32100, 9200-32500
ESI-2000 Software ESI-2000 Config S/W 1.0 9/12/2013 ESI-2000 Configuration S/W ESI-2000 Configuration S/W 576-6217-01, 9200-32500
ESI-2000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA02738CH 0 2/15/2022 ESI-1000 and ESI-2000 - Permission to Use AML STC ESI-1000 and ESI-2000 0
ESI-500 Installation Manual 0040-15001-01 J 2/9/2021 ESI-500 /MAG-500 Installation Manual Electronic Standby Indicator 9200-15000-0101, 9200-15500-0101
ESI-500 Pilot Guide 0040-15000-01 F 10/2/2019 Pilot Guide, ESI-500 Electronic Standby Instrument System 9200-15000-0101, 9200-15500-0101
ESI-500 Service Bulletin SB9200-15000-2 A 4/20/2016 Information on ESI-500 Software 1.2 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Bulletin SB9200-15000-1 A 12/14/2015 MOD A Applies to S/N 1021; 1025; 1029; 1030; &1032 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Bulletin SB9200-15000-3 A 6/6/2016 The units airspeed sensor output may shift 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Bulletin SB9200-15000-4 A 12/15/2016 Informs customers of 1.3 Software release Informs customers of 1.3 Software release 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Bulletin SB9200-15000-5 A 2/17/2017 ESI-500 MOD C To correct a problem where the unit may restart and operate from the battery immediately after shutdown. 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Bulletin SB9200-15000-6 A 2/27/2018 the vertical speed output from the ESI-500 can potentially exceed the tolerances specified for an air data computer. The vertical speed output from the ESI-500 can potentially exceed the tolerances specified for an air data computer 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Letter SL-323 A 2/28/2017 Setting The Real Time Clock Setting the Real Time Clock 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Letter SL-309 B 3/29/2018 ESI-500 Battery Maintenance ESI-500 Battery Maintenance 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Letter SL-316 A 12/15/2016 68DC & 71DC Database Subscription 68DC & 71DC Database Subscription 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Letter SL-329 A 1/11/2018 ESI-500 Battery Calibration Battery Calibration 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Letter SL-305 A 12/17/2015 To Prevent damage to MicroSD Card To Prevent damage to MicroSD Card 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Service Letter SL-345 A 8/1/2019 Synthetic Vision Obstacles Causing Unit Restart Synthetic Vision Obstacles Causing Unit Restart 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Software ESI-500 Software 1.1 with ACM Tool 1.1 11/18/2015 ESI-500 Software 1.1 with ACM Tool ESI-500 Software 1.1 with ACM Tool 576-6294-01, 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Software ESI-500 Software 1.3 W/ ACM Tool 1.3 12/15/2016 ESI-500 Software 1.3 W/ ACM Tool ESI-500 Software 1.3 W/ ACM Tool 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Software ESI-500-15000-R01.01 1.1 11/18/2015 ESI-500-15000-R01.01 ESI-500 S/W 1.1 (R01.01) with ACM tool 576-6294-01 576-6294-01, 9200-15000-0101, 972-6294-01
ESI-500 Software ESI-500-15000-R01.02 1.2 4/21/2016 Software 1.2 With ACM Tool Software 1.2 With ACM Tool 576-6294-02, 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Software ESI-500-15000-R01.03 1.3 12/15/2016 Software 1.3 w/ACM Tool Software 1.3 w/ACM Tool 576-6294-03, 9200-15000-0101
ESI-500 Supplemental Type Certificate SA04046CH D 9/2/2020 AML STC for ESI-500 ESI-500 AML STC Package with ICA & AFMS (part 23) 9200-15000-0101, 9200-15500-0101
ESI-500 Supplemental Type Certificate SR2487AK 0 11/12/2016 ESI-500 RW STC (part 27) ESI-500 RW STC (part 27) 9200-15000-01
ESIS-5000 Installation Manual 0040-43001-01 J 10/11/2023 Installation Manual Electronic Standby Instrument System with Touch Screen Revision J adds SW1.3. 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Intermediate Maintenance Manual 0040-43003-01 G 10/11/2023 Intermediate Maintenance Manual, Lvl 1 Standby Display with Touch Screen Level 1 Maintenance Revision G adds software release 1.3 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Pilot Guide 0040-43000-01 D 10/11/2023 Pilots Guide, ESIS-5000 Standby Display with Touch Screen Revision D includes Software Release 1.3 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-3 A 2/27/2017 Software Release 1.1 Software Release 1.1 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-5 A 3/1/2019 Implement new supplier for bonded display assembly. Implement new supplier for bonded display assembly. 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-4 A 10/16/2018 MOD C To remove component interference between I/O Power board and EMI board. 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-2 A 3/16/2016 ESIS-5000 Mod B Improve the I/O Power Circuit Card Assembly 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-1 A 9/24/2015 Planning MOD improve the RS-232 transceiver performance at cold temperature 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-6 00 10/13/2020 MOD E provides information on new Bezel Assembly. MOD E provides information on new Bezel Assembly. 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-7 00 9/8/2021 To inform customers of System Software Release 1.2 (version R01.02). Software Release 1.2 9200-43000-0201
ESIS-5000 Service Bulletin SB9200-43000-9 00 10/11/2023 To inform customers of System Software Release 1.3 (version R01.03). Software Release 1.3 To correct VOR/TACAN functionality. 9200-43000-0201
ETC-404 Component Maintenance Manual TP-399 77-30-02 1 4/12/1990 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-399 501-1506-01, 501-1506-02, 501-1506-03, 501-1506-04, 501-1506-05
ETC-404 Service Letter SL-119 Orig 9/20/1993 Service Letter, ETC-404 repair To provide all current repair centers for Model ETC-404E Engine Temperature Cycle Counter with the procedures required to assemble U17 (P/N 545-1016-01) Programmed Microcircuit to A1 Computer Circuit Card Assembly (CCA) (P/N 542-1728-05). 501-1506-05
ETM-600 Miscellaneous ETM-600 N/A x.x 1/1/2023 Information on ETM-600 Engine Temperature Monitor - Discontinued product. 501-1460-01 501-1513-01
ETM-600 Service Bulletin SB501-1460-1 Orig 7/26/2005 To improve power distribution and insure proper operaton. 501-1460-01
ETM-600 Service Bulletin SB501-1460-2 Orig 12/1/1986 To improve power distribution and insure proper operation. 501-1460-01
F1000 Component Maintenance Manual 165E0503-00 31-30-02 TR6 5/12/2017 F1000 Component Maintenance Manual F1000 CMM by special request only. Contact Avionics.TechPubs@L3Harris.com S903-2000-00, S903-2000-01, S903-2000-02, S603-1000-00, S603-1000-01, S703-1000-00, S703-1000-01, S800-2000-00, S800-2000-01, S800-2000-02, S800-3000-00, S800-3000-01, S800-3000-02, S903-3000-00
F1000 Installation Manual 165E235000 31-30-02 Initial 7/1/2001 F1000 Installation & Operation Manual S800-2000 / 3000 / 3500 F1000 IO for S800-2000, S800-3000, S800-3500, Obsolete S800-2000-00, S800-2000-01, S800-2000-02, S800-3000-00, S800-3000-01, S800-3000-02
F1000 Installation Manual 165E235001 31-30-02 Initial 7/1/2001 F1000 Installation & Operation Manual S603, S703, S903 F1000 IO for S603-1000, S703-1000, S903-2000, S903-3000, Obsolete S903-2000-00, S903-2000-01, S903-2000-02, S603-1000-00, S603-1000-01, S703-1000-00, S703-1000-01, S903-3000-00
F1000 Service Bulletin F1000 SSFDR SB032 31-30-02-032 01 4/27/2011 Introduction of Refurbished Flash Crash Survivable Store Unit (FCSSU) Introduction of Refurbished Flash Crash Survivable Store Unit (FCSSU) Part Numbers: 253U1290–00, 253U1290–01 & 253U1290–02 s603-xxxx-xx, s703-xxxx-xx, s800-xxxx-xx, s903-xxxx-xx
F1000 Service Bulletin F1000 SSFDR SB033 31-30-02-033 01 10/11/2000 Upgrade from to 64/128 WPS, Conversion S800‐2000‐00 to S800‐3000‐00 Upgrade from to 64/128 WPS, Conversion S800‐2000‐00 to S800‐3000‐00 s603-xxxx-xx, s703-xxxx-xx, s800-xxxx-xx, s903-xxxx-xx
F1000 Service Letter F1000 SSFDR SIL006 00 10/31/2012 Discontinued Production of the F1000 SSFDR Discontinued Production of the F1000 SSFDR s603-xxxx-xx, s703-xxxx-xx, s800-xxxx-xx, s903-xxxx-xx
F1000 Service Letter F1000 SSFDR SIL004 00 2/18/2003 Part Number Interchangeability for F1000 SSFDR S800 Part Number Interchangeability for F1000 SSFDR S800 s800-xxxx-xx
F1000 Service Letter SIL-001-RAU 00 1/14/2021 Notification of end of production and sale of the ROSE Analysis Unit. Notification of end of production and sale of the ROSE Analysis Unit. 17TES0055, 17TES0060, 17TES0063, 17TES0068
F1000 Service Letter F1000 SSFDR SIL007 Orig 8/12/2014 Access to F1000 Publications Access to F1000 Publications s603-xxxx-xx, s703-xxxx-xx, s800-xxxx-xx, s903-xxxx-xx
F1000 Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
F3000 Service Bulletin SB004-F3000 31-40-04-005 00 5/23/2023 Service Bulletin for Software 02 Introduction to New Software P/N 840-E4190-02. To provide new software to upgrade the ARINC 429 interface. 3000-1100-00, 3000-1100-01
F3849 Installation Manual 009A0301 1 8/1/1988 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0301 805C0620-( ), 805D0602-( ), 805D0660-( ), 805D0661-( ), 805D0662-( ), 805D0663-( )
F3849 Miscellaneous F3849 TACAN Control Unit x.x 1/1/2023 Information on F3849 TACAN Control Unit The F3849 is the TACAN and TACAN+ system. TACAN Control Unit 805D0660-( ) 805D0665-( )
F6444 Installation Manual 009A0301 1 8/1/1988 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0301 805C0620-( ), 805D0602-( ), 805D0660-( ), 805D0661-( ), 805D0662-( ), 805D0663-( )
F6555 Installation Manual 009A0301 1 8/1/1988 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0301 805C0620-( ), 805D0602-( ), 805D0660-( ), 805D0661-( ), 805D0662-( ), 805D0663-( )
F6555 Miscellaneous F6555 TACAN Control Unit x.x 1/1/2023 Information on F6555 TACAN Control Unit TACAN Control Units F3849, F3849A, F6444, & F6555 Series See IOM 0040-35001-01 See CMM 009-10065-001 805D0663-()
F6555 Service Bulletin SB805D0663-200 A 2/10/2005 Removing Rubber boots from switches 805D0663-31
F800 Component Maintenance Manual 165E0049-00 31-30-01 2 1/31/1994 F800 Component Maintenance Manual 17M303–266, 17M303–281, 17M303–282, 17M600–00, 17M600–00A, 17M600–274, 17M603–00, 17M603–261, 17M603–274, 17M603–277, 17M604–00, 17M700–00, 17M700–00A, 17M700–274, 17M703–00, 17M703–01, 17M703–261, 17M703–274, 17M703–275, 17M703–277, 17M800–00, 17M800–00A, 17M800–01A, 17M800–251, 17M800–252, 17M800–253, 17M800–258, 17M800–261, 17M800–262, 17M900–00, 17M900–00A, 17M900–251, 17M900–274, 17M903–00, 17M903–01, 17M903–02, 17M903–261, 17M903–263, 17M903–266, 17M903–274, 17M903–275, 17M903–276, 17M903–277, 17M903–278, 17M903–279, 17M903–281, 17M903–282
F800 Installation Manual 165E335200 31-30-01 01 10/1/2003 F800 17-M900 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M900 Installation & Operation Manual 17M900–00, 17M900–00A, 17M900–251, 17M900–274
F800 Installation Manual 165E335300 31-30-01 01 10/1/2003 F800 17-M604 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M604 Installation & Operation Manual 17M604–00
F800 Installation Manual 165E335400 31-30-01 Initial 8/1/2003 F800 17-M303 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M303 Installation & Operation Manual 17M303–266, 17M303–281, 17M303–282
F800 Installation Manual 165E335500 31-30-01 Initial 8/1/2003 F800 17-M703 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M703 Installation & Operation Manual 17M703–00, 17M703–01, 17M703–261, 17M703–274, 17M703–275, 17M703–277
F800 Installation Manual 165E335600 31-30-01 01 10/1/2003 F800 17-M600 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M600 Installation & Operation Manual 17M600–00, 17M600–00A, 17M600–274
F800 Installation Manual 165E335700 31-30-01 Initial 8/1/2003 F800 17-M603 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M603 Installation & Operation Manual 17M603–00, 17M603–261, 17M603–274, 17M603–277
F800 Installation Manual 165E335800 31-30-01 Initial 8/1/2003 F800 17-M903 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M903 Installation & Operation Manual 17M903–00, 17M903–01, 17M903–02, 17M903–261, 17M903–263, 17M903–266, 17M903–274, 17M903–275, 17M903–276, 17M903–277, 17M903–278, 17M903–279, 17M903–281, 17M903–282
F800 Installation Manual 165E335900 31-30-01 01 10/1/2003 F800 17-M800 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M800 Installation & Operation Manual 17M800–00, 17M800–00A, 17M800–01A, 17M800–251, 17M800–252, 17M800–253, 17M800–258, 17M800–261, 17M800–262
F800 Installation Manual 165E337000 31-30-01 01 10/1/2003 F800 17-M700 Installation & Operation Manual F800 17-M700 Installation & Operation Manual 17M700–00, 17M700–00A, 17M700–274
F800 Service Letter F800 DFR007 Orig 8/12/2014 Access to F800 technical publications Access to F800 technical publications
FA2100 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1747-00 23-70-05 11 4/23/2024 ED-56A Control Units Pre Amplifiers & Microphones CMM ED−56A CONTROL UNITS, PREAMPLIFIER MODULE, AND MICROPHONE MODULES FOR SOLID−STATE COCKPIT VOICE RECORDERS (SSCVR) SCVR CONTROL UNITS MODELS S151/S161, S152/S162, AND S251/S261 SSCVR PREAMPLIFIER MODULE MODEL S150/S160 SSCVR MICROPHONE MODULES MODELS S055, S056 AND S058 CONTROL UNIT MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER MODULE REMOTE MICROPHONE MODULES S151−0020−00 S161−0020−00 S162−0020−00 S151−0030−00 S161−0020−10 S162−0030−00 S151−0040−00 S161−0030−00 S162−0040−00 S151−0050−00 S161−0040−00 S251−1120−00 S151−0060−00 S161−0050−00 S251−1130−00 S152−0020−00 S161−0060−00 S251−1170−00 S152−0020−01 S161−0080−00 S261−1120−00 S152−0030−00 S161−0090−00 S261−1130−00 S152−0030−01 S161−0090−02 S261−0050−00 S152−0040−00 S161−1120−10 S261−1121−00 S161−1390−01 S161−1390−02 S161−1390−03 S161−1090−20 S150−0020−00 S160−0020−00 S150−0020−00 S160−0030−00 S055−0030−00 S056−0048−00 S058−0048−00 S055−0065−00 S056−0048−10 S058−0048−01 S055−0066−00 S056−0048−15 S058−0148−10 S055−0067−00 S056−0049−00 S055−0067−01 S056−0050−00 S055−0068−00 S056−0051−00 S056−0030−00 S056−1048−00 S056−0047−00
FA2100 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1690-00 23-70-07 09 12/30/2024 FA2100 CVDR CMM Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder Model: FA2100 CVDR 2100-3073-00 2100-3073-51 (Obsolete) 2100-3083-00 2100-3083-10 2100-3083-50 2100-3083-51 2100-3084-00 2100-3084-50 2100-3283-10 2100-3283-50
FA2100 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1690-90 23-70-90 02 9/30/2021 FA2100 CVDR CMM FA2100 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual (ITAR) 2100-3083-51, 2100-3083-93, 2100-3084-93, 2100-5083-51, 2100-5283-51
FA2100 CVDR Installation Aircraft Tools n/a x.x 10/26/2021 CVR AUTOMATED TEST STATION/ RECORDER INTERFACE UNIT (CATS/RIU) CATS 2.4. 17TES0420
FA2100 CVDR Installation Aircraft Tools 17TES0436 Orig 12/14/2020 ADLP Software V3.6 Software - ADLP V3.6 17TES0436
FA2100 CVDR Installation Manual 165E1847-10 Orig 5/1/2005 FA2100 CVDR Install Manual for Embraer FA2100CVDR Install Manual 2100-3083-10
FA2100 CVDR Installation Manual 165E1847-01 04 12/30/2024 FA2100 CVDR Installation and Operation Manual, ARINC 757 FA2100CVDR INSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2100-3083-50, 2100-3083-51, 2100-3084-50, 2100-3283-50
FA2100 CVDR Miscellaneous 905-E6407-07 D 9/26/2019 FA2100 90 day Beacon, Lithium Battery Information Sheet FA2100 90 day Beacon 2100-
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB020 23-70-07-20 03 12/27/2016 SB020-MD14: Introduction of L-3AR 90 Day ULB Mod Dot 14, 90 Day ULB 2100−3283−10, 2100−3283−50, 2100−5283−51
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB018 23-70-07-18 02 7/30/2024 SB018-MD13-Intro of New CSMU and SW Revision MD13: INTRODUCTION OF NEW CRASH SURVIVABLE MEMORY UNIT AND SW REVISION 2100-3073-00, 2100-3083-xx, 2100-3084-00, 2100-5083-51
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB022 23-70-02 01 5/18/2018 SB022-MD17-Intro of New CSMU Part Number MOD DOT 17 INTRODUCTION OF NEW CSMU PART NUMBER 2100-3073-00, 2100-3083-00, 2100-3083-10, 2100-3083-50, 2100-3083-51, 2100-3084-00, 2100-3084-93, 2100-3283-10, 2100-3283-50, 2100-5083-51, 2100-5283-51
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB001 23-70-07-01 Initial 8/1/2003 SB001-MD01-SW02-Intro of Enhanced AP PWA and Software Revision INTRODUCTION OF THE ENHANCED ACQUISITION PROCESSOR, PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLY P/N 205E1931–00 AND SOFTWARE REVISION R2 2100-3073-00
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB002 23-70-07-02 Initial 8/1/2003 SB002-MD02-Moisture-Resistant Seals MOISTURE-RESISTANT SEALS 2100-3073-00
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB005 23-70-07-05 Initial 4/5/2005 SB005-MD04-Intro of AP PWA PN 205E2502−11 INTRODUCTION OF ACQUISITION PROCESSOR PWA, P/N: 205E2502−11 2100-3073-00
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB008 23-70-07-08 Initial 9/20/2007 SB008-MD06-Application of Chassis Seam Sealing APPLICATION OF CHASSIS SEAM SEALING ON FA2100-3083-00 2100-3083-00
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB009 23-70-07-09 Initial 11/6/2007 SB009-MD01-SW02-Intro of New AC PWA, PN 205E3977-10 and 3V CSMU PN 253E1568-36 INTRODUCTION OF NEW AUDIO COMPRESSOR PWA, PN 205E3977-10 AND NEW 3V CSMU PN 253E1568-36 FOR 30-MINUTE FA2100CVDRS 2100-3073-00
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB011 23-70-07-11 Initial 9/4/2008 SB011-MD07-Intro of New AI, AP, AC PWAs and New W001, W002 and W003 Cable Assemblies INTRODUCTION OF NEW AIRCRAFT INTERFACE (AI), ACQUISITION PROCESSOR (AP), AUDIO COMPRESSOR (AC) PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLIES, NEW W001, W002 and W003 CABLE ASSEMBLIES 2100-3083-50, 2100-3083-51
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB012 23-70-07-12 Initial 9/4/2008 SB012-MD09-Installation of Mounting Bracket to Support Storage Capacitor INSTALLATION OF MOUNTING BRACKET TO SUPPORT STORAGE CAPACITOR 2100-3073-00, 2100-3073-51, 2100-3083-00, 2100-3083-10, 2100-3083-50, 2100-3083-51
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB013 23-70-07-13 Initial 11/9/2010 SB013-MD10-Intro of Improved Storage Capacitor INTRODUCTION OF IMPROVED STORAGE CAPACITOR 2100-3073-XX, 2100-3083-XX, 2100-3084-XX, 2100-5083-XX
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB014 23-70-07-14 01 1/31/2011 SB014-SW06-Intro of Software Revision 06 INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE REVISION 06 2100-3083-50
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB015 23-70-07-15 03 5/28/2014 SB015-Replacement of Non−Conforming Hardware REPLACEMENT OF NON−CONFORMING HARDWARE 2100−3073−00, 2100−3083−00, 2100−3083−50, 2100−3083−51, 2100−3084−50
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB016 23-70-07-16 01 1/31/2011 SB016-SW07-Intro of Software Revision 07 INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE REVISION 07 2100‐3083‐10
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB017 23-70-07-17 01 5/2/2013 SB017-SW07 & SW08-Intro of Software Revision 07 and 08 INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE REVISION 07 AND 08 2100−3083−00, 2100−3083−10, 2100−3083−50
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB023 23-70-07-23 00 7/30/2024 SB023-SW MD 06: P/N 2100-3084-50 DATA RECORDERS - INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE MOD 06 2100-3084-50
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin 23‐70‐05‐001 23‐70‐05 Initial 8/22/2013 SB001-Introduction of S152−0020−01 Control Unit SB001-Introduction of S152−0020−01 Control Unit Used in Boeing NG Aircraft. S152−0020−01
FA2100 CVDR Service Bulletin FA2100CVDR-SB021 23-70-07 01 5/18/2018 Service Bulletin, intro to SW and CSMU INTRODUCTION OF NEW SOFTWARE REVISION AND CSMU PART NUMBER. 2100-3073-00 2100-2082-51 2100-3283-10 2100-3083-00 2100-3083-93 2100-3283-50 2100-3083-10 2100-3084-00 2100-5083-51 2100-3083-5 2100-3084-93 3100-5283-51
FA2100 CVDR Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
FA2100 CVDR Service Letter FA2100CVDR-SIL001 Init 8/19/2014 SIL001-New Underwater Locator Beacon to Provide 90 Days of Operation SIL001-New Underwater Locator Beacon to Provide 90 Days of Operation 2100-3XXX-XX
FA2100 CVDR Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
FA2100 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-90 23-70-90 03 1/30/2025 Component Maintenance Manual, FA2100 CVR COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER MODEL FA2100 CVR 2100−1020−91, 2100−1020−93
FA2100 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1747-00 23-70-05 11 4/23/2024 ED-56A Control Units Pre Amplifiers & Microphones CMM ED−56A CONTROL UNITS, PREAMPLIFIER MODULE, AND MICROPHONE MODULES FOR SOLID−STATE COCKPIT VOICE RECORDERS (SSCVR) SCVR CONTROL UNITS MODELS S151/S161, S152/S162, AND S251/S261 SSCVR PREAMPLIFIER MODULE MODEL S150/S160 SSCVR MICROPHONE MODULES MODELS S055, S056 AND S058 CONTROL UNIT MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER MODULE REMOTE MICROPHONE MODULES S151−0020−00 S161−0020−00 S162−0020−00 S151−0030−00 S161−0020−10 S162−0030−00 S151−0040−00 S161−0030−00 S162−0040−00 S151−0050−00 S161−0040−00 S251−1120−00 S151−0060−00 S161−0050−00 S251−1130−00 S152−0020−00 S161−0060−00 S251−1170−00 S152−0020−01 S161−0080−00 S261−1120−00 S152−0030−00 S161−0090−00 S261−1130−00 S152−0030−01 S161−0090−02 S261−0050−00 S152−0040−00 S161−1120−10 S261−1121−00 S161−1390−01 S161−1390−02 S161−1390−03 S161−1090−20 S150−0020−00 S160−0020−00 S150−0020−00 S160−0030−00 S055−0030−00 S056−0048−00 S058−0048−00 S055−0065−00 S056−0048−10 S058−0048−01 S055−0066−00 S056−0048−15 S058−0148−10 S055−0067−00 S056−0049−00 S055−0067−01 S056−0050−00 S055−0068−00 S056−0051−00 S056−0030−00 S056−1048−00 S056−0047−00
FA2100 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-00 23-70-04 27 1/30/2025 Component Maintenance Manual, FA2100 CVR COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER (CVR) 2100−1010−00, 2100−1010−50, 2100−1010−51, 2100−1020−00, 2100−1020−02, 2100−1020−50, 2100−1020−51, 2100−1020−90, 2100−1025−02, 2100−1025−12, 2100−1025−22, 2100−1025−24, 2100−1026−02, 2100−1027−02, 2100−1220−00, 2100−1220−02, 2100−1225−22, 2100−1225−24, 2100−1225−60, 2100−1226−02, 2100−1227−02, 2100−1228−02, 2100−1925−22, 2100−1925−23
FA2100 CVR Installation Aircraft Tools n/a x.x 10/26/2021 CVR AUTOMATED TEST STATION/ RECORDER INTERFACE UNIT (CATS/RIU) CATS 2.4. 17TES0420
FA2100 CVR Installation Aircraft Tools 17TES0436 Orig 12/14/2020 ADLP Software V3.6 Software - ADLP V3.6 17TES0436
FA2100 CVR Installation Manual 165E1846-00 23-70-06 30 1/30/2025 Installation and Operation Manual, FA2100 CVR MODEL FA2100CVR COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER 2100–1010–00, 2100–1020–00, 2100–1020–02, 2100−1020−90, 2100–1025–02, 2100−1025−12, 2100–1025–12, 2100–1025–22, 2100–1025–24, 2100−1025−60, 2100–1026–02, 2100–1027–02, 2100–1220–00, 2100–1220–02, 2100–1225–22, 2100–1225–24, 2100–1225–60, 2100–1226–02, 2100–1227–02, 2100−1228−02, 2100–1925–22, 2100−1925−23, 2100-1020-90
FA2100 CVR Installation Manual 165E1846-01 04 1/30/2025 Installation and Operation Manual, FA2100 CVR COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER 2100−1024−92, 2100−1224−92
FA2100 CVR Installation Manual 165E1848-00 4 4/30/2008 Installation & Operation Instruction Manual, FA2100 GACVR FA2100 General Aviation CVR Installation Manual 2100-1010-5X 2100-1020-5X
FA2100 CVR Miscellaneous 905-E6407-07 D 9/26/2019 FA2100 90 day Beacon, Lithium Battery Information Sheet FA2100 90 day Beacon 2100-
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB018 23-70-04 04 5/28/2014 SB018-Replacement of Non-Conforming Hardware SB018-Replacement of Non-Conforming Hardware 2100-1010-XX 2100-1020-XX 2100-1025-XX 2100-1026-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB019 23-70-04-19 04 12/15/2024 SB019-MD14-Introduction of New CSMU and SW Revision SB019-MD14-Introduction of New Crash Survivable Memory Unit and Software Revision 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-93 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99 2100-1025-12 2100-1025-22 2100-1025-24 2100-1025-90 2100-1026-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB020 23-70-04 Initial 1/10/2013 SB020-SW06-Introduction of Software Revision SB020-SW06-Introduction of Software Revision 2100-1010-XX 2100-1020-XX
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB021 23-70-04-21 01 3/15/2023 SB021-Introduction of New SW Revision Part Numbers listed in this bulletin with NAND memory (MOD DOT 14) CSMUs. 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-93 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99 2100-1025-12 2100-1025-24 2100-1025-22 2100-1026-02 2100-1925-22 2100-1220-02 2100-1225-22 2100-1226-02 2100-1227-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB023 23-70-04 04 9/15/2023 SB023-MD/SW-Introduction of New SW Revision and CSMU PN SB023-MD/SW-Introduction of New Software Revision and Crash Survivable Memory Unit Part Number 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1025-22 2100-1025-24 2100-1026-02 2100-1220-00 2100-1220-02 2100-1225-22 2100-1226-02 2100-1227-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB025 23-70-04 02 1/9/2019 SB025-Conversion Instructions for 90-Day ULB SB025-Conversion Instructions for 90-Day Underwater Locator Beacon 2100-1025-22 2100-1925-22
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB027 23-70-04 01 9/20/2018 SB027-Conversion Instructions for 90-Day ULB SB027-Conversion Instructions for 90-Day Underwater Locator Beacon 2100-4045-22 2100-4945-22
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB028 23-70-04 Initial 3/27/2020 SB028-SW04-Introduction of New SW Revision SB028-SW04-Introduction of New Software Revision 2100-1225-24
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB029 23-70-04 Initial 11/30/2020 SB029-Part Number Conversion SB029-Part Number Conversion 2100-1925-22 to 2100-1925-23. 2100-1925-22 2100-1925-23
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB031 23-70-04-031 05 2/19/2025 SB031-MOD 19, New Perylene Coated CCA MOD 19-New Perylene Coated Circuit Card Assemblies. (NAND memory) 2100-1020-00, 2100-1020-02, 2100-1025-02, 2100-1025-22, 2100-1026-02, 2100-1220-02, 2100-1225-22, 2100-1225-60, 2100-1226-02, 2100-1227-02, 2100-1228-02. (NOR memory) 2100-1020-00, 2100-1020-02, 2100-1025-12, 2100-1026-02.
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB022 23-70-04-022 08 3/15/2023 SB022-MD15-Introduction of 90 Day ULB MOD DOT 15 INTRODUCTION OF L3H AP 90−DAY UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON PART NUMBER 266E5542−00 2100-1020-00, 2100-1020-02, 2100-1020-50, 2100-1020-90, 2100-1020-93, 2100-1024-92, 2100-1026-02, 2100-1025-02, 2100-1025-12, 2100-1025-22, 2100-1025-24, 2100-1027-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB009 23-70-04 orig 12/15/2005 SB009-Introduction of a New Audio Compressor PWA PN 205E3977–10, –12, –13, & –14 INTRODUCTION OF A NEW AUDIO COMPRESSOR PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLY (PWA), P/N: 205E3977–10, –12, –13, & –14 2100-1010-xx, 2100-1020-xx, 2100-1xxx-xx
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB001 23-70-04 Initial 9/8/1998 SB001-MD01-Modified AI PWA PN 205E1593-00 SB001-MD01-Modified Aircraft Interface PWA PN 205E1593-00 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB002 23-70-04 Initial 4/30/2000 SB002-MD02 SW01-Introduction of Enhanced AP PWA PN 205E1931-00 SB002-MD02 SW01-Introduction of Enhanced Acquisition Processor PWA PN 205E1931-00 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB003 23-70-04 Initial 8/15/2001 SB003-MD03-Modified AC PWA PN 205E1849-03 SB003-MD03-Modified Audio Compressor PWA P/N 205E1849–03 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-98
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB004 23-70-04 02 7/26/2011 SB004-MD04-Moisture Resistant Seals SB004-MD04-Moisture Resistant Seals 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-9X
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB005 23-70-04 Initial 4/16/2002 SB005-SW02-Introduction of New Software SB005-SW02-Introduction of New Software 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB006 23-70-04 01 11/1/2004 SB006-MD05-Introduction of AP PWA PN 205E2502-10 or 205E2502-11 SB006-MD05-Introduction of Acquisition Processor PWA PN 205E2502-10 or 205E2502-11 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-91 2100-1020-93 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB007 23-70-04 01 10/11/2004 SB007-SW04-Introduction of SW Revision SB007-SW04-Introduction of Software Revision 04 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-91 2100-1020-93 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB008 23-70-04 01 3/12/2008 SB008-MD06-Introduction of CSMU Containing 3V Memory SB008-MD06-Introduction of Crash Survivable Memory Unit Containing 3V Memory 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-91 2100-1020-93
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB010 23-70-04 01 12/4/2008 SB010-SW05-Introduction of SW Revision to Support 3V CSMU SB010-SW05-Introduction of Software Revision 05 to Support 3V Crash Survivable Memory Unit and 2-Hour High Quality Audio Recording 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020‐50 2100-1020‐51 2100-1020‐90 2100-1020‐91 2100-1020‐93 2100-1020‐98 2100-1020‐99
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB011 23-70-04 Initial 9/20/2007 SB011-SW05-Introduction of Software Revision 03 SB011-SW05-Introduction of Software Revision 03 2100-1025-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB012 23-70-04 01 10/17/2007 SB012-MD08-Introduction of MOD DOT 8 Factory Tracking ID SB011-MD08-Introduction of MOD DOT 8 Factory Tracking Identification 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-91 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99 2100-1020-93 2100-1025-02 2100-1025-12 2100-1025-22 2100-1025-90
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB013 23-70-04 Initial 12/14/2007 SB013-MD09-Introduction of New AP PWA PN 205E2502-52 SB013-MD09-Introduction of New Acquistion Processor PWA PN 205E2502-52 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB014 23-70-04 Initial 11/26/2007 SB014-SW04-Introduction of Software Revision 04 SB014-SW04-Introduction of Software Revision 04 2100-1025-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB015 23-70-04 01 2/19/2009 SB015-MD06-Intro of New AI, AC, and AP PWAs. New W001, W002, and W003 Cables. SB015-MD06-Introduction of New Aircraft Interface, Audio Compressor, and Acquistion Processor PWAs. New W001, W002, and W003 Cables. 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB016 23-70-04 Initial 9/4/2008 SB016-MD11-Installation of Mounting Bracket to Support Storage Capacitor SB016-MD11-Installation of Mounting Bracket to Support Storage Capacitor 2100-1010-00 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-02 2100-1020-50 2100-1020-51 2100-1020-90 2100-1020-98 2100-1020-99 2100-1025-02 2100-1025-12 2100-1025-22
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB017 23-70-04 01 10/31/2012 SB017-MD12/13-Introduction of Improved Storage Capacitor SB017-MD12 or 13-Introduction of Improved Storage Capacitor 2100-1010-XX 2100-1020-XX 2100-1025-XX 2100-1026-XX
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB024 23-70-04 04 9/15/2023 SB024-MD17-Introduction of New CSMU PN MOD DOT 17 INTRODUCTION OF NEW CSMU PART NUMBERMOD DOT 17 INTRODUCTION OF NEW CSMU PART NUMBER 2100-1xxx-xx, ATA 23-70-04
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB008-AB 23-70-04 01 7/11/2019 SB008AB-SW Revision to Remove Larsen Noise During CVR Test NEW PART NUMBER AND SOFTWARE REVISION TO REMOVE LARSEN NOISE DURING CVR TEST 2100−1026−02 2100−1228−02 (new)
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB033 23-70-04-033 05 9/4/2024 SB033-SW12-Introduction of New SW12 for Units with MD17 INTRODUCTION OF NEW SOFTWARE REVISION 12 FOR UNITS WITH HARDWARE MOD 17. 2100-1925-22 2100-1925-23
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB030 23-70-04-030 08 2/19/2025 SB030-MD18-Chassis Assembly Update Mod 18. Chassis Assembly Update to Incorporate Moisture Prevention Countermeasure. (NAND memory) memory) 2100-1020-00, 2100-1020-02, 2100-1025-02, 2100-1026-02, 2100-1220-02, 2100-1225-22, 2100-1225-60, 2100-1226-02, 2100-1227-02, 2100-1228-02.. (NOR memory) 2100-1020-00, 2100-1020-02, 2100-1025-12, 2100-1026-02.
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB032 23-70-04 00 7/15/2021 SB032-MD20–Introduction of CSMU PN 253-E5675-06 HARDWARE MOD 20 – INTRODUCTION OF CSMU PART NO. 253-E5675-06 2100-1225-24
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB-001ATR 23-70-04 Initial 6/26/2019 SB001ATR-New PN 2100−1225−60 for ATR Operators to Improve Reliability new part number, 2100−1225−60, for ATR operators to improve reliability. 2100-1225-22, 2100-1225-60
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB035 23-70-04-035 01 1/28/2025 SB035-MD20-Replaces AI CCA Due to Obsolescence COMMUNICATIONS - DATA RECORDERS - HARDWARE MOD 20 REPLACES AIRCRAFT INTERFACE CCA DUE TO OBSOLESCENCE 2100-1020-00, 2100-1020-02, 2100-1020-90, 2100-1020-93, 2100-1024-92, 2100-1025-22, 2100-1026-02, 2100-1224-92, 2100-1226-02, 2100-1228-02
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin 23‐70‐05‐001 23‐70‐05 Initial 8/22/2013 SB001-Introduction of S152−0020−01 Control Unit SB001-Introduction of S152−0020−01 Control Unit Used in Boeing NG Aircraft. S152−0020−01
FA2100 CVR Service Bulletin FA2100CVR-SB034 23-70-04 00 8/15/2023 SB034-SW05-Introduction of New SW05 for P/N 2100-1025-02 INTRODUCTION OF NEW SOFTWARE REVISION 05 FOR P/N 2100-1025-02 2100-1025-02
FA2100 CVR Service Letter SIL-001-CATS 00 6/20/2023 Service Information Letter FA2100 CVR (P/N 2100-1227-02) failing power consumption test when using CATS software. 17TES0700, 2100-1227-02, 17TES0710
FA2100 CVR Service Letter SIL-041-FA2100CVR 00 6/30/2024 SIL041-Permission to allow the application of RTV This Service Information Letter (SIL) gives permission to allow the application of RTV, P/N 060-12-00006 to the FA2100 CVR chassis cover seal. 2100-1XXXX-XX
FA2100 CVR Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL001 Orig 3/1/2001 SIL001-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A SIL for Model FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL002 01 1/15/2002 SIL002-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL002-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for BOEING 737, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL003 01 1/22/2002 SIL003-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations SIL003-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations for BOEING 757, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL004 01 1/22/2002 SIL004-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations SIL003-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations for BOEING 767, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL005 Initial 4/10/2001 SIL005-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations SIL003-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations for BOEING 747, 100/200/300 Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL006 01 1/22/2002 SIL006-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations SIL006-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations for BOEING DC-9, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL007 Initial 4/10/2001 SIL007-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations SIL003-FA2100CVR Upgrade for A100/A100A Installations for BOEING DC-10, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL008 Initial 10/17/2001 SIL008-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C84/C123 Installations SIL008-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C84/C123 Installations for BOEING B747-400 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL009 Initial 9/10/2001 SIL009-No Charge L-3 Factory Modification of FA2100CVR SIL009-No Charge L-3 Factory Modification of FA2100CVR, p/n: 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL010 Initial 10/1/2001 SIL010-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL010-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for BOEING MD-11, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL011 Initial 10/1/2001 SIL011-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL011-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Fokker 70 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL012 01 1/2/2002 SIL012-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL012-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Fokker 100 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL013 01 1/22/2002 SIL013-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL013-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Airbus A300, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL014 Initial 10/3/2001 SIL014-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL014-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for BOEING B747-SP 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL015 Initial 11/13/2001 SIL015-Control Unit and Remote Microphone Upgrade SIL015-Control Unit and Remote Microphone Upgrade for Cessna Citation, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL016 Initial 7/31/2002 SIL016-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C84 CVR Installations SIL016-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C84 CVR Installations for Bombardier Challenger CL-600-2B16 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL017 Initial 9/10/2002 SIL017-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C84 CVR Installations SIL017-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C84 CVR Installations for SAAB 340B 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL018 Initial 7/25/2003 SIL018-Application of CSMU Moisture Resistant Seal and RTV Application SIL018-Application of CSMU Moisture Resistant Seal and RTV Application for GACVR 2100-1010-50 2100-1010-51 2100-1020-50
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL019 Initial 2/19/2004 SIL019-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C123 A100S SSCVR Installations SIL019-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-C123 A100S SSCVR Installations for Hawker 800 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL020 Initial 9/21/2004 SIL020-Discontinuation of the S056 Remote Microphone Protective Shipping Cover SIL020-Discontinuation of the S056 Remote Microphone Protective Shipping Cover 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00 S056-0030-00 S152-0020-00 S056-0047-00 S152-0030-00 S056-0048-00 S152-0030-01 S056-0048-10 S152-0040-00 S056-0049-00 S162-0020-00 S056-0050-00 S162-0030-00 S056-0051-00 S162-0040-00 S056-1048-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL021 Initial 10/4/2004 SIL021-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL021-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for BOEING 727, All Series 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL023 Initial 4/14/2005 SIL023-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations SIL023-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for L410E9 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL024 Initial 4/20/2005 SIL024-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Fokker 50 SIL024-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Fokker 50 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL025 Initial 6/17/2005 SIL025-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Embraer 110 Bandeirante SIL025-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Embraer 110 Bandeirante 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL026 Initial 8/9/2005 SIL026-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Airbus A300-600 SIL026-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Airbus A300-600 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL027 Initial 8/9/2005 SIL027-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Airbus A310 SIL027-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Airbus A310 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL028 Initial 8/9/2005 SIL028-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for DC-9 Series, MD-88 SIL028-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for DC-9 Series, MD-88 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL029 Initial 10/25/2005 SIL029-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for DC-8 SIL029-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for DC-8 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL030 Initial 7/19/2006 SIL030-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Embraer 120 SIL030-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Embraer 120 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL031 Initial 8/19/2008 SIL031-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Hawker Beechcraft 1990C and 1900D SIL031-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Hawker Beechcraft 1990C and 1900D 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL032 Initial 8/26/2008 SIL032-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Dassault Mystere Falcon 50, Mystere Falcon 900, Falcon 900EX SIL032-FA2100CVR Upgrade for TSO-84 Installations for Dassault Mystere Falcon 50, Mystere Falcon 900, Falcon 900EX 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL033 01 9/1/2015 SIL033-CVR Conversion to 2-Hour, High Quality Audio Recording and/or Non-Datalink to Datalink SIL033-CVR Conversion to 2-Hour, High Quality Audio Recording and/or Non-Datalink to Datalink 2100-1010-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL034 Initial 3/5/2010 SIL034-Unique Behavior of Monitor Output from Airbus Specific SSCVRs During the Preflight Check SIL034-Unique Behavior of Monitor Output from Airbus Specific SSCVRs During the Preflight Check 2100-1025-02 2100-1026-02
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL035 Initial 10/4/2012 SIL035-Introduction of the ROC/7 for Shop Maintenance SIL035-Introduction of the ROC/7 for Shop Maintenance 2100-1XXX-XX 2100-2XXX-XX
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL036 Initial 8/19/2014 SIL036-New Underwater Locator Beacon to Provide 90 Days of Operation SIL036-New Underwater Locator Beacon to Provide 90 Days of Operation 2100-1XXX-XX 2100-2XXX-XX
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL037 Initial 3/11/2015 SIL037-New Conformal Coating Process for Acquisition Processor Circuit Card Assembly SIL037-New Conformal Coating Process for Acquisition Processor Circuit Card Assembly 2100-1XXX-XX 2100-2XXX-XX
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL038 01 9/18/2018 SIL038-Interim Authorization for Alternative Return-to-Service Testing of PN 2100-1228-02 SIL038-Interim Authorization for Alternative Return-to-Service Testing of PN 2100-1228-02 2100-1228-02
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL039 01 9/18/2018 SIL039-Interim Authorization for Alternative Return-to-Service Testing of PN 2100-1020-00 SIL039-Interim Authorization for Alternative Return-to-Service Testing of PN 2100-1020-00 2100-1020-00
FA2100 CVR Service Letter FA2100CVR-SIL040 Initial 4/8/2019 SIL040-Authorization for Software Load Procedure (SLP) SIL040-Authorization for Software Load Procedure (SLP) 2100-1X24-92 2100-1X25-2X 2100-1X25-6X 2100-1X26-XX 2100-1X27-XX 2100-1X28-XX
FA2100 FDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1688-00 31-30-03 21 8/15/2024 Component Maintenance Manual, FA2100 FDR FLIGHT DATA RECORDER (FDR) 2100-2042-00, 2100-2043-00, 2100-2043-01, 2100-2043-12, 2100-2044-00, 2100-2044-01, 2100-2044-51, 2100-2045-00, 2100-2045-22, 2100-2045-23, 2100-2243-00, 2100-2244-00, 2100-2245-22, 2100-4042-00, 2100-4043-00, 2100-4043-02, 2100-4044-00, 2100-4045-00, 2100-4045-22, 2100-4045-60, 2100-4243-00, 2100-4245-00, 2100-4245-22, 2100-4245-60, 2100-4945-22, 2100-4945-23
FA2100 FDR Installation Aircraft Tools n/a x.x 10/26/2021 CVR AUTOMATED TEST STATION/ RECORDER INTERFACE UNIT (CATS/RIU) CATS 2.4. 17TES0420
FA2100 FDR Installation Aircraft Tools 17TES0436 Orig 12/14/2020 ADLP Software V3.6 Software - ADLP V3.6 17TES0436
FA2100 FDR Installation Manual 165E1845-00 17 8/15/2024 Installation Manual, FA2100 FDR FA2100 FDR Install Manual 2100-2042-00, 2100-2043-00, 2100-2043-01, 2100-2043-12, 2100-2044-00, 2100-2044-01, 2100-2044-51, 2100-2045-00, 2100-2045-22, 2100-2243-00, 2100-2244-00, 2100-2245-22, 2100-4042-00, 2100-4043-00, 2100-4043-02, 2100-4044-00, 2100-4045-00, 2100-4045-22, 2100-4045-60, 2100-4065-51, 2100-4243-00, 2100-4245-00, 2100-4245-22, 2100-4245-60, 2100-4945-22, 2100-4945-23
FA2100 FDR Miscellaneous 905-E6407-07 D 9/26/2019 FA2100 90 day Beacon, Lithium Battery Information Sheet FA2100 90 day Beacon 2100-
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB001 31-30-03-001 01 9/28/2018 SB001-MD01-Modified AI PWA PN 205E1592-00 SB001-MD01-Modified AI PWA PN 205E1592-00 2100-2042-XX 2100–4042-XX 2100-2043-XX 2100-4043-XX
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB002 31-30-03-002 01 9/28/2018 SB002-SW01-Incorporation of Software Revision 1 SB002-SW01-Incorporation of Software Revision 1 2100-2042-XX 2100-2043-XX 2100-4042-XX 2100-4043-XX
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB003 31-30-03-003 01 9/28/2018 SB003-MD02-Introduction of New AI PWA PN 205E1592-01 SB003-Introduction of New AI PWA PN 205E1592-01 2100-20XX-XX 2100-40XX-XX
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB004 31-30-03-004 01 9/28/2018 SB004-MD03-Introduction of Rear Panel GSE Access Capability SB004-MD03-Introduction of Rear Panel GSE Access Capability 2100-4042-00
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB005 31-30-03-005 02 9/28/2018 SB005-MD04-Moisture Resistant Seals SB005-MD04-Moisture Resistant Seals 2100-20XX-XX 2100-40XX-XX
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB006 31-30-03-006 01 10/3/2002 SB006-SW02-Incorporation of Software Revision 2 SB006-SW02-Incorporation of Software Revision 2 2100-2042-00 2100-2042-99 2100-4042-00 2100-4042-99 2100-2043-00 2100-2043-01 2100-4043-00 2100-4043-99 2100-4043-02 2100-4043-98
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB007 31-30-03-007 02 8/30/2018 SB007-MD05 SW03-Introduction of Advanced AP PWA PN 205E2502-11 and Software Revision 3 SB007-MD05 SW03-Introduction of Advanced AP PWA PN 205E2502-11 and Software Revision 3 2100–2042–00 2100–2043–00 2100–4043–00 2100–4043–02 2100–4043–98 2100–4043–99
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB014 31-30-03-014 02 9/28/2018 SB014-MD09-Intro of New Aircraft Interface, Acquisition Processor PWAs and New W001 Cable Assembly SB014-MD09-Intro of New Aircraft Interface, Acquisition Processor PWAs and New W001 Cable Assembly 2100-2042-00 2100-2043-00 2100-2043-01 2100-2043-12 2100-2044-00 2100-2044-01 2100-2045-00 2100-2045-22 2100-4042-00 2100-4042-99 2100-4043-00 2100-4043-02 2100-4043-98 2100-4043-99 2100-4044-00 2100-4045-00
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB015 31-30-03-015 02 9/28/2018 SB015-MD10-Intro of Factory Tracking Identification SB015-MD10-Intro of Factory Tracking Identification 2100-2042-00 2100-2043-00 2100-2043-01 2100-2043-12 2100-2044-00 2100-2044-01 2100-2045-00 2100-2045-22 2100-4042-00 2100-4042-53 2100-4042-99 2100-4043-00 2100-4043-02 2100-4043-98 2100-4043-99 2100-4044-00 2100-4045-00
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB008 31-30-03-008 01 9/28/2018 SB008-MD05 SW04-Intro of Advanced Acquistion Processor PWA, PN 205E2502-13 SB008-MD05 SW04-Intro of Advanced Acquistion Processor PWA, PN 205E2502-13 2100-4042-00 2100-4042-99
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB009 31-30-03-009 01 9/28/2018 SB009-MD05-Intro of Advanced Acquistion Processor PWA, PN 205E2502-11 SB009-MD05-Intro of Advanced Acquistion Processor PWA, PN 205E2502-11 2100-2044-00 2100-4044-00
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB010 31-30-03-010 01 9/28/2018 SB010-MD06-Modification of Advanced Acquistion Processor PWA, PN 205E2502-13 to Improve RSU Operation SB010-MD06-Modification of Advanced Acquistion Processor PWA, PN 205E2502-13 to Improve RSU Operation 2100-4042-00 2100-4042-99
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB011 31-30-03-011 01 9/28/2018 SB011-MD07-Intro of Replacement CSMU Containing 3v Memory SB011-MD07-Intro of Replacement CSMU Containing 3v Memory 2100-2042–00 2100-4042-00 2100-4042-53 2100-2043-00 2100-4043-00 2100-4043-01 2100-4043-02 2100-2044-00 2100-4044-00
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB012 31-30-03 Initial 11/5/2006 SB012-MD07 SW01-Intro of Replacement CSMU Containing 3v Memory SB012-MD07 SW01-Intro of Replacement CSMU Containing 3v Memory 2100-4042-53
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB013 31-30-03 Initial 7/12/2007 SB013-MD08 SW01-Modification to Acquisition Processor PWA 205E2502-17 to Correct Timing Issue SB013-MD08 SW01-Modification to Acquisition Processor PWA 205E2502-17 to Correct Timing Issue 2100-4042-53
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB027 02 1/9/2019 SB027-Part Number Conversion Instructions for 90-Day ULB FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin 27 for P/N Conversion from 2100-4045-22 to 2100-4945-22 after 90-Day ULB Installation 2100-4045-22, 2100-4945-22
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB019 31-30-03-019 01 9/28/2018 SB019-Introduction of Improved Storage Capacitor Introduction of Improved Storage Capacitor 2100-2042-XX , 2100-2043-XX, 21002044-XX, 2100-2045-XX, 2100-4042-XX, 2100-4043-XX , 2100-4044-XX and 2100-4045-XX, 2100-4065-XX
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin SB033-FA2100FDR FA2100FDR-31-0033 01 7/30/2024 SB033-Service Bulletin for New Accelerometer TSO HARDWARE – PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION LABEL UPDATE FOR TSO-C124c and ED-112A 2100-4245-00 or 2100-4245-60
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB017 31-30-03-017 01 9/28/2018 SB017-Installation of Mounting Bracket to Support Storage Capacitor Service Bulletin 17 for FA2100 FDR. MOD DOT 11. 2100-2042-00 2100-2043-XX 2100-2044-XX 2100-2045-XX 2100-4042-XX 2100-4043-XX 2100-4044-XX 2100-4045-XX
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB028 31-30-03-028 10 6/10/2024 SB028- MOD 18 – Chassis Assembly Update to apply moisture prevention countermeasure. HW MOD 18. Update to chassis assembly. Incorporate moisture prevention countermeasure. (Short Case) 2100-2045-00, 2100-2043-12 (Long Case) 2100-4042-00, 2100-4043-00, 2100-4043-02, 2100-4044-00, 2100-4045-00, 2100-4045-60, 2100-4243-00, 2100-4245-00, 2100-4245-22, 2100-4245-60
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB025 08 8/15/2022 SB025-Introduction of New Software Revision and CSMU Part Number Introduction of New Software Revision and CSMU Part Number 2100-2xxx-xx, 2100-4xxx-xx
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB029 31-30-03-029 07 2/3/2025 SB029 - MOD 19 - New Parylene Coated CCA HW MOD 19. Incorporate moisture prevention countermeasure. (Rev 07- Remove part numbers effectivity from bulletin.) short case 2100-2043-12 2100-2044-51 2100-2045-00 2100-2243-00 long case 2100-4042-00 2100-4043-00 2100-4043-02 2100-4044-00 2100-4045-00 2100-4045-60 2100-4243-00 2100-4245-22 2100-4245-60
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB031 01 8/15/2022 SB031-SOFTWARE MOD 06 SOFTWARE MOD 06 2100-4945-22
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB030 01 9/30/2021 SB030-Convert P/N 2100-4945-22 to P/N 2100-4945-23 Convert P/N 2100-4945-22 to P/N 2100-4945-23 2100-4945-22, 2100-4945-23
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB032 00 12/23/2021 SB032-Convert P/N 2100-2045-00 to P/N 2100-2045-23 Convert P/N 2100-2045-00 to P/N 2100-2045-23 2100-2045-00, 2100-2045-23
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB024 07 10/15/2022 SB024-INTRODUCTION OF L3AP 90-DAY UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON PART NUMBER 266E5542-00 INTRODUCTION OF L3AP 90-DAY UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON PART NUMBER 266E5542-00 2100-2042, 2100-2043, 2100-2044, 2100-2045, 2100-4042, 2100-4043, 2100-4044, 2100-4045, 2100-4065
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB018 31-30-03-018 01 9/28/2018 SB018-Software Revision 02 FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin 18, Software Revision 02 2100-2045-00, 2100-4045-00, 2100-4045-22
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB022 31-30-03-022 02 9/28/2018 SB022-SW MOD DOT INTRODUCTION OF NEW SOFTWARE 2100-2042-xx, 2100-2044-xx, 2100-2045-xx, 2100-4042-xx, 2100−4043−xx, 2100−4044−xx, 2100−4045−xx and 2100−4065−xx
FA2100 FDR Service Bulletin FA2100FDR-SB023 31-30-03-023 01 9/28/2018 SB023-SW MOD DOT INTRODUCTION OF NEW SOFTWARE 2100-2042-xx, 2100-2043-xx, 2100-2044-xx, 2100-2045-xx, 2100-4042-xx, 2100−4043−xx, 2100−4044−xx, 2100−4045−xx and 2100−4065−xx
FA2100 FDR Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
FA2200 MADRAS Component Maintenance Manual 165E1900-00 31-30-04 03 9/20/2012 FA22XX FDR-MADRAS CMM FA22XX FDR-MADRAS CMM 2202-1100-00 2202-1101-00 2202-1300-00 2202-2000-00
FA2200 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1901-02 Initial 3/1/2006 FA2200 MADRAS/FDR Installation & Operation Manual for 2202-2000-XX FA2200 MADRAS/FDR Installation & Operation Manual for 2202-2000-XX 2202-2000-XX
FA2200 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1901-00 04 10/1/2002 FA22XX FDR-MADRAS Installation & Operation Manual FA22XX FLIGHT DATA RECORDER MODULAR AIRBORNE DATA RECORDING ACQUISITION SYSTEM (FA22XX FDR-MADRAS) INSTALLATION & OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2202–1100–00 2202−1101−00 2204–1000–00
FA2200 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1901-05 04 12/15/2010 FA2200 MADRAS/CVDR Installation & Operation Manual for 2202-2600-00 FA2200 MADRAS/FDR Installation & Operation Manual for 2202-2600-00 2202-2600-00
FA2200 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1901-01 01 7/15/2022 FA2200 MADRAS/FDR Installation & Operation Manual for 2202-1300-XX FA2200 MADRAS/FDR Install Manual, 2202-1300-XX for 2202-1300-XX 2202−1300−, 2202−1300−( )
FA2300 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1903-03 05 10/15/2011 Installation and Operation Manual, FA2300 Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder 2316-1600-00, S056-0048-00, S261-1130-00
FA2300 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1903-36 01 8/30/2021 Installation & Operation Instruction Manual, FA2300 Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder 2312−8500−94
FA2300 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1903-05 04 12/15/2010 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, FA2300 Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder 2306-1800-00
FA2300 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1903-33 02 4/30/2023 Installation and Operation Manual, FA2300 Modular Airborne Data Recording/Acquisition System Cockpit Voice And Data Recorder For The Beechcraft King Air 2312−8500−02, 2312−8500−03
FA2300 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1903-06 02 2/15/2010 Installation Manual Modular Airborne Data Recording/Acquisition Systems Cockpit Voice And Data Recorder For The Gulf Bell 412 2306-1202-00
FA2300 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E1903-24 Init 3/15/2011 FA23XX MADRAS CVDR for the AAI Bell 412, 2316-1203-01 FA23XX MADRAS CVDR for the AAI Bell 412, 2316-1203-01 2316-1203-01
FA2300 MADRAS Service Bulletin SB022-FA2316CVDR A2316-23-0001 00 5/15/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 20, PN 2316-1501-01 HARDWARE MOD 20 REPLACES CHASSIS ASSEMBLY, PART NO. 253E3825-05 WITH 253E3825-27, REV A (OR AFTER) 2316-1501-01
FA5000 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E5906-02 23-70-43 01 11/15/2024 FA5000 MADRAS CVDR CMM COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER MODEL FA5000 MADRAS CVDR 5311−6143−21, 5311−6143−22
FA5000 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E5327-12 23-70-42 01 12/30/2021 FA5013 DVDR Digital Voice and Data Recorder (CMM) FA5013 DVDR CMM 165E5327−12, 5013-6100-01
FA5000 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E6554-00 23-70-42 04 12/30/2022 FA5000 CVDR CMM FA5000 CVDR CMM 5011-6133-11, 5051-6133-11 500-4030-000
FA5000 CVDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-01 23-70-31 04 4/30/2024 Component Maintenance Manual, FA5000 CVDR Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder Recorder 5003-6100-00, 5003-6100-50, 5013-6100-50 RIPS 500−4030−000
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E6554-01 05 1/15/2023 FA5000 CVDR Installation & Operation Manual FA5000 CVDR with Datalink and Cockpit Image Recording Model: FA5000 CVDR Recorder P/N 5011-6133-11, 5051-6133-11 Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS) P/N 500-4030-000 Cockpit Area Microphone P/N S056-0048-10 5011-6133-11, 5051-6133-11
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E5327-01 15 4/15/2024 FA5000 CVDR Installation and Operation Instruction Manual FA5000 CVDR Short Case IOM 5001-6103-11, 5001-6133-11, 5003-6103-11, 5011-6103-11 500-4030-000
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E5327−13 03 12/30/2021 FA5013 DVDR Digital Voice and Data Recorder (IOM) FA5013 DVDR Digital Voice and Data Recorder (IOM) 500−4030−000, 5013-6100-01
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E5327-04 02 4/30/2024 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, FA5000 CVDR COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER MODEL FA5000 CVDR ARINC 757 5003−6100−00 RIPS Part Number: 500−4030−000
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E5327−04 01 2/28/2024 FA5000 CVDR Digital Voice and Data Recorder (IOM) FA5000 CVDR Digital Voice and Data Recorder (IOM) 5003-6100-00 RIPS: 500−4030−000,
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E5327-01-R14-TR-01 TR-01 2/15/2024 FA5000 CVDR Installation and Operation Instruction Manual FA5000 CVDR Short Case IOM Temporary Revision for 165E5327-01 rev 14 5001-6103-11, 5001-6133-11, 5003-6103-11, 5011-6103-11
FA5000 CVDR Installation Manual 165E5327-21 03 5/15/2024 Installation & Operation Instruction Manual, FA5000 CVDR, PN 5011-8103-11 COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER 5011-8103-11
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin SB002-FA5000CVDR FA5000CVDR-23-0001 00 7/15/2022 CONVERSION OF PART NO. 5011-6133-11 TO PART NO. 5051-6133-11 CONVERSION OF PART NO. 5011-6133-11 TO PART NO. 5051-6133-11 23-70-35, 5011-6133-11, 5051-6133-11
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin SB003-FA5013 FA5013-23-0001 00 12/30/2021 HARDWARE MOD 08 Update the aircraft interface PWA HARDWARE MOD 08 – UPDATE THE AIRCRAFT INTERFACE PWA, PART NO. 205-E6227-00 TO REVISION J 5013-6100-01
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin 50x1-6103-11-001 23-70-40-01 02 7/30/2022 HARDWARE MOD 02 – IMPROVED MAIN PROCESSOR HARDWARE MOD 02 – IMPROVED MAIN PROCESSOR 5001-6103-11
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin SB003-FA5000CVDR FA5000CVDR-23-0002 00 7/30/2022 MOD 06 – CSMU PRODUCTION IMPROVEMENT MOD 06 – CSMU PRODUCTION IMPROVEMENT 5011-6133-11,
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin SB002-FA5000 01 1/30/2025 Hardware MOD 03 and 04 Hardware MOD 03 and 04 5003-6100-00 5003-6100-50 5013-6100-50 5001-6103-11 5001-6133-11 5003-5000-00 5003-5001-50 5013-5001-50 5003-3100-01 5013-3100-00 5003-3103-11 5001-5003-11 5003-5003-11 5033-5003-11 5011-6103-11
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin SB001-FA5000 FA5000-70-6000 05 12/19/2023 Introduction of Software MOD 12 Introduction of Software MOD 12 Software MOD 12 (SW 2.6) ensure capability with new SDRAM component on the FA5000 Main Processor PWA and power anomalies possible at startup. 5001-6103-11 5003-6103-11 5013-6100-50 5011-6103-11 5011-8103-11 5013-6100-01 5003-5003-11 5033-5003-11 5003-5000-01 5013-5000-30 5013-5001-50 5003-3100-01 5013-3100-00 5013-3100-30
FA5000 CVDR Service Bulletin SB004-FA5000 03 7/16/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 7 Hardware MOD 7 to release new Main Processor PWA with update firmware. note: Revision 03 adds new part number to the SB. (FDR), P/N: 5003-3100-00, 5003-3100-01, 5003-3103-11, 5003-6100-50, 5013-3100-00, 5031-3103-11. (CVR), P/N: 5001-5003-11, 5003-5001-50, 5003-5003-11, 5013-5001-50, 5033-5003-11, 5053-5003-11. (CVDR), P/N: 5001-6103-11, 5003-6100-00, 5003-6103-11, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11, 5013-6100-50.
FA5000 CVDR Service Letter SIL-003-FA5000 00 12/19/2023 Service Information Letter Anomalies in downloaded flight data. CVDR: 5001-6103-11, 5003-6103-11, 5013-6100-50, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11, 5013-6100-01. CVR: 5003-5003-11, 5033-5003-11, 5003-5000-01, 5013-5000-30, 5013-5001-50 FDR: 5003-3100-01, 5013-3100-00, 5013-3100-30 DVR: 5011-6133-11
FA5000 CVDR Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
FA5000 CVDR Service Letter SIL-004-FA5000 00 3/18/2025 Service Information Letter Temporary Approval for Return-to-Service exception / Required Compliance – Channel Balance Tests. 5003-6100-00, 5003-6100-50, 5013-6100-50
FA5000 CVDR Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
FA5000 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E5398-00-R10-TR01 23-70-35 TR-01 2/15/2024 Model FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder CMM FA5000 CVR CMM Temp revision for 165E5398-00, Revision 10. 5001-5003-11, 5003-5003-11, 5033-5003-11, 5053-5003-11
FA5000 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-03-R04-TR-01 31-30-30 temp2 TR-02 4/30/2024 Component Maintenance Manual, Temp Rev 02, FA5000 FDR Flight Data Recorder Model Variant: FA5003 and FA5013 Temporary Revision to CMM (rev24) 5003-3100-00, 5003-3100-01, 5013-3100-00, 5013-3100-30
FA5000 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E5398-01 23-70-35 05 1/30/2025 FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder CMM FA5000 CVR CMM RIPS 5001-5003-11, 5003-5003-11, 5033-5003-11, 5053-5003-11. 500−4030−000
FA5000 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E5398-00 23-70-40 11 4/15/2024 Model FA5000 Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder CMM FA5000 CVDR CMM 5001-6103-11, 5001-6133-11, 5003-6103-11, 500-4030-000, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11
FA5000 CVR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-02 23-70-30 07 4/30/2024 FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder, CMM FA5000 CVR CMM 5003-5000-00, 5003-5000-01, 5003-5000-30, 5003-5001-50, 500-4030-00, 5013-5000-30, 5013-5001-50
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5327-00 06 4/30/2024 FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder 1/2 ATR Short Case IOM FA5000 Short Case IOM 5001-6103-11, 5003-5000-00, 5003-5000-01 500-4030-000
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5850-01 INT 5/19/2016 FA5013 CVR 1/2 Short Case Installation & Operation Manual FA5013 CVR 1/2 Short Case Installation & Operation Manual 5013-5000-30
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5327-11 09 1/30/2025 FA5000 CVR Installation & Operation Manual FA5000 CVR RIPS 500−4030−000 5001-5003-11, 5003-5003-11, 5053-5003-11 500-4030-000
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5278-11 07 1/30/2025 Installation Manual, FA5033, CVR COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER MODEL FA5033 CVR 5033−5003−11
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5328-11 04 11/30/2023 FA5033 CVR Installation & Operation Manual COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER MODEL FA5033 CVR 5033−5003−11
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5327-50 04 1/5/2024 FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder IOM FA5000 CVR ARINC 757, 757A 5000-5001-50, 5003-5001-50, 5013-5001-50, 5013-5001-50
FA5000 CVR Installation Manual 165E5327-97 07 5/29/2014 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, FA5003-5000-97CVR MODEL FA5003- 5000- 97CVR COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER 1/2-ATR SHORT CASE 5003-5000-97 rips 500- 4030- 000
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB006-FA5003 FA5003-23-0001 00 8/30/2021 CONVERSION OF PART NO. 5003-5003-11 TO PART NO. 5053-5003-11 This service bulletin implements hardware modifications to the FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder. CONVERSION OF PART NO. 5003-5003-11 to PART NO. 5053-5003-11 5003-5003-11, 5053-5003-11, FA5000, FA5003, FA5053
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB002-FA5000 01 1/30/2025 Hardware MOD 03 and 04 Hardware MOD 03 and 04 5003-6100-00 5003-6100-50 5013-6100-50 5001-6103-11 5001-6133-11 5003-5000-00 5003-5001-50 5013-5001-50 5003-3100-01 5013-3100-00 5003-3103-11 5001-5003-11 5003-5003-11 5033-5003-11 5011-6103-11
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB007-FA5000CVR FA5000CVR-23-0003 00 6/15/2022 HARDWARE MOD 05 – UPDATES TO MAIN PROCESSOR PWA HARDWARE MOD 05 – UPDATES TO MAIN PROCESSOR PWA 23-70-30, 5003-5000-01, 5013-5000-30
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB007-FA5003 FA5003-23-0002 00 8/15/2022 HARDWARE MOD 06 – UPDATE WITH NEW CSMU HARDWARE MOD 06 – UPDATE WITH NEW CSMU 23-70-35, 5001-5003-11, 5003-5003-11
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB005-FA5003 FA5003-31-6000 01 2/16/2021 Introduction of Software MOD 11 Software MOD 11 (SW 2.5) removes the DHCP option to obtain IP Addresses for the recorder, improve the record only mode protection, and update the Datalink record function 5003-5000-01
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB001-FA5000 FA5000-70-6000 05 12/19/2023 Introduction of Software MOD 12 Introduction of Software MOD 12 Software MOD 12 (SW 2.6) ensure capability with new SDRAM component on the FA5000 Main Processor PWA and power anomalies possible at startup. 5001-6103-11 5003-6103-11 5013-6100-50 5011-6103-11 5011-8103-11 5013-6100-01 5003-5003-11 5033-5003-11 5003-5000-01 5013-5000-30 5013-5001-50 5003-3100-01 5013-3100-00 5013-3100-30
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin FA5000-SB004 02 3/16/2015 Introduction of 90 Day ULB Introduction of 90 Day ULB 5000-
FA5000 CVR Service Bulletin SB004-FA5000 03 7/16/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 7 Hardware MOD 7 to release new Main Processor PWA with update firmware. note: Revision 03 adds new part number to the SB. (FDR), P/N: 5003-3100-00, 5003-3100-01, 5003-3103-11, 5003-6100-50, 5013-3100-00, 5031-3103-11. (CVR), P/N: 5001-5003-11, 5003-5001-50, 5003-5003-11, 5013-5001-50, 5033-5003-11, 5053-5003-11. (CVDR), P/N: 5001-6103-11, 5003-6100-00, 5003-6103-11, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11, 5013-6100-50.
FA5000 CVR Service Letter SIL-003-FA5000 00 12/19/2023 Service Information Letter Anomalies in downloaded flight data. CVDR: 5001-6103-11, 5003-6103-11, 5013-6100-50, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11, 5013-6100-01. CVR: 5003-5003-11, 5033-5003-11, 5003-5000-01, 5013-5000-30, 5013-5001-50 FDR: 5003-3100-01, 5013-3100-00, 5013-3100-30 DVR: 5011-6133-11
FA5000 CVR Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
FA5000 CVR Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
FA5000 FDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E5398-04 31-30-35 03 10/15/2024 Component Maintenance Manual, FDR, FA5001/FA5003/FA5031 5001−3103−11, 5003−3103−11, 5031−3103−11 FDR Flight Data Recorder 5001-3103-11 5003-3103-11 5031-3103-11
FA5000 FDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-03-R04-TR-01 31-30-30 04 TR-01 9/30/2023 Component Maintenance Manual, Temp Rev 01, FA5000 FDR Flight Data Recorder Model Variant: FA5003 and FA5013 Temporary Revision to CMM 5003-3100-00, 5003-3100-01, 5013-3100-00, 5013-3100-30
FA5000 FDR Component Maintenance Manual 165E1689-03 31-30-30 06 4/30/2024 Component Maintenance Manual, FA5000 FDR Flight Data Recorder Model Variant: FA5003 and FA5013 5003-3100-00, 5003-3100-01, 5013-3100-00, 5013-3100-30
FA5000 FDR Installation Manual 165E5326-00 06 4/30/2024 Installation & Operation Instruction Manual, FA5003 & FA5013 FDR FA5003 & FA5013 Flight Data Recorder Installation & Operation Manual 5003−3100−00, 5003−3100−01, 5013−3100−00
FA5000 FDR Installation Manual 165E5850-02 01 4/30/2024 FA5000 FDR IOM. FA5013 FA5013 FDR IOM 5013-3100-30
FA5000 FDR Installation Manual 165E5278-10 04 5/15/2024 Installation Manual, FA5031, FDR MODEL FA5031 FDR FLIGHT DATA RECORDER 5031-3103-11
FA5000 FDR Installation Manual 165E5327-10 08 10/15/2024 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual. P/N 5001−3103−11, 5003−3103−11 MODEL FA5000 FDR FLIGHT DATA RECORDER 5001−3103−11, 5003−3103−11
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB002-FA5000 01 1/30/2025 Hardware MOD 03 and 04 Hardware MOD 03 and 04 5003-6100-00 5003-6100-50 5013-6100-50 5001-6103-11 5001-6133-11 5003-5000-00 5003-5001-50 5013-5001-50 5003-3100-01 5013-3100-00 5003-3103-11 5001-5003-11 5003-5003-11 5033-5003-11 5011-6103-11
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB001-FA5013 FA5013-31-0000 03 1/8/2024 Hardware MOD 7 to update Firmware on CCA Main Processor board. Instructions for the installation of Firmware Part No. 840-E5479-04. 5013-3100-30
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB002-FA5013 FA5013-23-0000 01 6/3/2021 Instructions for the installation of Firmware Part No. 840-E5479-04. MOD 7. This modification improves the ARINC 429 OMS output speed 5013-5000-30
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB001-FA5000 FA5000-70-6000 05 12/19/2023 Introduction of Software MOD 12 Introduction of Software MOD 12 Software MOD 12 (SW 2.6) ensure capability with new SDRAM component on the FA5000 Main Processor PWA and power anomalies possible at startup. 5001-6103-11 5003-6103-11 5013-6100-50 5011-6103-11 5011-8103-11 5013-6100-01 5003-5003-11 5033-5003-11 5003-5000-01 5013-5000-30 5013-5001-50 5003-3100-01 5013-3100-00 5013-3100-30
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB004-FA5003 FA5003-23-6000 01 2/16/2021 Introduction of Software MOD 11 Software MOD 11 (SW 2.5) removes the DHCP option to obtain IP Addresses for the recorder, improve the record only mode protection, and update the Datalink record function 5003-3100-01
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB004-FA5000 03 7/16/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 7 Hardware MOD 7 to release new Main Processor PWA with update firmware. note: Revision 03 adds new part number to the SB. (FDR), P/N: 5003-3100-00, 5003-3100-01, 5003-3103-11, 5003-6100-50, 5013-3100-00, 5031-3103-11. (CVR), P/N: 5001-5003-11, 5003-5001-50, 5003-5003-11, 5013-5001-50, 5033-5003-11, 5053-5003-11. (CVDR), P/N: 5001-6103-11, 5003-6100-00, 5003-6103-11, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11, 5013-6100-50.
FA5000 FDR Service Bulletin SB009-FA5000FDR FA5000FDR-31-0009 00 10/15/2024 HARDWARE MOD 06 REPLACES CSMU FOR RELIABILITY, P/N 5003-3103-11 This service bulletin implements hardware modifications to the FA5000 FDR, P/N 5003-3103-11. Hardware MOD 06 Updates the Crash Survival Memory Unit (CSMU) P/N 253-E5856-00 to 253-E5856-01 for reliability. The new CSMU incorporates a new silicone cord seal, silicone gasket, and insulated housing for improve mounting of the beacon bracket. 5003-3103-11
FA5000 FDR Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
FA5000 FDR Service Letter SIL-003-FA5000 00 12/19/2023 Service Information Letter Anomalies in downloaded flight data. CVDR: 5001-6103-11, 5003-6103-11, 5013-6100-50, 5011-6103-11, 5011-8103-11, 5013-6100-01. CVR: 5003-5003-11, 5033-5003-11, 5003-5000-01, 5013-5000-30, 5013-5001-50 FDR: 5003-3100-01, 5013-3100-00, 5013-3100-30 DVR: 5011-6133-11
FA5000 MADRAS Installation Manual 165E5906-01 04 11/15/2024 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER MODEL FA5000 MADRAS CVDR 5311−6143−21, 5311−6143−22
FA5000 MADRAS Service Bulletin SB001-FA5311 00 11/18/2020 Service Bulletin, MOD 6 Firmware Update - Hardware MOD 06 5311-6143-21
FA5000 MADRAS Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
GA100 Component Maintenance Manual 165E010200 23-70-11 Initial 8/1/1989 GA100 Component Maintenance Manual GA100 CMM by special request only. Contact Avionics.TechPubs@L3Harris.com GA100-0000, GA150-0000
GA100 Installation Manual FAR04229004 23-70-11 2 1/27/1993 GA100 Installation & Operation Manual GA100 Installation & Operation Manual GA100-0000, GA150-0000
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual TP-569 24-30-21 B C2 7/30/2014 Component Maintenance Manual with IPL Overhaul Manual for Transformer Rectifier GEK-9107A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-42518C C 10/1/1969 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-42518C
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-46981 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEI-46981
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47017 Orig 4/1/1963 Instructions Pub# GEI-47017
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47162B B 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEI-47162B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47252A A 1/1/1967 Instructions Pub# GEI-47252A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47276B B 8/5/1963 Instructions Pub# GEI-47276B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47289 Orig 11/1/1960 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-47289
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47329 Orig 7/1/1963 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-47329
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47365 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-47365
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-47390B B 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-47390B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86820A A 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEI-86820A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86820B B 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEI-86820B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86821A 1 9/15/1972 Instructions Pub# GEI-86821A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86823B B 8/12/1963 Instructions Pub# GEI-86823B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86840 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEI-86840
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86862A A 8/2/1963 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-86862A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86896C C 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-86896C
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86969 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-86969
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-86971 Orig 3/15/1963 Instructions Pub# GEI-86971
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93104 Orig 7/26/2005 Instruction Pub# GEI-93104
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93109C 3 7/31/1967 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEI-93109C
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93119B 3 7/31/1967 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEI-93119B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93124B B 5/1/1972 Instruction Pub# GEI-93124B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93148 Orig 7/26/2005 Preliminary Issue [No distribution] Pub# GEI-93148
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93151 Orig 3/15/1963 Illustrated Parts Breakdown Pub# GEI-93151
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93232A A 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEI-93232A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93239 Orig 7/26/2005 Instruction with IPL Pub# GEI-93239
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93268B 1 9/7/1967 Instruction with IPL Pub# GEI-93268B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93269A A 7/26/2005 Instruction with IPL Pub# GEI-93269A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98121 Orig 7/26/2005 Instruction with IPL Pub# GEI-98121
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98255A A 3/1/1968 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEI-98255A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98258B 2 11/15/1966 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEI-98258B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98279A A 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEI-98279A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98282B 1 9/1/1965 Instruction Manual Pub# GEI-98282B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98285A A 9/15/1969 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEI-98285A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12422 Orig 10/1/1967 Field Maintenance with IPL Pub# GEK-12422
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12423 Orig 10/1/1967 Overhaul Pub# GEK-12423
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12424 Orig 6/30/1967 Illustrated Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-12424
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12426A A 11/1/1968 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-12426A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12433 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEK-12433
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12437 24-30 2 2/15/1967 Overhaul and Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-12437
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12438 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions with Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-12438
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12439 Orig 3/1/1967 Maintenance Manual with Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-12439
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12501A A 12/1/1968 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-12501A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12502 Orig 7/26/2005 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-12502
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12506 Orig 8/6/1959 Operating and Maintenance Instruction Pub# GEK-12506
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12507 Orig 10/1/1968 Instructions Pub# GEK-12507
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12560 Orig 4/1/1967 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-12560
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12561A A 7/26/2005 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-12561A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12566A A 1/11/1968 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-12566A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12568 Orig 7/26/2005 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-12568
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12571 24-30-xx 11/1/1967 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-12571
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12572 Orig 7/26/2005 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-12572
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-12574 2 7/11/1990 Maintenance/Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-12574
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14790 1/25/1999 Operations and Maintenance Instruction Pub# GEK-14790
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14792 Orig 7/26/2005 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEK-14792
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14797 24-30-04 1 4/1/1976 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-14797
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14800 24-30-03 Orig 9/1/1969 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-14800
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14802 Orig 8/15/1969 Overhaul Instructions Pub# GEK-14802
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14803 24-30-05 Orig 11/1/1969 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-14803 3S2060DC169A1
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14807 1 10/15/1971 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-14807
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14817 24-30-02 1 6/1/1973 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-14817
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14820B B 8/7/1969 Depot Maintenance and Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-14820B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14823 2 7/11/1990 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-14823
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14825A A 8/7/1969 Depot Maintenance and Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-14825A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14826 24-30-01 Orig 8/28/1968 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-14826 3S2060DC168A1
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14828 Orig 11/15/1968 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-14828
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-14829 Orig 9/11/1968 Instructions Pub# GEK-14829
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-230 7/26/2005 Instructions Pub# GEK-230
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-276 Orig 7/26/2005 Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-276
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-343A 2 1/1/1980 Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-343A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34425 Orig 11/15/1971 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-34425
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34440 24-32-20 3 7/1/1979 Overhaul Manual With IPL Pub# GEK-34440
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34442 24-30-18 1 2/15/1975 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-34442
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34443 Orig 2/15/1972 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-34443
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34450 24-30-17 3 12/23/1997 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-34450
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34458 24-30-14 Orig 11/15/1974 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-34458
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-34459 24-30-15 1 7/15/1980 Overhaul Manual with IPL GEK-34459 3S2060DC168C1B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-344B 2 1/1/1980 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-344B
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-345 Orig 9/1/1968 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEK-345
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4639A Orig 9/1/1966 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-4639A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4666 1 10/1/1982 Instructions with IPL Pub# GEK-4666
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4667A A 12/15/1966 Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-4667A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4676 1 6/1/1973 Instructions with Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-4676
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4704 24-30-11 1 4/10/1977 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-4704
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4715 Orig 11/1/1965 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-4715
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4717 Orig 12/1/1966 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-4717
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4781 C3 3/1/1966 Field Maintenance Pub# GEK-4781 697201-J
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4782 C2 2/24/1981 Overhaul Pub# GEK-4782
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4783 Orig 3/1/1966 Illustrated Parts Breakdown Pub# GEK-4783
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4791 Orig 4/15/1966 Operating and Maintenance Instructions with IPL Pub# GEK-4791
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4796 Orig 5/1/1966 Maintenance and Overhaul manaul Pub# GEK-4796
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-9119 Orig 6/1/1966 Field Maintenance Manual Pub# GEK-9119
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-93200 Orig 1/1/1958 Instructions Pub# GEI-93200
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4704 Supplement A 24-30-11 2/1/1966 Supplement A to Overhaul Manual Pub# GEK-4704 Supplement A
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEK-4704 Supplement B 24-30-11 2/1/1966 Overhaul Manual with IPL Pub# GEK-4704 Supplement B 3S2060DM118C1
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-67394 1 11/1/1958 Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown Pub# GEI-67394
GE - Power Conditioning Component Maintenance Manual GEI-98281B Orig 6/1/1965 Instructions Pub# GEI-98281B
GE - Power Conditioning Installation Manual GEI-36528B B 10/1/1969 Instructions Pub# GEI-36528B
GE - Power Conditioning Installation Manual GEI-72518 Orig 9/1/1958 Operating and Maintenance Instructions Pub# GEI-72518
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC126B1-SB01 Orig 5/3/1990 Provides the procedures for modifying the speed sensing circuit to operate correctly with the replacement components. 3S2060DC126B1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC126B1-SB02B Orig 8/1/1990 This document provides additional information for Service Bulletin 3S2060DC126B1-SB01. 3S2060DC126B1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC126B1-SB03 Orig 8/1/1990 This document provides additional information for Service Bulletin 3S2060DC126B1-SB01. 3S2060DC126B1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC126B1-SB04 Orig 5/17/1991 Provides additional circuit modifications which are required to reduce nuisance tripping of replacement parts for SCS 5 and SCS 6. The modification reduces the noise and temperature sensitivity of the circuit. 3S2060DC126B1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC135A1-24-17 Orig 2/15/1968 First modification to replace CR3 and F1 and stamping an "M" after the serial number. Second modification to replace CR14, 15 and 16, changing wires 15-1 and 41 from #22 AWG to #18 AWG and changing "M" to "M1". 3S2060DC135A1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC164B1B,B2-24-01 Orig 6/16/1977 Provides availability for a B2-24-01 adjustable resistor and diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures. 3S2060DC164B1B, 3S2060DC164B1B2
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168A1-24-01 Orig 12/20/1976 This service bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DC168A1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168A1-24-02 Orig 6/16/1977 Issued as a product improvement notification to advise operators of the availability of an adjustable resistor having improved service life and reliability. This bulletin also provides diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures to aid in resolving genera 3S2060DC168A1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168A2, A3-24-01 Orig 3/1/1977 This service bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DC168A2, 3S2060DC168A3
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168A2A-24-01 Orig 4/4/1977 This service bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DC168A2A
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168A2A-24-02 Orig 6/16/1977 Issued as a product improvement notification to advise operators of the availability of an adjustable resistor having improved service life and reliability. This bulletin also provides diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures to aid in resolving generat 3S2060DC168A2A
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168A2A-24-03 Orig 5/31/1990 This bulletin provides the procedures for modifying the generator control unit to improve the noise rejection characteristics of the over voltage protection circuit. 3S2060DC168A2A
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168B1-24-04 1 3/10/1997 This bulletin identifies a replacement A2 circuit board which isolates the over voltage protection circuit from capacitor C5 to eliminate this potential problem. 3S2060DC168B1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168C1B-24-01 Orig 12/20/1976 This Service Bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DC168C1B
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168C1B-24-02 Orig 6/16/1977 Issued as a product improvement notification to advise operators of the availability of an adjustable resistor having improved service life and reliability. This bulletin also provides diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures to aid in resolving generat 3S2060DC168C1B
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168D1-24-01 1 3/11/1977 This Service Bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DC168D1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168D1-24-02 1 1/15/1981 Issued as a product improvement notification to advise operators of the availability of an adjustable resistor having improved service life and reliability. This bulletin also provides diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures to aid in resolving generat 3S2060DC168D1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168D1-24-03 Orig 12/1/1993 This bulletin identifies a replacement A2 circuit board which isolates the over voltage protection circuit from capacitor C5 to eliminate this potential problem. 3S2060DC168D1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168E1-24-01 Orig 3/11/1977 This service bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DC168E1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC168E1-24-02 Orig 6/16/1977 Issued as a product improvement notification to advise operators of the availability of an adjustable resistor having improved service life and reliability. This bulletin also provides diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures to aid in resolving generat 3S2060DC168E1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC169A1-24-01 Orig 6/16/1977 Issued as a product improvement notification to advise operators of the availability of an adjustable resistor having improved service life and reliability. This bulletin also provides diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures to aid in resolving generat 3S2060DC169A1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DM138A1 Orig 2/15/1968 The revised trip point setting will improve starting characteristics. This readjustment is being offered to insure transfer from the starter mode to the generator mode at idle speed 3S2060DM138A1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DR132A1A-24-16 2/15/1968 To improve reliability, a transfer circuit was designed to replace the SCR's associated with the turn-off circuit. 3S2060DR132A1A
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DR132C1C-24-01 Orig 12/20/1976 This service bulletin provides instructions for locating and identifying capacitors suspected of leakage. 3S2060DR132C1C
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DR149A1A-24-01 1 5/30/1984 Issued as product improvement modification. 3S2060DR149A1A
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DC137A1-24-18 Orig 9/1/1968 Modification to circuitry. 3S2060DC137A1
GE - Power Conditioning Service Bulletin SB3S2060DR149A1A-24-01-1 Orig 5/30/1984 Revision notice to Service Bulletin SB3S2060DR149A1A-24-01. 3S2060DR149A1A
GE - Power Conditioning Service Letter SL-121 B 5/5/2009 To provide information necessary to repair units and improve unit reliability. 3S2060DM169A1, 3S2060DM169A3
GH-3000 Installation Manual TP-579 E 5/1/2018 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3000, Rel. 4.x and 5. Electronic Standby Instrument System Manual includes installation information for DCM-3000 Detachable Configuration Module, ADC-3000 Air Data Computer, ADC-3001 Air Data Computer, ADC-4000 Air Data Computer, and MAG-3000 Magnetometer. 501-1741-2104, 501-1741-2204, 501-1741-2304, 501-1741-2404, 501-1741-2504, 501-1741-2604, 501-1741-2704, 501-1741-2804, 501-1741-2105. 501-1826-01, 501-1881-01
GH-3000 Installation Manual TP-546 T 3/30/2017 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3000, Rel. 3.x Electronic Standby Indicator 501-1741-0103, 501-1741-0203, 501-1741-0303, 501-1741-0403, 501-1741-0503, 501-1741-0603, 501-1741-0703, 501-1741-0803, 501-1741-2103, 501-1741-2203, 501-1741-2303, 501-1741-2403, 501-1741-2503, 501-1741-2603, 501-1741-2703, 501-1741-2803, 501-1741-3293, 501-1741-4103, 501-1741-4203, 501-1741-4303, 501-1741-4403, 501-1741-4503, 501-1741-4603, 501-1741-4703, 501-1741-4803
GH-3000 Installation Manual TP-531 C 5/27/2009 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3000, Rel. 2.x Electronic Standby Instrument System Manual includes installation information for the DCM-3000, ADC-3000, and MAG-3000. 501-1741-0102, 501-1741-0202, 501-1741-0302, 501-1741-0402, 501-1741-0502, 501-1741-0602, 501-1741-0702, 501-1741-0802, 501-1741-2102, 501-1741-2202, 501-1741-2302, 501-1741-2402, 501-1741-2502, 501-1741-2602, 501-1741-2702, 501-1741-2802, 501-1797-( ), 501-1803-( ), 501-1826-( )
GH-3000 Installation Manual TP-503 34-20-57 A 5/27/2009 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3000, Rel. 1.x Electronic Standby Indicator 501-1741-01, 501-1741-02, 501-1741-03, 501-1741-04, 501-1741-05, 501-1741-06, 501-1741-07, 501-1741-08
GH-3000 Pilot Guide TP-571 A 9/5/2001 Pilot's Guide, GH-3000, Rel. C27J.2 Pilot's Guide Electronic Standby Indicator 501-1741-3293
GH-3000 Pilot Guide TP-547 H 7/22/2009 Pilot's Guide, GH-3000, Rel 3.x Pilot's Guide 501-1741-0103 501-1741-0203 501-1741-0303 501-1741-0403 501-1741-0503 501-1741-0603 501-1741-0703 501-1741-0803 501-1741-2103 501-1741-2203 501-1741-2303 501-1741-2403 501-1741-2503 501-1741-2603 501-1741-2703 501-1741-2803 501-1741-3293 501-1741-4103
GH-3000 Pilot Guide TP-577 B 8/12/2008 Pilot's Guide, GH-3000, Rel 4.x Pilot's Guide 501-1741-2104
GH-3000 Pilot Guide TP-626 B 4/16/2009 Pilot's Guide, GH-3000, Rel. 5.x Pilot's Guide Electronic Standby Indicator 501-1741-2105
GH-3000 Printer Copies TP-547PC H 7/22/2009 Pilot's Guide Printer copy GH-3000 PG 501-1741-()
GH-3000 Printer Copies TP-626PC B 4/16/2009 Pilot's Guide Printer copy GH-3000 PG 501-1741-2105
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-27 D 1/2/2007 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-28 A 2/15/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or disruption. 501-1741-(), 501-1741-01, 501-1741-0102, 501-1741-0103, 501-1741-09, 501-1741-2102, 501-1741-2103, 501-1741-2104, 501-1741-3293, 501-1741-4103
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-32 B 5/7/2012 SB501-1741-32 501-1741-09, 501-1741-2102, 501-1741-2103, 501-1741-2104, 501-1741-2105, 501-1741-2202, 501-1741-2203, 501-1741-2204, 501-1741-2302, 501-1741-2303, 501-1741-2304, 501-1741-2402, 501-1741-2403, 501-1741-2404, 501-1741-2502, 501-1741-2503, 501-1741-2504, 501-1741-2602, 501-1741-2603, 501-1741-2604, 501-1741-2702, 501-1741-2703, 501-1741-2704, 501-1741-2802, 501-1741-2803, 501-1741-2804, 501-1741-3293, 501-1741-4103, 501-1741-4203, 501-1741-4303, 501-1741-4403, 501-1741-4503, 501-1741-4603, 501-1741-4703, 501-1741-4803
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-29 D 11/24/2008 Provide replacment display due to diminishing source. 501-1741-, 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-30 D 11/25/2008 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1741-, 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-31 A 8/3/2007 Remove fan failure message Remove fan failure message 501-1741-0103, 501-1741-0203, 501-1741-0303, 501-1741-0403, 501-1741-0503, 501-1741-0603, 501-1741-0703, 501-1741-0803, 501-1741-2103, 501-1741-2203, 501-1741-2303, 501-1741-2403, 501-1741-2503, 501-1741-2603, 501-1741-2703, 501-1741-2803, 501-1741-3293, 501-1741-4103, 501-1741-4203, 501-1741-4303, 501-1741-4403, 501-1741-4503, 501-1741-4603, 501-1741-4703, 501-1741-4803
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-1 Orig 12/1/1997 To prevent possible damage to unprotected sensor output pin. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-10 Orig 6/1/2000 Provide recess for nameplates to prevent damage during installation or removal. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-11 Orig 6/1/2000 To incorporate new display glass. 501-1741-09
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-12 Orig 6/1/2000 Reduce audio frequency noise susceptibility and provide additional isolation of rate sensors. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-13 Orig 6/1/2000 Increase durability of keyboard assembly by using a pinned knob. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-14 Orig 6/1/2000 Increase isolation of energy storage board and case. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-15 Orig 7/19/2002 Product Improvement 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-16 A 2/12/2003 Utilize more reliable connector on 16-BIT A/D CCA. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-17 A 2/12/2003 New Keyboard assembly that is easier to manufacture and repair. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-18 Orig 2/11/2003 To correct startup errors for level Sensor Self Test. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-19 B 11/24/2008 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-2 Orig 12/1/1997 To improve A2 Sensor Assembly output stability which provides constant calibration characteristics and overall attitude performance. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-20 Orig 8/20/2003 Provide additional screw depth engagement in sensor mounting bracket. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-21 Orig 3/25/2004 Better manufacturing of GH-3000 by replacing energy storage board and cover. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-22 A 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Produce a universal lighting controller. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-23 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Pitch Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-24 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Roll Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-25 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Yaw Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-26 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Consolidation to a single level sensor. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-3 Orig 12/1/1997 To eliminate possible display vertical scrolling by establishing pseudo synchronization of display operating frequencies. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-4 Orig 12/1/1997 To provide for use of fan with improved reliability. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-5 Orig 12/1/1997 To establish proper circuit filtering which minimizes both roll and pitch level signal changes as seen on the ARINC-429 level output signals. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-6 Orig 12/1/1997 To eliminate possible detrimental effects of reverse bias applied to level sensor filter capacitors. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-7 Orig 12/4/1998 To insure proper interface between keyboard circuit card contacts and keyboard flex finger terminations. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-8 A 6/1/2000 To replace energy storage board with improved version. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-9 Orig 6/1/2000 Improve EMI performance 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-34 B 3/26/2014 Rev B corrects effectivity by replacing "serial" with "part" Rev B corrects effectivity by replacing "serial" with "part" 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1741-33 A 2/28/2012 To improve low light level calibration linearity 501-1741-3103
GH-3000 Service Letter SL-324 A 4/5/2017 End of Production Notice End of Production Notice 501-1741, 501-1860
GH-3000 Service Letter SL-226 A 5/15/2007 To provide product upgrade information due to product obsolescene 501-1741-01, 501-1741-0102, 501-1741-0103, 501-1741-02, 501-1741-0202, 501-1741-0203, 501-1741-03, 501-1741-0302, 501-1741-0303, 501-1741-04, 501-1741-0402, 501-1741-0403, 501-1741-05, 501-1741-0502, 501-1741-0503, 501-1741-06, 501-1741-0602, 501-1741-0603, 501-1741-07, 501-1741-0702, 501-1741-0703, 501-1741-08, 501-1741-0802, 501-1741-0803
GH-3000 Service Letter SL-251 A 12/3/2009 Supplemental Operation Instructions Supplemental Operation Instructions 501-1741-3103
GH-3000 Service Letter SL-185 Orig 1/20/2004 Inform customers of the Cessna Citation Bravo Series Aircraft of Airdata problem. 501-1741-( )
GH-3000 Troubleshooting Guide TP-602 B 3/12/2009 GH-3000 Troubleshooting Guide GH-3000 Troubleshooting Guide 501-1741- ( )
GH-3001 Installation Manual TP-530 L 6/15/2016 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3001, Rel. 1.x, 2.x, 5.0 Electronic Standby Instrument System Manual includes installation information for the DCM-3000, ADC-3000 / ADC-4000, and MAG-3000. GH-3001. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2405, 501-1851-3402 501-1797-23, 501-1797-24, 501-1797-71, 501-1803-145, 501-1803-31C, 501-1803-32B, 501-1826-01,
GH-3001 Installation Manual TP-593 E 12/18/2013 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3001, Rel. 3.x, 4.x Uses GH-3000 platform with Software version 4.x. Manual includes installation information for DCM-3000, ADC-3000, ADC-4000, and MAG-3000. 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404 501-1797-( ), 501-1803-( ), 501-1826-01,
GH-3001 Pilot Guide TP-535 C 10/27/2010 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-535 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-23 A 12/17/2007 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source To provide replacement display due to diminishing source 501-1851-
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-22 A 2/15/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or disruption. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-18 A 2/3/2006 To provide replacement rate sensor flex. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-19 A 2/3/2006 To provide replacement rate sensor flex. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-20 A 2/3/2006 To provide replacement rate sensor flex. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-21 C 12/17/2007 Superseded by SB-501-1851-23 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-1 Orig 1/1/2000 Improve performance over temperature range. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-10 Orig 7/19/2002 Product Improvement 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-11 A 3/14/2003 To provide better EMI protection for the unit. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-12 Orig 2/11/2003 To correct startup errors for level Sensor Self Test. [Part Number 501-1851-2403, with 3.x software]. 501-1851-2403
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-13 Orig 3/14/2003 To provide better EMI protection for the unit. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-14 A 12/17/2007 Superseeded by SB501-1851-23 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-15 Orig 8/20/2003 Provide additional screw depth engagement in sensor mounting bracket. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-16 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. New Energy Storage Board and Cover. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-17 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Producing a universal Lighting controller. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-2 B 7/24/2013 Improve EMI performance. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-3 A 4/17/2012 To incorporate new display glass. 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2405
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-4 B 7/24/2013 Reduce audio frequency noise susceptibility and provide additional isolation of rate sensors. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-5 B 7/24/2013 Improve durability of keyboard assembly. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-6 Orig 6/1/2000 Provide recess for nameplates to prevent damage during installation or removal. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-7 B 7/24/2013 FPGA controlled addressing is required with software release 1.2. 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-8 A 12/10/2015 Increase isolation of energy storage board and case. Revision A incorporates a new model to the effectivity paragraph 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2405
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-9 B 7/24/2013 Utilize more reliable connector on 16-Bit A/D CCA 501-1851-01
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-24 B 12/11/2015 To provide replacement display due to diminshing source 501-1851-01, 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2403, 501-1851-2404, 501-1851-2405
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-25 A 7/30/2012 This product may have a suspected unapproved part (SUP) installed. 501-1851-
GH-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1851-26 A 6/12/2019 To eliminate a failed power up condition on certain units if the unit is off for an extended period of time. Service Bulletin 501-1851-2402, 501-1851-2405, 501-1851-3402
GH-3001 Service Letter SL-354 A 2/12/2020 End of Production Notice Service Letter 501-1851-
GH-3002 Component Maintenance Manual TP-539 G 1/18/2019 Maintenance Guide Electronic Indicator Work Share Kit 501-1852-0101, 501-1852-0103, 501-1852-0203, 504-1966-01
GH-3002 Service Letter SL-333 C 3/28/2019 End of Manufacturing Notice End of Production 501-1852-0101, 501-1852-0103, 501-1852-0203, 504-1966-01
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-18 B 7/12/2010 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-19 A 7/12/2010 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or disruption. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-20 A 7/12/2010 To remove fan failure warning message 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-21 A 7/12/2010 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-1 Orig 1/17/2002 Provide a unit cover with a recessed mounting surface for unit Nameplate to prevent damage to Nameplate. 501-1859-02
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-10 Orig 1/7/2004 Manufacturing Change. 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-11 A 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Produce a universal Lighting Controller. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-12 Orig 1/7/2004 Manufacturing Change. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-13 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Pitch Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-14 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Roll Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-15 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Yaw Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-16 B 1/25/2010 Consolidate to a single level sensor type. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-2 Orig 1/17/2002 Reduce audio frequency noise susceptibility and provide additional isolation of rate sensors. 501-1859-02
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-3 Orig 1/17/2002 Increase durability of Keyboard. 501-1859-02
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-4 Orig 1/17/2002 Isolate Energy Storage Board from Case. 501-1859-02
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-5 A 2/19/2002 Utilize more reliable connector on 16-Bit A/D CCA 501-1859-02, 501-1859-2203
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-6 Orig 7/19/2002 Product Improvement 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-7 Orig 2/11/2003 To correct startup errors for level Sensor Self Test. [Part Number 501-1859-0203, -2203, -2603 - with 3.x software]. 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-8 C 1/25/2010 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. Superceeded by SB501-1859-17 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-9 Orig 8/20/2003 Provide additional screw depth engagement in sensor mounting bracket. 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3004 Service Bulletin SB501-1859-17 B 1/25/2010 Replacement Display due to Diminishing source 501-1859-02, 501-1859-0203, 501-1859-2202, 501-1859-2203, 501-1859-2603
GH-3100 Installation Manual TP-582 G 3/4/2010 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3100, sw 4.0 Pub# TP-582 501-1826-01, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0104, 501-1870-( )
GH-3100 Installation Manual TP-559 K 3/30/2017 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3100, SW 3.0 This manual contains installation and operating information for the GH Electronic Standby Instrument System. Information in this manual includes the following products: GH-3100 Electronic Standby Indicator (with 1.3, 1.4 or 3.0 software), DCM-3100 Detachable configuration Module, and MAG-3000 / MAG-3100 Magnetometer. This information is supplemented and kept current by revisions, service letters and service bulletins. 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02, 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0103, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0203, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0303, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0403, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0503, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0603, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0703, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1103, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1203, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1303, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1403, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1503, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1603, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1703, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-1803, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2103, 501-1860-2201, 501-1860-2203, 501-1870-( )
GH-3100 Installation Manual TP-629 B 3/4/2010 GH-3100 Instalation & Operation Manual (-0205) GH-3100 Instalation & Operation Manual (-0205 & -0605 ) 501-1860-0205, 501-1860-0605
GH-3100 Pilot Guide TP-560 F 7/22/2009 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-560 501-1860-()
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-20 C 3/20/2013 Planning Information Software Update 501-1860- ( ), 501-1860- 0101-0801, 501-1860- 1101-1801, 501-1860- 1101-2101, 501-1860- 1101-2201, 501-1870- ( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-18 A 6/8/2007 Planning Information To improve attitude performance when configured without heading. 501-1860-( ), 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0801, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2201
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-19 B 2/12/2009 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source Provide replacement display due to diminishing source 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0801, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-2102, 501-1860-2202
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-15 C 11/24/2008 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1860-( ), 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0801, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2201
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-12 C 6/29/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0801, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1801
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-13 B 6/29/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or disruption. 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0801, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2201
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-14 C 6/29/2006 Improvement To improve attitude accuracy when configured without heading sources. Remove fan failure warning message. 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0801, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2201
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-1 A 5/24/2004 To ease manufacturing and repair of the keyboard assembly. 501-1860-()
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-10 A 3/16/2007 Release of 2.1 software in support of Gulfstream G450 program. 501-1860-0102
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-11 B 11/20/2009 Release Software 1.1. New features include the capability to compensate IAS with DCM-3100 loaded constants K1 and K2. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-2 B 9/2/2003 To correct startup errors for Level Sensor Self Test. 501-1860-()
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-3 Orig 3/14/2003 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1860-()
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-4 A 8/20/2003 Correct insufficient timing margin for 16-BIT A/D High Byte-Low Byte Select Line. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-5 Orig 8/20/2003 Provide additional screw depth engagement in sensor mounting bracket. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-6 A 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Produce a universal Lighting Controller. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-7 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Pitch Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-8 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Roll Rate Sensor Flex. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-9 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Provide replacement for Yaw Sensor Flex. 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-22 A 5/21/2012 GH-3100 Quick Disconnect Fittings GH-3100 Quick Disconnect Fittings 501-1860-2103
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-23 C 6/2/2016 Corrects part number in the identification procedure Corrects part number in the identification procedure 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1860-21 A 1/23/2012 To inform users of a suspected unapproved part (SUP) and to inform them of an inspection MOD effective at next service, which identifies units that have had this condition corrected. 501-1860-()
GH-3100 Service Letter SL-283 A 1/29/2013 Changes Implemented with 4.0 Software Changes Implemented with 4.0 Software 501-1860-0102
GH-3100 Service Letter SL-324 A 4/5/2017 End of Production Notice End of Production Notice 501-1741, 501-1860
GH-3100 Service Letter SL-186 G 4/9/2015 The GH-3100 Electronic Standby Indicator is subject to requirments of FAA document 14 CFR FAR Part 91.411 every 2 years 501-1860-( )
GH-3100 Service Letter SL-245 A 6/30/2009 GH-3100 YAW Error Correction GH-3100 YAW Error Correction 501-1860-XXX1
GH-3100 Service Letter SL-244 B 2/17/2010 Replacement of GH-3100 with SW1.3 with SW 3.X Replacement of GH-3100 with SW1.3 with SW 3.X 501-1860-XXX1, 501-1860-XXX3
GH-3100 Troubleshooting Guide TP-603 C 4/21/2009 GH-3100 Troubleshooting Guide GH-3100 Troubleshooting Guide 501-1860-( )
GH-3900 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6159-05 A 10/11/2022 ACM Tool for Software 1.6 (GH-3900) Release 1.6. The GH-3900 system software (8010-34000-0106, Version R01.06) is compatible with aircraft configuration file version 01.10. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201 576-6159-05
GH-3900 Installation Manual 0040-34001-01 AB 10/15/2024 GH-3900 (SFIS-3900) Install Manual GH-3900 /SFIS-3900 Install Manual 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501, 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Instruction Manual 0040-34002-01 J 1/9/2023 GH-3900, Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6159-02 & 576-6159-03 ACM Tool Revision 1.00, Aircraft Config File Version: 01.10 576-6159-01 576-6159-02 576-6159-03 576-6159-04 576-6159-05
GH-3900 Intermediate Maintenance Manual 0040-34004-01 34-20-77 C2 9/9/2024 GH-3900 Abbreviated Maintenance Manual, (lvl 1 maint.) Abbreviated Maintenance Manual, level 1 maintenance 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Pilot Guide 0040-34000-01 H 1/9/2023 GH-3900 (SFIS-3900) ) Pilot's Guide Incorporates latest S/W 1.6 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB576-6159-5 00 1/9/2023 Service Bulletin, GH-3900, ACM Tool version 01.10 Release of 576-6159-05, Revision 1.00, Aircraft Config File Version 01.10. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB002-GH-3900 00 1/9/2023 Software release 1.6 System Software Release 1.6 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-10 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0401, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB576-6159-4 A 6/26/2017 Service Bulletin, GH-3900, ACM Tool version 01.09, release 1.02 create aircraft configuration files for the GH-3900 9200-34000, 9200-34100
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-9 B 6/26/2017 Software Release 1.5 Software Release 1.5 9200-34000
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-9 A 6/26/2017 Software release 1.5 9200-34100
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB576-6159-3 B 6/26/2017 Service Bulletin, GH-3900, ACM Tool version 01.09, Release 1.01 9200-34000, 9200-34100
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-8 B 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-10 A 12/4/2017 Error Correcting RAM 9200-34000, 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-10 A 12/4/2017 Error correcting RAM 9200-34100, 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-11 A 12/4/2017 Display Replacement Display Replacement. This Service Bulletin and MOD have been superseded by Service Bulletin SB001-GH-3900. 9200-34000, 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-11 A 12/18/2017 Display Replacement Display Replacement. This Service Bulletin and MOD have been superseded by Service Bulletin SB001-GH-3900. 9200-34100, 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-9 B 6/26/2017 Software release 1.5 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-8 A 12/9/2016 Software release 1.4 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-8 A 12/9/2016 Software release 1.4 Software 1.4 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-7 A 9/14/2016 Prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-7 A 9/14/2016 Prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-7 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-1 A 9/17/2012 Software Release 1.1 Release of Software 1.1 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-1 A 9/17/2012 Software release 1.1 Release of Software 1.1 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-4 A 12/13/2013 Software release 1.2 (GH-3900) SW 1.2 Release 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-5 A 12/13/2013 Software release for Bootloader 1.03 (GH-3900) Bootloader Ver R01.03 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-4 A 12/20/2013 Software release 1.2 Release of 1.2 Software 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-5 A 12/20/2013 Software release for Bootloader R01.03 Bootloader S/W R01.03 For System Software Release 1.2 (version R01.02) 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB576-6159-2 A 12/13/2013 Service Bulletin, GH-3900, ACM Tool version 01.07 ACMT Rev 1.07 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB576-6159-1 B 5/20/2013 Service Bulletin, GH-3900, ACM Tool version 01.06 ACMT REV 1.06 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB003-GH-3900 00 1/5/2024 Service Bulletin, HW MOD Notice of Change to A1 EMI Assembly 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB004-GH-3900 00 9/9/2024 Service Bulletin, HW MOD (Ohmite Resistor change) Replacement of Ohmite Resistors on A2 I/O Assembly CCA. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB001-GH-3900 00 7/26/2023 Service Bulletin, Display Replacement Due to material obsolescence, the current display assembly is being updated with equivalent materials and will be identified with a new part number for tracking purposes. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-12 A 11/14/2019 Service Bulletin Backlight LED Replacement. This Service Bulletin and MOD have been superseded by Service Bulletin SB001-GH-3900. 9200-34000-( )
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-12 A 11/14/2019 Service Bulletin Backlight LED Replacement. This Service Bulletin and MOD have been superseded by Service Bulletin SB001-GH-3900. 9200-34100-( )
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34000-6 A 3/16/2016 Software release 1.3 (GH-3900) To inform customers of System Software Release 1.3 (version R01.03) for the GH-3900 Indicator. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501
GH-3900 Service Bulletin SB9200-34100-6 A 3/16/2016 Software release 1.3 To inform customers of System Software Release 1.3 (version R01.03) for the GH-3900 Indicator. 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201
GH-3900 Software 8010-34400-0108 1.8 6/22/2021 GH-3900.2 Software 1.8 GH-3900.2 Software 1.8 (See 576-6157-08 ACM Tool ) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900 Software 8010-34400-0109 1.9 11/28/2023 GH-3900.2 Software 1.9 GH-3900.2 Software 1.9 (See 576-6157-09 ACM Tool ) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900 Software 8010-34400-xxxx 1.2 6/28/2013 Software 1.2 W/ACMT, GH-3900.2 Software 1.2 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700
GH-3900 Software 1.3 5/28/2014 Software 1.3 W/ACMT Software 1.3 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900 Software 1.4 2/16/2015 Software 1.4 W/ACMT Software 1.4 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900 Software 8010-34000-0103 A 3/17/2016 System Software 1.3 with ACM Tool (GH-3900) Release 1.3. The GH-3900 system software (8010-34000-0103, Version R01.03) is compatible with aircraft configuration file version 01.08 (revision 1.03). To use the new options in Release 1.3, a new config file must be generated with Aircraft Configuration Module Tool (576-6159-03). 9200-34000, 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0301, 9200-34000-0501, 9200-34100, 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201 576-6159-03
GH-3900 Software 8010-34000- 0101 A 9/17/2012 System Software 1.1 with ACM Tool (GH-3900) Release 1.1. The GH-3900 system software (8010-34000-0101, Version R01.01) is compatible with aircraft configuration file version 01.07 (revision 1.06 & 1.07) only. 576-6159-02, 9200-34000, 9200-34100
GH-3900 Software 576-6158-01 1.0 9/6/2012 GH Field Loader Software GH Field Loader Software 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900 Software 8010-34000-0100 A 3/22/2012 System Software 1.0 (GH-3900) Release 1.0. The GH-3900 system software (8010-34000-0100, Version R01.00) is compatible with aircraft configuration file version 01.06 (revision 1.03) only. 9200-34000, 9200-34100
GH-3900 Software 1.5 11/4/2016 GH-3900.2 Software 1.5 W/ACMT 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900 Software 8010-34400-0107 1.7 7/8/2019 GH-3900.2 Software 1.7 GH-3900.2 Software 1.7 (See 576-6157-08 ACM Tool ) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900 Software 8010-34000-0106 A 1/6/2023 System Software 1.6 (GH-3900) Release 1.6. The GH-3900 system software (8010-34000-0106, Version R01.06) is compatible with aircraft configuration file version 01.10. 9200-34000-0101, 9200-34000-0201, 9200-34000-0401, 9200-34000-0501 9200-34100-0101, 9200-34100-0201 576-6159-05
GH-3900 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.00 1.0 7/19/2012 Software Release 1.0 (R01.00) Includes 576-6185-01 & 576-6157-01 Software Release 1.0 (R01.00) Includes 576-6185-01 & 576-6157-01 576-6157-01, 576-6158-01, 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.01 1.1 2/6/2013 Software Release 1.1 (R01.01) (includes ACM Tool) Software Release 1.1 (R01.01) (includes ACM Tool) 576-6157-02, 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700
GH-3900 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.02 1.2 6/28/2013 Software Release 1.2 (R01.02) Software Release 1.2 (R01.02) 9200-34400, 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501, 9200-34500, 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601, 9200-34600, 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401, 9200-34700, 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401
GH-3900 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.04 1.4 2/16/2015 Software Release 1.4 R01.04 (W/ACM tool) Software Release 1.4 R01.04 (W/ACM tool) 576-6157-05, 576-6158-02, 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.06 1.6 12/8/2017 GH-3900.2-34400-R01.06 Software Release 1.6 (R01.06) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900, 9200-34901
GH-3900 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.07 1.7 7/8/2019 GH-3900.2-34400-R01.07 Software Release 1.7 (R01.07) 9200-34402, 9200-34502, 9200-34602, 9200-34702, 9200-34802, 9200-34901, 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900, 9200-34410
GH-3900.2 Aircraft Tool 576-6157-08 1.02 9/11/2019 ACM Tool for Software 1.7 & 1.8 (GH-3900.2) The aircraft config file version (02.16) is created using ACM Tool 576-6157-08 (revision 1.00 superseded by 1.01 or 1.02). Used with system software 1.7 & 1.8. 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34802, 9200-34900. 576-6157-08
GH-3900.2 Aircraft Tool 576-6157-09 1.00 10/9/2023 ACM Tool for Software 1.9 (GH-3900.2) The aircraft config file version (02.17) is created using ACM Tool 576-6157-09 (revision 1.00). Used with system software 1.9. 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34802, 9200-34900. 576-6157-08
GH-3900.2 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6236-01 A 2/22/2017 ACM Tool for KC-390 GH-3900.2 ACMT 576-6236-01 576-6236-01, 9200-34702-0601
GH-3900.2 Installation Manual 0040-34701-01 A 2/22/2017 GH-3900.2 Opertion Manaul for KC-390 GH-3900.2 Install Manaul for KC-390 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900.2 Installation Manual 0040-34401-01 AD 1/31/2024 GH-3900.2, Installation Manual This manual contains installation instructions and recommended flightline maintenance information for the GH-3900.2 Electronic Standby Instrument System with Release 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 , 1.8 & 1.9. The system may include the ADC-4000 Air Data Computer and MAG-3000 or MAG-3100 Magnetometer. This information is supplemented and kept current by revisions, service letters and service bulletins. Details on Simulator unit’s P/N 9200-34701-( ) and 9200-34901-( ) are also provided. 9200-34400-( ) 9200-34500-( ) 9200-34600-( ) 9200-34700-( ) 9200-34800-( ) 9200-34900-( ) 9200-34402-( ) 9200-34502-( ) 9200-34602-( ) 9200-34702-( ) 9200-34802-( ) 9200-34410-( )
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-02 A 2/7/2013 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-02, Revision 2.03 Revision 2.03 Aircraft Config File Ver 02.06 576-6157-02
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-01 A 7/18/2012 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-01 576-6157-01
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-05 A 1/23/2015 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-05, Revision 2.11 Revision 2.11, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.11 576-6157-05 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-03 B 12/18/2013 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-03, Revision 2.04 /2.05 Revision 2.04, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.08 Revision 2.05, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.08 576-6157-03
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-04 B 5/20/2014 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-04, Revision 2.07 Revision 2.07 Aircraft Config File 02.09 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34702-01 A 2/22/2017 ACMT For KC-390 GH-3900.2 ACMT 576-6236-01 576-6236-01, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-07 B 12/13/2018 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-07 Revision 1.03 Revision 1.03, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.15 576-6157-07 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900, 9200-34400
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-06 E 12/13/2018 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-06, Revision 1.04 Revision 1.04, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.13 576-6157-06 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-08 D 6/28/2021 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-08, Revision 1.02 Revision 1.02, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.16 576-6157-08 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Instruction Manual 0040-34402-09 00 11/8/2023 Instruction Manual, ACM Tool, 576-6157-09, Revision 1.00 Revision 1.00, Aircraft Config File Version: 02.17 576-6157-09 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Intermediate Maintenance Manual 0040-34404-01 34-20-78 B1 11/8/2023 GH-3900.2, Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual, (lvl 1 maint.) Abbreviated CMM (level 1 maintenance) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900, 9200-34901
GH-3900.2 Pilot Guide 0040-34700-01 A 2/22/2017 GH-3900.2 Opertion Manaul for KC-390 GH-3900.2 Opertion Manaul for KC-390 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900.2 Pilot Guide 0040-34400-01 T 1/31/2024 GH-3900.2, Pilots Guide Software 1.0;1.1; 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Printer Copies 0040-34400-01PC T 1/31/2024 GH-3900.2, Pilots Guide, (printer copy) Printer copy GH-3900.2 PG 9200-34x00-xx
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB003-GH-3900.2 00 11/8/2023 System Software Release 1.9 Software Release 1.9 9200-34400-( ), 9200-34410-( ) 9200-34500-( ), 9200-34600-( ) 9200-34700-( ), 9200-34800-( ) 9200-34900-( ), 9200-34402-( ) 9200-34502-( ), 9200-34602-( ) 9200-34702-( ), 9200-34802-( )
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB002-GH-3900.2 00 2/20/2023 A9 Display Assembly Replacement A9 Display Assembly Replacement 9200-34400-0101 9200-34400-0201 9200-34400-0401 9200-34400-0501 9200-34402-0501 9200-34410-0501 9200-34500-0101 9200-34500-0201 9200-34500-0401 9200-34500-0601 9200-34502-0101 9200-34502-0401 9200-34502-0601 9200-34600-0101 9200-34600-0201 9200-34600-0301 9200-34600-0401 9200-34600-0501 9200-34602-0401 9200-34800-0401 9200-34700-0101 9200-34700-0201 9200-34700-0401 9200-34700-0601 9200-34701-0101 9200-34701-0201 9200-34701-0401 9200-34702-0401 9200-34800-0101 9200-34800-0601 9200-34802-0401 9200-34900-0101 9200-34901-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB576-6157-3 A 9/11/2019 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool (rev 1.01). ACMT Rev 1.01, Aircraft Configuration File Version 02.16 9200-34400-, 9200-34402-, 9200-34410-, 9200-34500-, 9200-34502-, 9200-34600-, 9200-34602-, 9200-34700-, 9200-34702-, 9200-34800-, 9200-34802-, 9200-34900- 576-6157-08
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-11 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34400
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-11 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34500
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-10 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34600
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-9 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34700
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-8 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34800
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-7 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34410-6 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34410
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34402-5 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 SB9200-34402
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-6 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 SB9200-34502
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34602-5 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 9200-34602
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34702-3 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 SB9200-34702
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34802-5 B 9/11/2019 Software Release 1.7 Software Release 1.7 SB9200-34802
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-10 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0401, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-9 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-7 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34502-0101, 9200-34502-0401, 9200-34502-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34702-4 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34702-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34802-6 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34802-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34602-6 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34602-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34701-3 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34701-0101, 9200-34701-0201, 9200-34701-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34402-6 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34402-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-8 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34901-6 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34901-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-12 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-12 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-11 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB576-6157-4 A 10/30/2019 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool (rev 1.02) ACMT Rev 1.02, Aircraft Configuration File Version 02.16 576-6157-08, 9200-34400-, 9200-34402-, 9200-34410-, 9200-34500-, 9200-34502-, 9200-34600-, 9200-34602-, 9200-34700-, 9200-34702-, 9200-34800-, 9200-34802-, 9200-34900-
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB001-GH-3900.2 00 6/28/2021 System Software Release 1.8 Software Release 1.8 9200-34400-( ), 9200-34410-( ) 9200-34500-( ), 9200-34600-( ) 9200-34700-( ), 9200-34800-( ) 9200-34900-( ), 9200-34402-( ) 9200-34502-( ), 9200-34602-( ) 9200-34702-( ), 9200-34802-( )
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-7 A 11/3/2016 System Software Release 1.5 Software 1.5 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34410-2 A 11/3/2016 System Software Release 1.5 Software 1.5 9200-34410-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-7 A 11/3/2016 System Software Release 1.5 Software 1.5 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-6 A 11/3/2016 System Software Release 1.5 Software 1.5 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-6 A 11/3/2016 Software 1.5 Upgrade Software 1.5 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-4 A 11/3/2016 System Software Release 1.5 Software 1.5 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0201, 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-3 A 11/3/2016 System Software Release 1.5 Software 1.5 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-6 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34410-1 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34410-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-6 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-5 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-3 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-2 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34901-1 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34901-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-9 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 Software Release 1.6 9200-34400, 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34402-4 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 9200-34402-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34410-4 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34410-4
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-9 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0301, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-5 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34502-0101, 9200-34502-0401, 9200-34502-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-8 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34602-4 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34602-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-8 B 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-8 A 1/25/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34400, 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-4 A 1/25/2018 Display Rate and Sensor CCM Replacement Display Rate and Sensor CCM Replacement 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34402-3 A 1/25/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM Replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM Replacement 9200-34402-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34410-3 A 1/25/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34410-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-8 B 3/8/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-4 B 3/8/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34502-0101, 9200-34502-0401, 9200-34502-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34802-3 A 1/25/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34802-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34901-2 A 1/25/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34901-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34402-1 B 7/18/2018 Convert P/N 9200-34400-0501 to P/N 9200-34402-0501 Convert P/N 9200-34400-0501 to P/N 9200-34402-0501 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34402-2 A 6/20/2017 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at startup. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at startup. 9200-34402-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34702-1 A 5/3/2017 To prevent memory corruptions To prevent memory corruptions 9200-34700-0401, 9200-34702-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-1 B 5/3/2017 To prevent Memory Corruptions 9200-34500, 9200-34502
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-2 B 5/3/2017 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34502
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34502-3 A 2/21/2017 Updates the 5V current limit setting Updates the 5V current limit setting 9200-34502-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34602-1 B 7/18/2018 To prevent Memory coruptions To prevent Memory coruptions 9200-34600-0401, 9200-34602-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34802-1 B 7/18/2018 To prevent Memory Corruptions To prevent Memory Corruptions 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34802-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34802-2 A 2/21/2017 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-34802-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-7 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401, 9200-34700-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34702-2 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software Release 1.6 9200-34702-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-6 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0201, 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34802-4 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 9200-34802-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-5 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34901-3 A 12/8/2017 System Software Release 1.6 System Software 1.6 9200-34901-3
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-10 C 10/11/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-7 A 3/8/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM Replacement 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34602-3 A 3/8/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34602-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-5 A 3/8/2018 Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement Display and Rate Sensor CCM replacement 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-6 A 4/4/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34901-4 A 4/4/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34901-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34410-5 A 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM (MOD C) Error Correcting RAM 9200-34500-0201
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-10 A 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34500-0201
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-9 A 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34701-1 A 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34701-0201, 9200-34701-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-7 A 7/31/2018 Error Correcting RAM Error Correcting RAM 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-1 B 6/2/2016 System Software Release 1.1 Software Revision 1.1 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-1 B 6/2/2016 System Software Release 1.1 Release of Software Ver 1.1 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-1 B 6/2/2016 System Software Release 1.1 Release of Software Version 1.1 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-1 B 6/2/2016 Release of Software Version 1.1 Release of Software Version 1.1 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-4 A 5/28/2014 System Software Release 1.3 Software Release 1.3 9200-34400, 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-4 A 5/28/2014 System Software Release 1.3 Software 1.3 9200-34500, 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-3 A 5/28/2014 System Software Release 1.3 Software 1.3 9200-34600, 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-4 A 5/28/2014 Software 1.3 Software 1.3 9200-34700, 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-1 A 5/28/2014 System Software Release 1.3 Software 1.3 9200-34800, 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0201, 9200-34800-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-5 B 2/18/2015 Corrects software version called out on page 8 step j Corrects software version called out on page 8 step j 9200-34400, 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-5 A 1/29/2015 System Software Release 1.4 GH-3900.2 System Software Release 1.4 9200-34500, 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-4 A 1/29/2015 System Software Release 1.4 GH-3900.2 System Software Release 1.4 9200-34600, 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-5 A 1/29/2015 GH-3900.2 System Software Release 1.4 GH-3900.2 System Software Release 1.4 9200-34700
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34800-2 A 1/29/2015 System Software Release 1.4 GH-3900.2 System Software Release 1.4 9200-34800, 9200-34800-0101, 9200-34800-0201, 9200-34800-0401, 9200-34800-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34900-1 A 1/29/2015 System Software Release 1.4 GH-3900.2 System Software Release 1.4 9200-34900, 9200-34900-0101
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB576-6157-2 A 12/18/2013 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool (rev 2.05) ACMT Rev 2.05 9200-34400-, 9200-34500-, 9200-34600-, 9200-34700-, 9200-34800-
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB576-6157-1 B 5/24/2013 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool (rev 2.03) ACMT REV 2.03.0 9200-34400-, 9200-34500-, 9200-34600-, 9200-34700-, 9200-34800-
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34400-3 D 1/29/2014 System software Release 1.2 (Version R01.02) Software Version 1.2 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34500-3 D 1/29/2014 System software Release 1.2 (Version R01.02) Software Version 1.2 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34600-2 D 1/29/2014 System software Release 1.2 (Version R01.02) Software Version 1.2 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401
GH-3900.2 Service Bulletin SB9200-34700-3 D 1/29/2014 System Software Release 1.2 (Version R01.02) Release of 1.2 Software 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401
GH-3900.2 Software 8010-34400-xxxx 1.2 6/28/2013 Software 1.2 W/ACMT, GH-3900.2 Software 1.2 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700
GH-3900.2 Software 1.3 5/28/2014 Software 1.3 W/ACMT Software 1.3 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900.2 Software 1.4 2/16/2015 Software 1.4 W/ACMT Software 1.4 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Software 8010-34400-0100 1.00 7/19/2012 GH-3900.2 S/W 1.00 GH-3900.2 S/W 1.00 9200-34400-xx
GH-3900.2 Software 8010-34400-0101 A 2/6/2013 GH3900.2 S/W 1.1 Software File 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700
GH-3900.2 Software 576-6158-01 1.0 9/6/2012 GH Field Loader Software GH Field Loader Software 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900.2 Software 1.5 11/4/2016 GH-3900.2 Software 1.5 W/ACMT 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Software 8010-34400-0107 1.7 7/8/2019 GH-3900.2 Software 1.7 GH-3900.2 Software 1.7 (See 576-6157-08 ACM Tool ) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Software 8010-34400-0109 1.9 11/28/2023 GH-3900.2 Software 1.9 GH-3900.2 Software 1.9 (See 576-6157-09 ACM Tool ) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Software 8010-34400-0108 1.8 6/22/2021 GH-3900.2 Software 1.8 GH-3900.2 Software 1.8 (See 576-6157-08 ACM Tool ) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.07 1.7 7/8/2019 GH-3900.2-34400-R01.07 Software Release 1.7 (R01.07) 9200-34402, 9200-34502, 9200-34602, 9200-34702, 9200-34802, 9200-34901, 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900, 9200-34410
GH-3900.2 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.02 1.2 6/28/2013 Software Release 1.2 (R01.02) Software Release 1.2 (R01.02) 9200-34400, 9200-34400-0101, 9200-34400-0201, 9200-34400-0301, 9200-34400-0401, 9200-34400-0501, 9200-34500, 9200-34500-0101, 9200-34500-0201, 9200-34500-0401, 9200-34500-0601, 9200-34600, 9200-34600-0101, 9200-34600-0201, 9200-34600-0301, 9200-34600-0401, 9200-34700, 9200-34700-0101, 9200-34700-0201, 9200-34700-0401
GH-3900.2 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.01 1.1 2/6/2013 Software Release 1.1 (R01.01) (includes ACM Tool) Software Release 1.1 (R01.01) (includes ACM Tool) 576-6157-02, 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700
GH-3900.2 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.00 1.0 7/19/2012 Software Release 1.0 (R01.00) Includes 576-6185-01 & 576-6157-01 Software Release 1.0 (R01.00) Includes 576-6185-01 & 576-6157-01 576-6157-01, 576-6158-01, 9200-34400, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900.2 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.04 1.4 2/16/2015 Software Release 1.4 R01.04 (W/ACM tool) Software Release 1.4 R01.04 (W/ACM tool) 576-6157-05, 576-6158-02, 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800, 9200-34900
GH-3900.2 Software GH-3900.2-34400-R01.06 1.6 12/8/2017 GH-3900.2-34400-R01.06 Software Release 1.6 (R01.06) 9200-34400, 9200-34402, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34502, 9200-34600, 9200-34602, 9200-34700, 9200-34702, 9200-34800, 9200-34802, 9200-34900, 9200-34901
GH-3900RSU Component Maintenance Manual 0040-38003-01 B 10/18/2016 GH-3900RSU CMM GH-3900RSU CMM 9200-38000-0101, 9200-38100-0101
GH-3900RSU Installation Manual 0040-38001-01 D 6/2/2016 GH-3900RSU Install Manual Add Software 1.1 add dual display connect 9200-38000-0101, 9200-38100-0101
GH-3900RSU Instruction Manual 0040-38002-01 A 8/14/2013 Aircraft Configuration Tool GH-3900RSU Rev 1.01 Config File 03.00 9200-38000-xx 9200-38100-xx
GH-3900RSU Instruction Manual 0040-38002-02 B 9/21/2015 Aircraft Configuration Tool GH-3900.2RSU SW1.1 576-6207-02
GH-3900RSU Service Bulletin SB9200-38000-2 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. 9200-38000-0101
GH-3900RSU Service Bulletin SB9200-38100-2 A 9/14/2016 To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. To prevent rate sensor loopback failure at start up. SB9200-38100-0101
GH-3900RSU Service Bulletin SB9200-38100-1 A 3/2/2015 Software release 1.1 To inform customers of System software Revision 1.1 (version R01.01) for the GH-3900.2RSU 9200-38100-
GH-3900RSU Service Bulletin SB9200-38000-1 A 3/2/2015 Software Release 1.1 To inform customers of System software Revision 1.1 (version R01.01) for the GH-3900.2RSU 9200-38000-
GH-3900RSU Service Bulletin SB576-6193-1 A 9/24/2015 AHRS Installation Tool – Rev 1.54 AHRS Installation Tool – Rev 1.54 9200-38500-0201 9200-38600-0201
GH-3900RSU Service Bulletin SB576-6207-1 A 9/24/2015 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool – Revision 1.01 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool – Revision 1.01 9200-38000-0101, 9200-38100-0101
GH-3900RSU Software n/a 1.0 8/13/2013 GH-3900 RSU Software GH-3900 RSU Software 576-6193-01, 576-6207-01, 576-6209
GH-3900RSU Software 8010-34000-0101 1.1 4/15/2015 Software 1.1 With ACMT Release 1.1. The GH-3900 system software (8010-34000-0101, Version R01.01) is compatible with aircraft configuration file version 01.07 (revision 1.06 & 1.07) only. 9200-38000, 9200-38100
GH-3900RSU Software 576-6158-01 1.0 9/6/2012 GH Field Loader Software GH Field Loader Software 9200-34400, 9200-34410, 9200-34500, 9200-34600, 9200-34700, 9200-34800
GH-3900RSU Software 576-6193-01 F 6/20/2017 GH-3900RSU AHRS Installation Tool GH-3900RSU AHRS Installation Tool 9200-38000-0101, 9200-38100-0101
GH-3900RSU Software GH-3900RSU-38000-R01.01 1.1 4/14/2015 GH-3900 RSU software 1.1 GH-3900 RSU software 1.1 9200-38000, 9200-38100
GH-3900RSU Software GH-3900RSU-38000-R01.00 1.0 8/21/2013 Software Rel. 01.00 with ACMT Software Rel. 01.00 with ACMT 576-6193-01, 576-6207-01, 576-6209, 9200-38000-0101, 9200-38100-0101
GH-3900RSU Software 576-6193-01 F 6/20/2017 AHRS Installation Tool, GH-3900.2RSU Aircraft AHRS Installation Tool (P/N 576-6193-01) is used to enter angles data, MAG angles/wing flex, and perform the MAG swing. 9200-38000-0101, 9200-38100-0101
GH-4001 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6158-03 A 3/29/2016 Tool Field Loader Tool (altenate to 576-6158-02)
GH-4001 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6245-04 B 2/25/2020 ACM Tool for Software 1.3 (GH-4001) Aircraft Configuration Module Tool for SW 1.3 ACM Tool Revision 1.02, Aircraft Config File Version: 05.06 9200-45000-( ) 9200-45201-( ) 9200-45300-( ) 9200-45400-( )
GH-4001 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6245-02 C 2/4/2019 ACM Tool for Software 1.1 (GH-4001) This software is designed to operate with the GH-4001 Electronic Standby Instrument System, Release 1.1. 9200-45000-( ) 9200-45201-( ) 9200-45300-( ) 9200-45400-( )
GH-4001 Installation Manual 0040-45001-01 P 6/17/2024 GH-4001 Install Manual Electronic file not available. Contact L3 for secure copy. International customers will need to obtain a export license. 576-6158-02, 576-6158-03, 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0301, 9200-45000-0401, 9200-45201-0101, 9200-45201-5101, 9200-45300-0101, 9200-45300-0201, 9200-45400-0301, 9200-45400-0501 9200-45900-0301, 9200-45800-0401, 9200-45900-0401
GH-4001 Installation Manual 0040-45101-01 A 3/23/2017 GH-4001 Installation & Operation Manual 2.x Specific To T-50 A/C 9200-45100-0101
GH-4001 Instruction Manual 0040-45102-01 A 3/27/2017 ACM Tool Instruction Manual ACMT A/C Config File 05.02 576-6278-01, 9200-45100-0101
GH-4001 Instruction Manual 0040-45002-02 A 5/13/2016 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool ACM Tool For SW 1.1 576-6245-02, 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0301, 9200-45000-0401, 9200-45201-0101, 9200-45300-0101
GH-4001 Instruction Manual 0040-45002-01 B 12/17/2015 Airctaft Configuration Module tool ACMT Rev 1.00 AC Config file 05.01
GH-4001 Instruction Manual 0040-45002-03 A 2/12/2019 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool ACM Tool for SW 1.2 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0301, 9200-45000-0401, 9200-45201-0101, 9200-45201-0501, 9200-45400-0301, 576-6245-03, 9200-45300-0101, 9200-45300-0201
GH-4001 Instruction Manual 0040-45002-04 B 2/19/2020 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool ACM Tool for SW 1.3 9200-45000-( ), 9200-45300-( ), 9200-45400-( ), 576-6245-04, 9200-45201-( )
GH-4001 Instruction Manual 0040-45002-05 00 6/17/2024 Aircraft Configuration Module Tool ACM Tool for SW 1.4 9200-45000-( ), 9200-45300-( ), 9200-45400-( ), 576-6245-04, 9200-45201-( ) 9200-45900-0301, 9200-45800-0401, 9200-45900-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB004-GH-4001 00 6/17/2024 System Software Release 1.4 (version R01.04) GH-4001 - System Software Release 1.4 (SW Version R01.04) 9200-45000-( ), 9200-45201-( ), 9200-45300-( ), 9200-45400-( ) 9200-45900-0301, 9200-45800-0401, 9200-45900-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB003-GH-4001 00 1/29/2024 To provide alternate A1 Display Assembly when replacement becomes necessary. GH-4001 - Hardware MOD - Display Assembly Replacement 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0301, 9200-45001-0101, 9200-45100-0201, 9200-45100-0701, 9200-45201-0401, 9200-45300-0101, 9200-45300-0201, 9200-45300-0301, 9200-45400-0501
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45000-5 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45300-3 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-45300-0201, 9200-45300-0301
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45201-4 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-45201-0101, 9200-45201-5101
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45400-1 A 4/26/2019 Backlight LED Replacement Backlight LED Replacement 9200-45400-0301
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB576-6245-1 A 2/19/2020 ACM Tool ACM Tool 9200-45000-, 9200-45001-, 9200-45100-, 9200-45201-, 9200-45300-, 9200-45400-
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB001-GH-4001 A 9/18/2019 System Software Release 1.3 (version R01.03) GH-4001 - System Software Release 1.3 (SW Version R01.03) 9200-45000-( ), 9200-45201-( ), 9200-45300-( ), 9200-45400-( )
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB002-GH-4001 00 8/12/2020 To provide alternate U1 Rate Sensor when replacement becomes necessary. GH-4001 - Hardware MOD 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0401, 9200-45000-3010, 9200-45201-0101, 9200-45201-5101, 9200-45400-0301, 9200-45400-0501
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45000-3 A 12/18/2017 Update EESeal to support pin injection waveform 3 conditions. 9200-45000-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45000-4 A 2/12/2019 System Software Release 1.2 (version R01.02) GH-4001 - System Software Release 1.2 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0301, 9200-45000-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45201-1 A 6/10/2015 Eliminate sticking of knob. 9200-45201-0101
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45201-3 A 2/12/2019 System Software Release 1.2 (version R01.02) GH-4001 - System Software Release 1.2 (SW Version R01.02) 9200-45201-0101, 9200-45201-0501
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45300-1 A 12/18/2017 Update EESeal to support pin injection waveform 3 conditions. 9200-45300-0201
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45300-2 A 2/12/2019 System Software Release 1.2 (version R01.02) GH-4001 - System Software Release 1.2 (SW Version R01.02) 9200-45300-0101, 9200-45300-0201
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45000-2 A 8/17/2016 Incorporation of MOD A Incorporation of MOD A 9200-45000-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45000-1 A 5/13/2016 System Software Release 1.1 9200-45000, 9200-45000-0101, 9200-45000-0301, 9200-45000-0401
GH-4001 Service Bulletin SB9200-45201-2 A 5/13/2016 System Software Release 1.1 9200-45201, 9200-45201-0101
GH-4001 Software 8010-45000-0103. orig 8/29/2019 GH-4001_Pub-Notice_SW1.3 GH-4001_Pub-Notice_SW1.3 9200-45000-( )
GH-4200 Installation Manual 0040-42000-01 F 2/28/2022 Installation and Operation Manual Electronic Standby Instrument System 9200-42000-0201
GH-4200 Service Bulletin SB9200-42000-7 A 3/16/2015 Software Release 1.2 Software Release 1.2 9200-42000-0201
GH-4200 Service Bulletin SB9200-42000-6 A 4/9/2014 Improve Reliablity of the 5VDC Power Supply Improve Reliablity of the 5VDC Power Supply 9200-42000-0201
GH-4200 Service Bulletin SB9200-42000-9 00 2/28/2022 MOD G – New Rate Sensor Service Bulletin
GH-4200 Service Bulletin SB9200-42000-10 00 2/28/2022 MOD H – New Display Backlight CCA Service Bulletin
GH-4200 Service Bulletin SB9200-42000-11 00 2/28/2022 MOD J – New Display Assembly Service Bulletin 9200-42000-0201
GHR-4000 Installation Manual 0040-42001-01 F 2/28/2022 Installation and Operation Manual Manual is ITAR and not availible 9200-42600-0201
GHR-4000 Service Bulletin SB9200-42600-8 00 2/28/2022 MOD F – New Display Backlight CCA / MOD G – New Display Assembly Service Bulletin 9200-42600-0201
GHR-4000 Service Bulletin SB9200-42600-7 A 3/16/2015 Release of Software 1.2 To inform customers of System Software Release 1.2 (version R01.02) for the GHR-4200 Repeater. 9200-42600-0201
GS/2 Service Bulletin SB003-ROC7 00 12/3/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 3 To provide notification of MOD 3 changes to the ROC/7 Read Out Center. 17TES0700 253-E5728-00
GS/2 Service Bulletin SB001-ROC7 00 11/12/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 1 Incorporation of MOD 1 updates the ROC/7 to function with the CICC/3. 17TES0700 253-E5728-00 17TES0075
GS/2 Service Bulletin SB002-ROC7 00 11/12/2024 Service Bulletin, MOD 2 Incorporation of MOD 2 updates the ROC/7 from Windows 7 to Windows 10 functionality. 17TES0700 253-E5728-00
GSE Installation Aircraft Tools 17TES0436 Orig 12/14/2020 ADLP Software V3.6 Software - ADLP V3.6 17TES0436
GSE Instruction Manual 165E1696-04 02 11/30/2022 Operator's Manual, (ROSE) SW Version 4.7 and later Operations Manual, Read-Out Support Equipment / Recorder Interface, 4.7 or later (ROSE) 17TES00321, 17TES0060ROSE, 17TES0063, 17TES0700, 883E1894−01
GSE Instruction Manual 165E1696-03 Initial 4/8/2010 Read‐Out Support Equipment/Recorder Interface (ROSE/RI) Software v4 or Higher GSE, ROSE, SW 17TES0300, 17TES0400, 17TES0055, 17TES0060, 17TES0063, 17TES0321, 883E1894-01
GSE Service Bulletin SB570-8552-5 A 4/3/2012 DCM version 3.0 To add DCM version 3.0 test capabilities to the JT-147A 570-8552-01
GSE Service Bulletin SB570-8552-4 A 3/27/2006 DCM version 2.0 test capabilities To add DCM version 2.0 test capabilities to the JT-147A. 501-8552-01
GSE Software 17TES0321 4.10 8/28/2019 Rose S/W 1.4 Rose S/W 4.10 17TES0321
GSE Software 17TES0321 4.10 8/28/2019 Rose S/W 4.10 Rose S/W 4.10 17TES0321
GSE - Recorder Miscellaneous 165E2658–00 original 6/1/2001 Test Equipment Manual, Model A860 CVR Test Panel For Use With: Cockpit Voice Recorders Models: A100, A100A, GA100, A113, A100S, A200S, FA2100CVR & FA2100CVDR Control Units Models: A151, A151B, A152, A152B, S151, S152, S251, S161, S162 & S262 Microphone Preamplifier Models: A150, S150 & S160 PN: 165E2658–00 See notes
HI-601 Component Maintenance Manual TP-417 34-20-24 1 8/19/1993 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-417 501-1537-01
HI-601 Component Maintenance Manual TP-462 34-20-43 Chg1 1/8/2007 Component Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-462 501-1652-01
HI-601 Service Letter SL-350 A 12/17/2019 End of Manufacturing Notice End of Manufacturing Notice 501-1537-01, 501-1652-01
HI-601 Service Letter SL-288 A 7/17/2013 Corrections to Manual Corrections to TP-462 501-1652-01
HSI-3000 Installation Manual TP-600 C 8/2/2011 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-600 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Installation Manual TP-570 F 7/17/2017 Installation and Operation Manual This manual contains operation and installation instructions and recommended flightline maintenance information for the HSI 3000 Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator using 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, & 5.x software. 501-1847-01, 501-1847-02, 501-1847-03, 501-1847-04, 501-1847-05
HSI-3000 Installation Manual TP-597 0 3/17/2004 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-597
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-2 A 3/15/2006 To correct color and knob operation. 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-3 A 3/15/2006 To correct knob action at start up. 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-1 C 1/3/2007 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-5 C 4/8/2010 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1847-04, 501-1847-05
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-7 A 6/25/2009 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-7 A 6/26/2009 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-6 B 6/25/2009 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. MOD 6 superseded by MOD 7 501-1899-01
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-6 B 4/8/2010 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1847-( )
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-7 D 5/5/2011 To correct deficiencies in hardware and software resulting in lost data during power interruptions. To correct deficiencies in hardware and software resulting in lost data during power interruptions. 501-1847-( )
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-1 D 4/8/2010 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1847-01, 501-1847-02, 501-1847-04
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-2 E 12/14/2010 Eliminate encoder out-of-range faults. 501-1847-01, 501-1847-02, 501-1847-04
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-3 C 4/8/2010 Prevent Acceptance Test Procedure [ATP] failures by ensuring Transformers [A12-T3] and [A12-T4] on the Transformer CCA (P/N 542-2779-02) are matched. 501-1847-01, 501-1847-02, 501-1847-04
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-4 C 4/8/2010 Eliminate encoder out-of-range faults. 501-1847-01, 501-1847-02, 501-1847-04
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-9 A 6/12/2012 SUP Inspection 501-1847, 501-1847-01, 501-1847-02, 501-1847-03, 501-1847-04, 501-1847-05
HSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1847-8 A 4/8/2010 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1847-01, 501-1847-04, 501-1847-05
HSI-3000 Service Letter SL-287 A 6/20/2013 Fault Code Identification HSI-3000 Fault Codes 501-1847-04, 501-1847-05
HSI-3000 Service Letter SL-289 A 8/19/2013 Error code 32 & 38 Error code 32 & 38 501-1847-04, 501-1847-05
ID-1481A Pilot Guide TP-307 C 2/4/2016 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-307 501-1022-01, 501-1032-01, 501-1049-51, 501-1086-01, 501-1098-01, 501-1101-01, 501-1101-02, 501-1131-01, 501-1131-02
ID-1712/A Pilot Guide TP-306 A 2/1/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# TP-306 501-1077-01, 501-1152-01, 501-1153-01, 501-1154-01, 501-1190-01, 501-1190-02
ID-2472 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 B 11/23/1998 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10029-001 805C0620-( )
ID-2472 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 D 8/21/2012 Pilot's Guide, ID-2472 DME/TACAN Indicator Models IN602, IN602+, IN602MD, IN605, ID-2472 and ID-2502 9200-35500-( ), 805C0620-( )
ID-2502 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 B 11/23/1998 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10029-001 805C0620-( )
i-linc Installation Manual 0040-19000-01 J 2/3/2009 Installation Manual Pub# 0040-19000-01 9200-19000-01, 9200-19000-02, 9200-19000-03, 9200-19020-01, 9200-19020-02, 9200-19020-03, 9200-19050-01, 9200-19050-02, 9200-19050-03, 9200-19050-11, 9200-19050-12, 9200-19050-13, 9200-19070-01, 9200-19070-02, 9200-19070-03, 9200-19070-11, 9200-19070-12, 9200-19070-13
i-linc Pilot Guide 0040-19001-01 H 5/10/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# 0040-19001-01 9200-19000-01, 9200-19000-02, 9200-19000-03, 9200-19020-01, 9200-19020-02, 9200-19020-03, 9200-19050-01, 9200-19050-02, 9200-19050-03, 9200-19050-11, 9200-19050-12, 9200-19050-13, 9200-19070-01, 9200-19070-02, 9200-19070-03, 9200-19070-11, 9200-19070-12, 9200-19070-13
i-linc Pilot Guide 0040-19100-01 B 8/20/2003 ChartView Starter Guide Pub# 0040-19100-01 9200-19000-01, 9200-19000-02, 9200-19000-03, 9200-19020-01, 9200-19020-02, 9200-19020-03, 9200-19050-01, 9200-19050-02, 9200-19050-03, 9200-19050-11, 9200-19050-12, 9200-19050-13, 9200-19070-01, 9200-19070-02, 9200-19070-03, 9200-19070-11, 9200-19070-12, 9200-19070-13
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19000-1 A 5/13/2005 Inform customers of 5.2, 5.3 & 5.5 software upgrade. Inform customers of 5.2, 5.3 & 5.5 software upgrade 9200-19000-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19020-1 A 5/13/2005 Inform customers of 5.2, 5.3 & 5.5 software upgrade. 9200-19020-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19050-1 A 5/13/2005 Inform customers of 5.2, 5.3 & 5.5 software upgrade. 9200-19050-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19070-1 A 5/13/2005 Inform customers of 5.2, 5.3 & 5.5 software upgrade. 9200-19070-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19000-3 A 3/21/2006 Software Version 5.7 Upgrade Software Version 5.7 Upgrade 9200-19000-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19020-3 A 3/21/2006 Software Version 5.7 Upgrade Software Version 5.7 Upgrade 9200-19020
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19050-3 A 3/21/2006 Software Version 5.7 Upgrade Software Version 5.7 Upgrade 9200-19050-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19070-3 A 3/21/2006 Software Version 5.7 Upgrade Software Version 5.7 Upgrade 9200-19070-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19000-2 A 7/27/2005 Inform customers of 5.6 software upgrade. 9200-19000-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19020-2 A 7/27/2005 Inform customers of 5.6 software upgrade. 9200-19020-xx
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19050-2 A 7/27/2005 Inform customers of 5.6 software upgrade. 9200-19050-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB9200-19070-2 A 7/27/2005 Inform customers of 5.6 software upgrade. Inform customers of 5.6 software upgrade. 9200-19070-( )
i-linc Service Bulletin SB-123 1 9/8/2003 Inform customers of 5.1 software upgrade. Inform customers of 5.1 software upgrade. 9200-19000-( ), 9200-19050-( )
i-linc Service Letter SL-265 A 3/11/2011 Discontinued Support for i-linc MFD 9200-19000-, 9200-19020-, 9200-19050-, 9200-19070-
IN602 Installation Manual 009A0301 1 8/1/1988 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0301 805C0620-( ), 805D0602-( ), 805D0660-( ), 805D0661-( ), 805D0662-( ), 805D0663-( )
IN602 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 B 11/23/1998 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10029-001 805C0620-( )
IN602 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 D 8/21/2012 Pilot's Guide, ID-2472 DME/TACAN Indicator Models IN602, IN602+, IN602MD, IN605, ID-2472 and ID-2502 9200-35500-( ), 805C0620-( )
IN602 Service Bulletin SB-53 11/1/1985 Mod A, Factory mod only for S/N 170 and lower
IN602 Service Letter SL-330 B 10/2/2018 Replacement Information for the IN-602 Replacement Information for the IN-602 805C0620, 9200-35500
IN605 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 D 8/21/2012 Pilot's Guide, ID-2472 DME/TACAN Indicator Models IN602, IN602+, IN602MD, IN605, ID-2472 and ID-2502 9200-35500-( ), 805C0620-( )
IN605 Pilot Guide 009-10029-001 B 11/23/1998 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10029-001 805C0620-( )
JF- Test Set Installation Manual TP-409 Original 7/26/2005 Installation Manual Pub# TP-409 JT-113 570-2466-01
JF- Test Set Instruction Manual TP-290 original 7/26/2005 Instruction Manual Pub# TP-290. Obsolete 570-1473-05
JT- Test Set Instruction Manual TP-283 1 4/1/1974 Instruction Manual and Test Procedures JT-10 570-1428-01
JT- Test Set Instruction Manual TP-623 B 3/30/2017 Instruction Manual Calibration Test Set 570-8552-01
JT- Test Set Pilot Guide TP-574 E 8/13/2018 Quick Reference Card MAG-3000 Calibration Tester Cal Card is placed with the test set. 570-8552-01
JT- Test Set Service Bulletin SB570-8552-1 A 10/12/2001 To correct an error within the software. To correct an error within the software. 570-8552-01
JT- Test Set Service Bulletin SB570-8552-2 Orig 10/15/2001 To correct an error within the software. To correct an error within the software. 570-8552-01
JT- Test Set Service Bulletin SB570-8552-3 A 3/29/2011 To add GH-3100 test capabilities to the JT-147A. To add GH-3100 test capabilities to the JT-147A. 570-8552-01
JT- Test Set Service Bulletin SB570-8552-4 A 3/27/2006 DCM version 2.0 test capabilities To add DCM version 2.0 test capabilities to the JT-147A. 501-8552-01
JT- Test Set Service Bulletin SB570-8552-5 A 4/3/2012 DCM version 3.0 To add DCM version 3.0 test capabilities to the JT-147A 570-8552-01
JT- Test Set Service Letter SL-215 A 10/4/2006 JT-147A Calibration Test Set No periodic calibration or maintenance for the JT-147A Calibration Test Set is required. 570-8552-01
LDR1000 Component Maintenance Manual 165E4866-02 23-70-20 03 8/13/2019 Component Maintenance Manual, LDR1000 LIGHTWEIGHT DATA RECORDER 1000-1000-00 1000-1210-00 1000-1210-11 1000-1710-00 1000-1710-11
LDR1000 Installation Manual 165E4866-05 02 11/10/2023 Installation and Operation Manual, LDR 1010-3211-11 LIGHTWEIGHT DATA RECORDER 1010-3211-11
LDR1000 Installation Manual 165E4866-00TR TR15 3/6/2025 Installation and Operation Manual, LDR1000TR LIGHTWEIGHT DATA RECORDER 1000-1000-00, 1000-1210-00, 1000-1210-11, 1000-1710-00, 1000-1710-11
LDR1000 Installation Manual 165E4866-00 14 7/13/2020 Installation and Operation Manual, LDR1000 LIGHTWEIGHT DATA RECORDER 1000-1000-00, 1000-1210-00, 1000-1210-11, 1000-1710-00, 1000-1710-11
LDR1000 Instruction Manual 165E4866-10 23-70-20 01 10/8/2021 Coin Battery Replacement Procedure (Restricted), LDR1000 LDR1000 Coin Battery Replacement Procedure (Restricted) 1000-1000-00, 1000-1210-00, 1000-1210-11, 1000-1710-00, 1000-1710-11
LDR1000 Service Bulletin SB002-LDR1000 23-70-20-02 00 4/17/2023 Service Bulletin, LDR1000, MOD 1 MOD 1 – Correct Color Distortion in Recorded Video 1000-1710-11
LNS6000 Installation Manual 009A0652 2 10/9/1995 Installation Manual DB683 Airborne Navigation Data Storage system 805D0651-02, 805D0651-04
LNS6000 Installation Manual 009-10001-001 B 3/10/1997 Installation Manual Pub# 009-10001-001 805-10008-()
LNS6000 Pilot Guide 009-10010-001 Orig 11/1/1992 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10010-001 805-10008-()
LNS6000 Pilot Guide 009-10121-001 A C1 1/3/2000 Pilot's Guide with GPS Approach Pub# 009-10121-001 805-10008-1( ), 805-10008-101, 805-10008-102, 805-10008-103, 805-10008-104, 805-10008-105, 805-10008-106, 805-10008-107, 805-10008-108, 805-10008-109, 805-10008-110, 805-10008-111, 805-10008-112, 805-10008-113, 805-10008-114, 805-10008-115, 805-10008-116, 805-10008-117, 805-10008-118, 805-10008-119, 805-10008-120
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-60 Orig 3/1/1987 To correct an intermittent search problem. To correct an intermittent search problem. 805D0500
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-52 Orig 11/1/1985 Modification to Range Block Adapter Module to permit operation throughtout voltage range. 804B0116
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-51 Orig 8/1/1985 Modification to DME Range Block Adapter Module to increase A+ voltage range. 804B0116
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-47 Orig 8/1/1985 Modification to DME Range Block Adapter to permit module to operate throughout an input range. 804B0001
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-48 Orig 10/1/1984 To optimize LR651 To optimize LR651 performance and improve operation in areas that have weak signals with low noise. 805D0500
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-40 Orig 11/1/1983 Improve transient response and ripple rejection of LR651 power supply. 805D0500
LNS6000 Service Bulletin SB-41 Orig 11/1/1983 To reduce RF emissions for the LR651 receiver. To reduce RF emissions for the LR651 receiver. 805D0500
LNS6000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00810CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich LNS6000 navigation system with RNC6000A remote navigation computer BFGoodrich LNS6000/ 6000A STC
LNS6000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00810CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich LNS6000 navigation system with RNC6000A remote navigation computer BFGoodrich LNS6000 FMS
Loran Nav System Installation Manual 12710138B B 3/1/1987 Installation Manual Pub# 12710138B 30410035-( ) 12710138A 12710138B
Loran Nav System Installation Manual 009A0631A 4 4/1/1989 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0631A 009A0631A
Loran Nav System Installation Manual 009A0652 2 10/9/1995 Installation Manual DB683 Airborne Navigation Data Storage system 805D0651-02, 805D0651-04
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 002A0653 2 11/21/1995 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0653 805D0651-02, 805D0651-04
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 002A0550 1 5/1/1984 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0550 002A0550, 805D0500, 805D0550, 805D0550-01, 805D0550-02, 805D0550-03, 805D0550-04, 805D0550-11, 805D0550-12, 805D0550-13, 805D0550-14, 805D0550-21, 805D0550-22, 805D0550-23, 805D0550-24, 805D0570, 805D0570-01
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 002A0559 Orig 1/1/1987 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0559 002A0559
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 002A0631C C 6/29/1989 Operations Manual Pub# 002A0631C 002A0631C
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 002A0635 Orig 12/22/1987 Operations Manual Pub# 002A0635 xxxxx
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 002A0640A Orig 6/1/1991 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0640A 002A0640A
Loran Nav System Pilot Guide 12710139-1 C1 10/7/1993 Operation Manual Pub# 12710139-1 30410035-( )
Loran Nav System Service Bulletin SB-55 Orig 5/1/1986 LRN500 faceplate bonding modification. LRN500 faceplate bonding modification. 805D0630
MAG-3000 Installation Manual TP-582 G 3/4/2010 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3100, sw 4.0 Pub# TP-582 501-1826-01, 501-1860-0102, 501-1860-0104, 501-1870-( )
MAG-3000 Installation Manual TP-633 M 8/21/2019 MAG-3000 Installation Manual Magnetometer 501-1826-( ), 501-1826-01, 501-1826-03, 501-1826-04, 501-1826-05
MAG-3000 Pilot Guide TP-574 E 8/13/2018 Quick Reference Card MAG-3000 Calibration Tester Cal Card is placed with the test set. 570-8552-01
MAG-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1826-1 A 4/15/2004 To provide strain relief for end of cable as it exits the unit. 501-1826-01
MAG-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1826-2 A 1/4/2005 Reduce corrosion effects inside MAG-3000. 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02
MAG-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1826-3 Orig 6/10/2004 To prevent magnetization of unit during shipping, handling, installation, or re-packaging. 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02
MAG-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1826-4 C 3/1/2007 Product improvement. To reduce possibility of damage if aircraft installation location environmental conditions exceed RTCA DO-160B section 1.0 Category W (drip-proof). 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02
MAG-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1826-6 A 9/19/2011 MAG-3000 Product Improvement 501-1826-02
MAG-3000 Service Letter SL-272 B 9/20/2011 MAG Install Software Update 1.05 Update of MAG software To inform customers of software updates for the MAG Install Software. 501-1826- 9200-21200-01
MAG-3000 Service Letter SL-291 B 9/24/2013 MAG-3000 Extreme Temperature Fault Extreme Temperature Fault 501-1826, 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02, 501-1826-03, 501-1826-04, 501-1826-05, 501-1826-06, 501-1826-07, 9200-21200
MAG-3000 Service Letter SL-225 A 5/15/2007 To provide customers with a procedure to check and calibrate the MAG-3000 magnetometer. 501-1826-(), 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02, 501-1826-03
MAG-3000 Service Letter SL-256 A 2/15/2010 MAG-3000 Interchangeability MAG-3000 Interchangeability 501-1826-01, 501-1826-03, 501-1826-04
MAG-3000 Service Letter SL-183 Orig 11/14/2003 Rejections in field due to visual inspections and mishandling of product. 501-1826-01
MAG-3100 Installation Manual TP-559 K 3/30/2017 Installation and Operation Manual, GH-3100, SW 3.0 This manual contains installation and operating information for the GH Electronic Standby Instrument System. Information in this manual includes the following products: GH-3100 Electronic Standby Indicator (with 1.3, 1.4 or 3.0 software), DCM-3100 Detachable configuration Module, and MAG-3000 / MAG-3100 Magnetometer. This information is supplemented and kept current by revisions, service letters and service bulletins. 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02, 501-1860-0101, 501-1860-0103, 501-1860-0201, 501-1860-0203, 501-1860-0301, 501-1860-0303, 501-1860-0401, 501-1860-0403, 501-1860-0501, 501-1860-0503, 501-1860-0601, 501-1860-0603, 501-1860-0701, 501-1860-0703, 501-1860-1101, 501-1860-1103, 501-1860-1201, 501-1860-1203, 501-1860-1301, 501-1860-1303, 501-1860-1401, 501-1860-1403, 501-1860-1501, 501-1860-1503, 501-1860-1601, 501-1860-1603, 501-1860-1701, 501-1860-1703, 501-1860-1801, 501-1860-1803, 501-1860-2101, 501-1860-2103, 501-1860-2201, 501-1860-2203, 501-1870-( )
MAG-3100 Installation Manual 0040-21200-01 J 9/5/2017 MAG-3100 Installation Manual MAG-3100 Install Manual 9200-21200-( ), 9200-21200-01
MAG-3100 Instruction Manual TP-637 E 9/5/2013 TP-637 MAG INSTALL SOFTWARE 576-6137, 9200-21200, 9200-21200-01
MAG-3100 Service Bulletin SB9200-21200-1 A 5/1/2014 Incorporate new cable Incorporate new cable
MAG-3100 Service Letter SL-291 B 9/24/2013 MAG-3000 Extreme Temperature Fault Extreme Temperature Fault 501-1826, 501-1826-01, 501-1826-02, 501-1826-03, 501-1826-04, 501-1826-05, 501-1826-06, 501-1826-07, 9200-21200
MAG-3100 Service Letter SL-272 B 9/20/2011 MAG Install Software Update 1.05 Update of MAG software To inform customers of software updates for the MAG Install Software. 501-1826- 9200-21200-01
MAG-3100 Software MAG-3100 1.05 9/27/2011 Mag Install Software Mag Install Software 576-6137
MAG-500 Installation Manual 0040-15001-01 J 2/9/2021 ESI-500 /MAG-500 Installation Manual Electronic Standby Indicator 9200-15000-0101, 9200-15500-0101
MAG-500 Installation Manual 0040-15751-01 F 2/13/2023 Installation Manual, EFD-750 / MAG-500 includes SW1.2 / new part number includes SW1.3 9200-15751-0101, 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201, 9200-15500-0101, 9200-15500-0201, 9200-15750-0101, 9200-15751-0201, 9200-15754-0301
MAG-500 Pilot Guide 0040-15750-01 D 2/13/2023 Operation Manual, EFD-750 includes SW1.1, SW1.2 and SW1.3 9200-15753-0101, 9200-15754-0101, 9200-15754-0201, 9200-15751-0101, 9200-15751-0201, 9200-15750-0101
MAG-500 Pilot Guide 0040-15000-01 F 10/2/2019 Pilot Guide, ESI-500 Electronic Standby Instrument System 9200-15000-0101, 9200-15500-0101
MAG-500 Supplemental Type Certificate SA04046CH D 9/2/2020 AML STC for ESI-500 ESI-500 AML STC Package with ICA & AFMS (part 23) 9200-15000-0101, 9200-15500-0101
MAG-500 Supplemental Type Certificate SR2487AK 0 11/12/2016 ESI-500 RW STC (part 27) ESI-500 RW STC (part 27) 9200-15000-01
MAT-3100 Service Bulletin SB9200-21250-1 A 5/1/2014 New Cable Assembly New Cable Assembly 9200-21250-01
MW-701 Component Maintenance Manual TP-211 4/25/2018 Multi Function Warning Multi Function Warning
MW-701 Service Bulletin SB8-1000-1 7/26/2005 SB8-1000-1
NACWS Instruction Manual 009-10084-001 original 9/16/1994 Instruction Manual, SCD526 Serial Communications Device. part of the Naval Aircraft Collision Warning System 825-10023-001
NACWS Miscellaneous NACWS - N/A x.x 1/1/2023 Information on NACWS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (NACWS) NASWS 991 009-10042-001 009-10043-001
NACWS Pilot Guide 009-10033-001 2 5/22/1995 Operator's Manual Pub# 009-10033-001
NACWS Pilot Guide 009-10132-001 A 1/28/2000 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10132-001
NACWS Service Bulletin SB-94 B 8/19/2005 NACWS Low PRF Radar Database update Version RD01M20D. The radar database has been updated with FAA published data for 2001 and with information developed from radar data collection flights by Goodrich Avionics Systems. The database now includes data for t 805-10012-003, 805-10012-013
NACWS Service Bulletin SB-95 Orig 8/27/2001 NACWS Low PRF Radar Database update Version RD01M20D. The radar database has been updated with FAA published data for 2001 and with information developed from radar data collection flights by Goodrich Avionics Systems. The database now includes data for t 805-10012-003, 805-10012-013
NACWS Service Bulletin SB-93 original 8/19/2005 Software 1.7 notice for NACWS T-34 NACWS TRC691 Software Version 1.7 upgrade. Improve NACWS coverage by processing data from the new low PRF Secondary Surveillance Radar Equipment. 805-10012-003
NY151 Installation Manual 009A0551B 0 11/1/1983 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0551B 805D0500, 805D0520, 805D0530, 805D0550-01, 805D0550-02, 805D0550-03, 805D0550-04
NY156 Service Bulletin SB-74 C 5/1/1997 Modify the NY156 Antenna by installing the protective boot. 805-10003-001
NY156 Service Letter SL-139 Orig 9/17/1997 To provide information on the limitations for warranty consideration. 800-10254-002, 805-10003-001
NY156 Service Letter SL-206 B 5/16/2018 Remove tape holding O-RING in place before installing antenna on aircraft. 805-10003-001, 805-10890-001
NY162 Miscellaneous n/a x.x 4/14/2023 NY162 L-Band Omnidirectional Antenna, information NY162 L-Band Omnidirectional Antenna P/N 805-10033-( ) The L-band omni-directional antenna is a vertically polarized antenna certified for installation on aircraft with True Air Speed (TAS) up to 400 knots. The system can accommodate one or two L-band antennas, with connection to the TRC2634 Transceiver being made through a single TNC connector. contact fieldservice.avionics@L3harris.com for more in information. 805-10033-001, 805-10033-002
NY163 Miscellaneous NY162-Reference x.x 4/14/2023 NY162 L-Band Omnidirectional Antenna, information See SL-346 Repair and service of the is transferred to Extant Aerospace. 805-10930-001 805-10930-002
NY164 Miscellaneous n/a-1 x.x 1/1/2023 Information on NY164 See TCAS791 Installation Manual, P/N 009-10013-001 Also Lynx products. 805-10890-001
NY164 Service Letter SL-206 B 5/16/2018 Remove tape holding O-RING in place before installing antenna on aircraft. 805-10003-001, 805-10890-001
PA-377 Component Maintenance Manual TP-206 Orig 3/1/1970 Instruction Manual Pub# TP-206 501-1085-01, 501-1085-02
PB-1003 Component Maintenance Manual TP-348 24-50-01 1 6/5/2018 Maintenance Manual with IPL Pub# TP-348 501-1262-01, 501-1326-01
PI/1 Instruction Manual 165E1630-00 07 9/30/2021 PI/1 Operation Manual PI/1 Operation Manual GSE Test Equipment 17TES0043, 17TES0051, 17TES0052, 17TES0054, 17TES0074
PI/1 Service Bulletin PI/1 SB001 Initial 7/21/2003 PI/1 MD 01-04, Optional Modification for Remote Playback PI/1 MOD DOT 01, 02, 03, and 04 17TES0043 17TES0143.
PI/1 Service Bulletin PI/1 SB002 Initial 9/16/2003 PI/1 MD 05, Modification for Cable Assembly PI/1 MOD DOT 05 17TES0043 17TES0143
PI/1 Service Bulletin PI/1 SB003 Initial 1/26/2010 PI/1 MD 07, Compatibility with Data Link SSCVR PI/1 MOD DOT 07 17TES0043 17TES0143
PI/1 Service Bulletin PI/1 SB004 Initial 12/8/2009 PI/1 MD 08, Replace Obsolete Parts & Software Upgrade PI/1 MOD DOT 08 17TES0043 17TES0143
PI/1 Service Bulletin PI/1 SB005 02 10/28/2015 PI/1 MD 09, Modification Required for NAND Recorders PI/1 MOD DOT 09 17TES0043 17TES0143
PI/1 Service Bulletin PI/1 SB006 Initial 5/10/2018 PI/1 MD 10, Introduction of Firmware v1.10 PI/1 MOD DOT 10 17TES0043 17TES0143
PI/1 Service Bulletin SB007-PI 01 6/23/2022 This service bulletin implements hardware modifications due to obsolete cable assembly. MOD 11. To replace obsolete cable with new external interconnect cable assembly 17TES0043
PI/1 Service Letter SIL-001-L3AP 00 5/27/2021 CVR audio data. If synchronized CVR audio data is required, the .CVR format must be downloaded from the recorder. The .CVR format will produce synchronized audio between all channels n/A
PI/1 Service Letter SIL-001-PI1 01 7/11/2024 Service Information Letter, PI-1 Product and repair of Portable Interface Unit PI/1 used with Flight Recorders. 17TES0043
PI/2 Service Letter SIL-001-L3AP 00 5/27/2021 CVR audio data. If synchronized CVR audio data is required, the .CVR format must be downloaded from the recorder. The .CVR format will produce synchronized audio between all channels n/A
PI/2 Service Letter PI/2-001 03 2/12/2024 Notification of discontinued product. Notification of discontinued product. 17TES0062, 17TES0065, 17TES0066, 17TES0092
PS-801 Component Maintenance Manual TP-205 chg2 4/1/1974 PS-801 Maintenance Manual PS-801 Maintenance Manual 16-1010-01, 16-1010-02
PS-801 Service Letter SL-4 original 2/22/1972 Service Letter, Battery Maintenance Battery Maintenance for PS-800 and PS-801 To provide information on PS-800/PS-801 battery maintenance. (Contact Learjet for parts and service). 16-1010-01 16-1010-02
PS-828 Component Maintenance Manual TP-220 34-20-11 Orig 5/22/1985 Operation, Installation, and Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-220 501-1243-01, 501-1458-01
QAR (uQAR) Component Maintenance Manual 165E2810-30 31-30-20 02 6/30/2023 Component Maintenance Manual, MicroQAR MicroQuick Access Recorder QAR100-02-00, QAR100-03-00, QAR100-03-01, QAR100-04-00, QAR100-23-00, QAR100-34-00, QAR101-33-00, QAR110-35-00, QAR200-01-00, QAR200-02-00, QAR200-02-01, QAR200-02-03, QAR200-03-00, QAR200-03-01, QAR200-03-02, QAR200-03-04, QAR200-04-04, QAR200-05-04, QAR200-05-06, QAR200-25-00, QAR200-30-04, QAR200-33-00, QAR200-34-00, QAR200-35-04, QAR201-00-00, QAR201-02-00, QAR201-04-04, QAR201-05-14, QAR201-30-04, QAR201-33-00, QAR201-35-04, QAR201-65-11, QAR201-65-12, QAR201-65-13, QAR201-65-14, QAR210-05-00, QAR210-35-00, QAR210-35-04, QAR210-75-16, QAR210-75-17, QAR210-75-18
QAR (uQAR) Installation Aircraft Tools 17TES0100 V1.1 3/27/2018 uQAR Application SW App SW and Device Driver 17TES0100
QAR (uQAR) Installation Manual 165E2810-00 31-30-21 11 12/15/2023 Installation & Operation Manual, MicroQAR MicroQuick Access Recorder QAR100-xx-xx, QAR101-xx-xx, QAR200-xx-xx, QAR201-xx-xx, QAR210-xx-xx QAR100-02-00 QAR100-03-00 QAR100-03-01 QAR100-04-00 QAR100-23-00 QAR100-34-00 QAR101-33-00 QAR110-35-00 QAR200-01-00 QAR200-02-00 QAR200-02-01 QAR200-02-03 QAR200-03-00 QAR200-03-01 QAR200-03-02 QAR200-03-04 QAR200-04-04 QAR200-05-04 QAR200-05-06 QAR200-25-00 QAR200-30-04 QAR200-33-00 QAR200-34-00 QAR200-35-04 QAR201-00-00 QAR201-02-00 QAR201-04-04 QAR201-05-14 QAR201-30-04 QAR201-33-00 QAR201-35-04 QAR201-65-11 QAR201-65-12 QAR201-65-13 QAR201-65-14 QAR210-05-00 QAR210-35-00 QAR210-35-04
QAR (uQAR) Installation Manual 165E2810-01 31-30-20 02 5/15/2018 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, QAR210-75-16 microQAR QUICK ACCESS RECORDER QAR210-75-16
QAR (uQAR) Installation Manual 165E2810-03 31-30-20 02 5/15/2018 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, QAR210-75-17 microQAR QUICK ACCESS RECORDER QAR210-75-17
QAR (uQAR) Installation Manual 165E2810-04 31-30-20 02 5/15/2018 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, QAR210-75-18 microQAR QUICK ACCESS RECORDER QAR210-75-18
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB001 31-30-20-001 03 12/1/2008 SB001, MOD 1 and SW03 HARDWARE MODIFICATION 1 OF THE uQAR, AND SOFTWARE REVISION R3 QAR100-xx-xx, QAR20X-xx-xx
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB002 31-30-20-002 03 5/5/2018 SB002, SW04 INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION 04 OF THE uQAR QAR100-xx-xx, QAR200-xx-xx, QAR201-xx-xx
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB003 31-30-20-003 03 6/23/2010 SB003, New Memory Card INTRODUCTION OF 25304000-05 MEMORY CARD. Due to controlled obsolescence, memory cards of less than 512 MB capacity are no longer available for the uQAR. QAR10X-xx-xx, QAR20X-xx-xx
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB004 31-30-20-004 original 6/23/2010 SB004, SW05 Quick Access Recorder INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION 05 QAR100-xx-xx, QAR200-xx-xx, QAR201-xx-xx
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB005 31-30-20-005 original 9/9/2010 SB005, New Memory card INTRODUCTION OF 2530400006 MEMORY CARD AND uQAR SOFTWARE CHANGE 2530400006 Memory Card QAR100-xx-xx, QAR200-xx-xx, QAR201-xx-xx
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB006 31-30-20-006 original 6/1/2020 SB006, MOD 3 INTRODUCTION OF MOD DOT 3. For future firmware updates, the capacity of U006 increased from 8K to 16K. QAR100-xx-xx, QAR200-xx-xx, QAR201-xx-xx
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB007 31-30-20-07 original 5/15/2018 SB007, software update INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION This Software Revision introduces prepping of the memory card at power on. This ensures that the microQAR is ready when 429 data begins, and that all valid data is written. QAR201−65−11, QAR201−65−12, QAR201−65−13
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB008 original 5/15/2018 SB008, update software INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION SanDisk Extreme III memory cards previously used with these microQARs are no longer available. This Software Revision allows the use of newer SanDisk Ultra memory cards. QAR201−65−11, QAR201−65−12, QAR201−65−13
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin UQAR-SB009 31-30-20 00 4/22/2020 SB009-MD04-Inspection and Replacement of SanDisk Compact Flash Card SB009-MD04-Inspection and Replacement of SanDisk Compact Flash Card QAR100-03-01 QAR100-34-00 QAR101-33-00 QAR110-35-00
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin QAR210-75-16 SB001 original 5/15/2018 SB001, Service Bulletin for SW 1 QAR210‐75‐16‐001 SW 1: INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION (Version 429) QAR210-75-16
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin QAR210-75-17 SB001 original 5/15/2018 SB001, Service Bulletin for SW 1 QAR210‐75‐17‐001 SW 1: INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION (Version 429) QAR210-75-17
QAR (uQAR) Service Bulletin QAR210-75-18 SB001 original 5/15/2018 SB001, Service Bulletin for SW 1 QAR210‐75‐18‐001 SW 1: INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE REVISION (Version 429) QAR210-75-18
QAR (uQAR) Service Letter SIL002-QAR Orig 11/15/2005 FLASH CARD REPLACEMENT USERS OF THE MICRO QUICK ACCESS RECORDER, MODELS QAR200, ALL PART NUMBERS QAR200–00–XX 253-04-0001 253-04-0002 253-04-0003 253-04-0004
QAR (uQAR) Supplemental Type Certificate ST02706AT A 10/12/2021 Supplemental Type Certificate, ST02706AT, QAR, Installation of micro Quick Access recorder (QAR) QAR100-( ) QAR101-( ) QAR200-( ) QAR201-( )
QAR (uQAR) Supplemental Type Certificate ST03560AT A 1/20/2022 Supplemental Type Certificate Micro QAR in MD-80 Series Aircraft 905E7008-20
RAU Installation Manual 165E4049-00 01 10/25/2007 CICC/3 Installation Sheet Installation Instructions for using CICC3 The CICC/3 requires Rose 3.8 or higher on a PC running Windows XP SP2. 17TES0075
RAU Instruction Manual 165E1696-02 03 3/1/2007 Operator's Manual, SW Version 3.0 Read-Out Support Equipment / Recorder Interface, 3.0 17TES0055, 17TES0060, 17TES0063, 17TES0300, 17TES0321, 17TES0400, 883E1894−01
RAU Instruction Manual 165E1696-04 02 11/30/2022 Operator's Manual, (ROSE) SW Version 4.7 and later Operations Manual, Read-Out Support Equipment / Recorder Interface, 4.7 or later (ROSE) 17TES00321, 17TES0060ROSE, 17TES0063, 17TES0700, 883E1894−01
RAU Miscellaneous ROSE Analysis Unit (RAU) x.x 1/1/2023 Information on RAU ROSE Analysis Unit (RAU) 17TES0055 17TES0060 17TES0063 17TES0068 17TES0700 17TES0060 17TES0063 17TES0321 883E1894-01
RAU Service Letter SIL-001-RAU 00 1/14/2021 Notification of end of production and sale of the ROSE Analysis Unit. Notification of end of production and sale of the ROSE Analysis Unit. 17TES0055, 17TES0060, 17TES0063, 17TES0068
RDI Installation Aircraft Tools RDI Software Release 2.x 2.1 11/12/2020 Recorder Data Interface Recorder Data Interface 17TES0823
RDI Instruction Manual 165E6496-00 08 7/31/2024 Recorder Data Interface (RDI) Instruction Manual Recorder Data Interface (V2.1) & (V3.0) (V2.1) & (V3.0) 17TES0800, 17TES0900 (V2.1 only) 17TES0901, 17TES0950, 17TES0960. Configuration ID: 8010-18001-xxxx, 8010-18003-xxxx
RDI Miscellaneous T800-SDS 0 3/28/2024 RDI-T800 Main Battery SDS Getac SDS LI01122021006P01 Rechargeable Lithium Ion / Polymer Battery T800
RDI Miscellaneous T800-UN38.3 0 3/28/2024 RDI-T800 Test Summary GETAC T800 UN38.3 Test summary T800
RDI Service Bulletin SB002-RDI 00 3/19/2024 Service Bulletin, RDI - Version 3.0 RDI - Version 3.0 17TES0823
RDI Service Bulletin SB001-RDI 00 10/5/2021 RDI - Version 2.1 RDI - Version 2.1 17TES0900, 17TES0901, 17TES0950, 17TES0960
RDI Service Letter SIL-001-L3AP 00 5/27/2021 CVR audio data. If synchronized CVR audio data is required, the .CVR format must be downloaded from the recorder. The .CVR format will produce synchronized audio between all channels n/A
Recorder - Accessories Component Maintenance Manual 165E1747-00 23-70-05 11 4/23/2024 ED-56A Control Units Pre Amplifiers & Microphones CMM ED−56A CONTROL UNITS, PREAMPLIFIER MODULE, AND MICROPHONE MODULES FOR SOLID−STATE COCKPIT VOICE RECORDERS (SSCVR) SCVR CONTROL UNITS MODELS S151/S161, S152/S162, AND S251/S261 SSCVR PREAMPLIFIER MODULE MODEL S150/S160 SSCVR MICROPHONE MODULES MODELS S055, S056 AND S058 CONTROL UNIT MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER MODULE REMOTE MICROPHONE MODULES S151−0020−00 S161−0020−00 S162−0020−00 S151−0030−00 S161−0020−10 S162−0030−00 S151−0040−00 S161−0030−00 S162−0040−00 S151−0050−00 S161−0040−00 S251−1120−00 S151−0060−00 S161−0050−00 S251−1130−00 S152−0020−00 S161−0060−00 S251−1170−00 S152−0020−01 S161−0080−00 S261−1120−00 S152−0030−00 S161−0090−00 S261−1130−00 S152−0030−01 S161−0090−02 S261−0050−00 S152−0040−00 S161−1120−10 S261−1121−00 S161−1390−01 S161−1390−02 S161−1390−03 S161−1090−20 S150−0020−00 S160−0020−00 S150−0020−00 S160−0030−00 S055−0030−00 S056−0048−00 S058−0048−00 S055−0065−00 S056−0048−10 S058−0048−01 S055−0066−00 S056−0048−15 S058−0148−10 S055−0067−00 S056−0049−00 S055−0067−01 S056−0050−00 S055−0068−00 S056−0051−00 S056−0030−00 S056−1048−00 S056−0047−00
Recorder - Accessories Service Bulletin 23‐70‐05‐001 23‐70‐05 Initial 8/22/2013 SB001-Introduction of S152−0020−01 Control Unit SB001-Introduction of S152−0020−01 Control Unit Used in Boeing NG Aircraft. S152−0020−01
RG-225 Service Letter SL-174 A 4/3/2015 To provide Avionics Systems, Inc service centers and maintenance personnel with storage information for gyro products. [Replaces SL-113, SL-131, SL-168, SA-89]. Remove references to AIM Series Gyros.
RGC250 Installation Manual 009-11400-001 A C4 7/27/2000 Installation Manual Pub# 009-11400-001 805-11400-001, 805-11400-002
RGC250 Installation Manual 009-11407-001 A 3/14/2002 Installation Manual Pub# 009-11407-001 805-11400-003, 805-11400-004
RGC250 Pilot Guide 009-11401-001 A 10/9/1998 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-11401-001 805-11400-00X
RGC250 Service Bulletin SB-91 Orig 1/26/2001 To provide additional protection against damge to the RGC connectors when disengaging the mating connector assembly for the RGC. 805-11400-001, 805-11400-002
RGC250 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC250 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC250 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC250 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC250 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Installation Manual 009-12400-001 A 6/25/2002 Installation Manual Pub# 009-12400-001 805-12400-001, 805-12400-002
RGC350 Pilot Guide 009-12401-001 B 8/26/2003 Pilot's Guide 805-12400-001, 805-12400-002
RGC350 Service Bulletin SB-128 Orig 1/22/2004 Software upgrade to the RGC350 firmware. Corrects possible RGC350 failure when connected to an L-3 TAWS8000 and a Honeywell Primus Weather Radar Indicator. 805-12400-( )
RGC350 Service Letter SL220 A 4/26/2007 Permission to use STC Permission to use STC 805-12400-( ), 805-12400-001, 805-12400-002
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC250 radar graphics computer.
RGC350 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01034CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of RGC350 radar graphics computer. Installation of RGC350 radar graphics computer.
RIPS Component Maintenance Manual 165E5398-01 23-70-35 05 1/30/2025 FA5000 Cockpit Voice Recorder CMM FA5000 CVR CMM RIPS 5001-5003-11, 5003-5003-11, 5033-5003-11, 5053-5003-11. 500−4030−000
RIPS Installation Manual 165E5327-04 02 4/30/2024 Installation and Operation Instruction Manual, FA5000 CVDR COCKPIT VOICE AND DATA RECORDER MODEL FA5000 CVDR ARINC 757 5003−6100−00 RIPS Part Number: 500−4030−000
RNAV Pilot Guide 002A0449A A 2/1/1982 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0449A 805D0450
RNAV Pilot Guide 002A0490 Orig 7/26/2005 Pilot's Guide Pub# 002A0490 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-52 Orig 11/1/1985 Modification to Range Block Adapter Module to permit operation throughtout voltage range. 804B0116
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-51 Orig 8/1/1985 Modification to DME Range Block Adapter Module to increase A+ voltage range. 804B0116
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-511-B 10/1/1978 B 805D0200
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-511-C Orig 10/1/1978 To prevent intermittent errors in measured DME Distance resulting in erroneous RNAV computations. 805D0200
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-51ASA-1-A Orig 10/1/1979 Allows Range Monitor switch to be accomplished by KDI572 NAV select switch. 805D0254
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-51ASA-B Orig 6/1/1979 To allow course softening to be disable as an installer option. 805D0251
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-51DSA-A Orig 6/1/1980 Elliminates COMM transmitter RF interference to RNAV511/51DSA, and reduces To/From meter drive current. 805D0250
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-51DSA-B Orig 6/1/1979 To reduce the required sink current on the NAV SELECT LINE to permit NAV selection by the KDI-572. 805D0250
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-23 Orig 4/1/1981 Prevent momentary RNAV annunciate output during turn-on 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-24 Orig 4/1/1981 RNAV612 Microprocessor Program Corrections and Improvements. 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-25 Orig 4/1/1981 Momentary VOR Diagnostic for RNAV612 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-26 Orig 4/1/1981 Com Transmitter RF Interference in 51DSA and 51DSA/C328 805D0250
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-27 Orig 5/1/1981 Momentary RNAV annunciate output during turn-on/turn-off and DME Hold diagnostic in VOR/LOC operation. 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-29 Orig 5/1/1981 RNAV612 and 612RIU distance computation error when VNAV541 or VNAV541A has no A+ applied. 805D0400
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-31 Orig 1/1/1982 Slow groundspeed response; Autopilot S-turning; false ground on annunciate output lines; loss of present position readout in range monitor mode 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-34 Orig 10/1/1982 Prevent random "auto shutdown" of RNAV612 microprocessor. 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-35 Orig 11/1/1982 Reduces VOR smoothing time constant in approach mode. 805D0450
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-36 A 1/1/1983 Increase input level range of 51ASA-1 9960Hz input signal. 805D0254
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-37 A 1/1/1983 Increases input signal range of 51ASA 9960Hz input signal. 805D0251
RNAV Service Bulletin SB-47 Orig 8/1/1985 Modification to DME Range Block Adapter to permit module to operate throughout an input range. 804B0001
RNC6000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00810CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich LNS6000 navigation system with RNC6000A remote navigation computer BFGoodrich LNS6000/ 6000A STC
RNC6000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00810CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich LNS6000 navigation system with RNC6000A remote navigation computer BFGoodrich LNS6000 FMS
RNC601 Component Maintenance Manual 009A0550 Orig 8/1/1985 Installation and Maintenance Manual Pub# 009A0550 805D0500, 805D0520, 805D0530, 805D0550-( ), 805D0570, 805D0580
RNC601 Installation Manual 009A0551B 0 11/1/1983 Installation Manual Pub# 009A0551B 805D0500, 805D0520, 805D0530, 805D0550-01, 805D0550-02, 805D0550-03, 805D0550-04
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-49 Orig 10/1/1984 Eliminate intermittent display blanking 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-38 Orig 11/1/1983 Provide DC Sine/Cosine RMI Drive provided at RNC601 J1. 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-39 Orig 11/1/1983 Corrects missing foil run on PC Board and decreases low level flag to 0.7vdc. 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-46 Orit 9/1/1984 To eliminate wavering left/right needle and erratic OBS operation. 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-44 Orig 6/1/1984 To allow the RNC601 to communicate with the DI681 DataBase. 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-45 Orig 9/1/1984 Improvement of Automatic Ident Decoding 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-56 Oig 3/1/1987 To allow the RNC601 and RNC601A to operate with the same functions as the RNC601B. 805D0550
RNC601 Service Bulletin SB-57 Orig 2/1/1988 To allow DI681 to operate as DI681A with RNC601B. 805D0570
RT-1634(V) Installation Manual 009-10062-001 L 9/26/2018 Installation Manual, TACAN AN/ARN-154(V) 805D0602-46, 805D0602-30, 805D0602-31, 805D0602-32, 805D0602-33, 805D0602-34, 805D0602-35, 805D0602-36, 805D0602-38, 805D0602-39, 805D0602-42, 805D0602-43, 805D0602-44, 805D0602-45, 805D0602-51, 805D0602-52, 805D0602-60
RT-1634(V) Pilot Guide 009-10138-001 F 9/1/2009 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10138-001 805D0602-()
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-70 Orig 8/1/1996 Software update to re-enable automatic antenna switching following pilot- initiated self test. Software update to re-enable automatic antenna switching following pilot- initiated self test. 805D0602-30, 805D0602-32, 805D0602-34, 805D0602-35, 805D0602-36, 805D0602-50
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-200 A 11/9/2004 Software version 2.4 Software version 2.4 adds label 002 and 0012 to ARINC 429 output bus #2 to Tracking Channel C. It also changes output label 035 bits 14 and 15 to match corresponding bits on input label 035. 805D0602-45
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-201 A 3/10/2005 Service Bulletin, RT-1634 Replace C2 on power supply from 100 V to 125 V part. 805D0602-39, 805D0602-43, 805D0602-44, 805D0602-45, 805D0602-51
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-97 Orig 2/4/2002 single-port ARINC-429 RT-1634(V) To make the single-port ARINC-429 RT-1634(V) TACAN's compatible with the U.S. Army Model A2D (AMCOM DWG P/N 1000484) 1553 to 429 converter. 805D0602-31, 805D0602-32, 805D0602-35, 805D0602-38, 805D0602-42
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-205 A 5/17/2006 Software Upgrade Version 2.5 and 2.6 Software Upgrade Version 2.5 and 2.6 805D0602-45
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-204 A 11/17/2005 Modulator PCB Modification Modulator PCB Modification 805D0602-43, 805D0602-44, 805D0602-45, 805D0602-51, 805D0602-52
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-206 A 6/21/2006 Software Upgrade Version 2.1 Software Upgrade Version 2.1 805D0602-51
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-207 A 6/21/2006 Software Upgrade Revision 2.1 Software Upgrade Revision 2.1 805D0602-52
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-98 Orig 4/9/2002 Interface compatibility Makes interface of RT-1634(V)-43 TACAN compatible with the Wulfsberg Electronics RMS 555 and Honeywell FPD 500 EFIS systems 805D0602-43
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-203 B 6/15/2006 Modulator PCB Modification Change capacitors C502 and C503 on the Modulator PCB from metal film polycarbonate to ceramic. 805D0602-( )
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB805D0602-202 B 6/15/2006 Power Supply Inductor Modification Power Supply Inductor Modification 805D0602-30, 805D0602-31, 805D0602-32, 805D0602-33, 805D0602-34, 805D0602-35, 805D0602-36, 805D0602-38, 805D0602-39, 805D0602-42, 805D0602-43, 805D0602-44, 805D0602-45, 805D0602-50, 805D0602-51, 805D0602-52
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-131 C 6/15/2006 TACAN, Low-Pass Filter Modification Mod adds a low pass filter to the synthesizer PCB Assembly. (Mod will improve the condition of the VCO input signal). 805D0602( )
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-126 Orig 11/12/2003 Software version 2.3 Software version 2.3 has been released. Upgrade synchronizes the regenerated audio ident output from the RT-1634 with the ident transmission from ground stations. 805D0602-45
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-106 Orig 10/24/2002 Correct the "Hold Mode" status of the ARINC-429 echo label. 805D0602-43
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-118 Orig 5/20/2003 software version 2.6 This upgrade adds Tracking Channel C (input and output) to ARINC 429 Bus #1. This upgrade will be identified as software version 2.6 on the serial number ID tag. 805D0602-43
RT-1634(V) Service Bulletin SB-122 Orig 8/18/2003 Software version 2.1 followed by an additional upgrade to version 2.2 has been released. Software version 2.1 followed by an additional upgrade to version 2.2 has been released. 805D0602-45
SA-500 Service Letter SL-102 Orig 11/4/1987 To provide information for the proper method of adjusting the brush block to armature contact and general burn-in requirements. To provide information for the proper method of adjusting the brush block to armature contact and general burn-in requirements. 501-1067-( ), 501-1112-( ), 501-1212-( )
SCD526 Installation Manual 009-10084-001 Orig 9/16/1994 Instruction Manual Pub# 009-10084-001 825-10023-001
SCD526 Instruction Manual 009-10084-001 original 9/16/1994 Instruction Manual, SCD526 Serial Communications Device. part of the Naval Aircraft Collision Warning System 825-10023-001
SCR-750 Component Maintenance Manual TP-208 C1 12/1/1970 Instruction Manual Pub# TP-208 2-1005-01, 2-1005-02
SHSI-3000 Installation Manual TP-600 C 8/2/2011 Installation and Operation Manual Pub# TP-600 501-1899-01
SHSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-1 C 1/3/2007 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1899-01
SHSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-3 A 3/15/2006 To correct knob action at start up. 501-1899-01
SHSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-2 A 3/15/2006 To correct color and knob operation. 501-1899-01
SHSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-6 B 6/25/2009 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. MOD 6 superseded by MOD 7 501-1899-01
SHSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-7 A 6/26/2009 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1899-01
SHSI-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1899-7 A 6/25/2009 To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. To provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1899-01
SIM-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-32800-2 A 8/23/2012 Improve backlight low end brightness characteristics 9200-32800-201
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-14 A 2/28/2012 To improve low light level calibration linearity 501-1827-3103
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-16 B 4/19/2013 Inspect for SUP Inspect for SUP 501-1827-0103, 501-1827-0203, 501-1827-07, 501-1827-08, 501-1827-09, 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2104, 501-1827-2105, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2293, 501-1827-2405, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603, 501-1827-3103, 501-1827-3293
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-17 A 11/6/2014 Display Replacement Display Replacement 501-1827-0103
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-13 A 3/18/2010 Planning Information 501-1827-2104
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-11 B 12/1/2008 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1827-2302, 501-1827-2402
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-9 B 11/24/2008 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2104, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2293, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-8 A 2/15/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or disruption. 501-1827-0103, 501-1827-0203, 501-1827-0283, 501-1827-07, 501-1827-08, 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2104, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2293, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-7 B 2/3/2006 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1827-0103, 501-1827-0203, 501-1827-0283, 501-1827-07, 501-1827-08, 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2104, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2293, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-2 Orig 3/14/2003 Improve durability of keyboard assembly. 501-1827-01, 501-1827-02, 501-1827-03, 501-1827-04, 501-1827-06, 501-1827-2302, 501-1827-2402
SIM-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-4 A 1/3/2007 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2302, 501-1827-2402, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603
SIM-3000 Service Letter SL-334 A 8/14/2018 End of Production Notice Service Letter 501-1827, 501-1891, 501-1903
SIM-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-16 B 4/19/2013 Inspect for SUP Inspect for SUP 501-1827-0103, 501-1827-0203, 501-1827-07, 501-1827-08, 501-1827-09, 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2104, 501-1827-2105, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2293, 501-1827-2405, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603, 501-1827-3103, 501-1827-3293
SIM-3001 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-15 A 10/19/2012 Software Release 2.2 Software Release 2.2 501-1827-07
SIM-3002 Service Bulletin SB501-1827-16 B 4/19/2013 Inspect for SUP Inspect for SUP 501-1827-0103, 501-1827-0203, 501-1827-07, 501-1827-08, 501-1827-09, 501-1827-2103, 501-1827-2104, 501-1827-2105, 501-1827-2193, 501-1827-2203, 501-1827-2293, 501-1827-2405, 501-1827-2503, 501-1827-2603, 501-1827-3103, 501-1827-3293
SIM-3100 Installation Manual TP-619 A 5/22/2006 Installation and Operation Manual, for P/N 501-1891-( ) SIM-3100 - ESIS Simulator 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Installation Manual TP-632 A 12/9/2009 Installation and Operation Manual, for P/N 501-1903-( ) SIM-3100 - ESIS Simulator 501-1903-0101, 501-1903-0201, 501-1903-0301, 501-1903-0401, 501-1903-2101, 501-1903-2103, 501-1903-2201
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-1 Orig 5/20/2004 Manufacturing Change. Producing a universal Lighting controller. 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-2 A 2/3/2006 Service bulletin, MOD 2 To reduce the possibility of the display blanking or failing at start up. 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-3 B 11/24/2008 Service Bulletin, MOD 3 Provide replacement display due to diminishing source. 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-4 12/26/2007 RELEASE OF SOFTWARE 2.1 RELEASE OF SOFTWARE 2.1 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1903-1 A 12/15/2008 Replacement of Display due to diminishing source 501-1903-0101, 501-1903-0201, 501-1903-0301, 501-1903-0401, 501-1903-2101, 501-1903-2201
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1903-2 A 12/15/2008 Replacement of Display due to diminishing source 501-1903-0501, 501-1903-0601, 501-1903-0701, 501-1903-0801
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1903-3 A 12/15/2008 Release of Software 1.2 501-1903-0101, 501-1903-0201, 501-1903-0301, 501-1903-0401, 501-1903-0501, 501-1903-0601, 501-1903-0701, 501-1903-0801, 501-1903-2101, 501-1903-2201
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1903-5 A 3/3/2014 Inspection MOD Inspection MOD 501-1903-0101, 501-1903-0201, 501-1903-0205, 501-1903-0301, 501-1903-0401, 501-1903-0501, 501-1903-0601, 501-1903-0701, 501-1903-2101, 501-1903-2103, 501-1903-2201
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-8 A 3/3/2014 Inspection for Suspected Unapproved Parts Inspection for Suspected Unapproved Parts 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-5 A 3/6/2008 Service Bulletin, MOD 5 Reduce possibility of display Blanking 501-1981-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-6 A 11/28/2008 Service Bulletin, MOD 6 Replacement Display due to Diminishing Source 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1891-7 A 4/19/2013 Inspection MOD Check for SUP 501-1891-0102
SIM-3100 Service Bulletin SB501-1903-4 A 4/19/2013 INSPECTION MOD Inspection for SUP 501-1903-0101, 501-1903-0201, 501-1903-0301, 501-1903-0401, 501-1903-0501, 501-1903-0601, 501-1903-0701, 501-1903-0801, 501-1903-2101, 501-1903-2103, 501-1903-2201
SIM-3100 Service Letter SL-334 A 8/14/2018 End of Production Notice Service Letter 501-1827, 501-1891, 501-1903
SIM-750 Installation Aircraft Tools 576-6439-02 A 9/23/2020 ACM Tool Aircraft Configuration Module Tool, SIM-750 Simulator
SIM-750 Installation Manual 0040-15800-01 00 5/22/2023 Installation Manual, SIM-750 Electronic Flight Display Simulator Model: SIM-750 9200-15800-0101 9200-15800-0301
SRVIVR - LW-Series Component Maintenance Manual 6081151 31-30-01 D 8/22/2022 Component Maintenance Manual SRVIVR-CVR, SRVIVR-FDR, SRVIVR-FDR-717, SRVIVR-CVFDR-429 1493100-1000, 1493100-2000, 1493100-3001, 1493100-3002
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 0040-14901-01 01 11/15/2024 Installation and Operation Manual SRVIVR® Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder Model: SRVIVR-CVFDR-429 Encrypted SRVIVR 1493200-3200
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 165E6748-02 01 5/10/2024 Installation Manual SRVIVR-CVFDR-1553 1493100-3410
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 165E6702-01 B 11/20/2024 Installation Manual SRVIVR Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder Model: CVFDR-1553 (QUAD RS-422) 1493100-3402
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 0040-29001-01 03 8/18/2021 Installation and Operation Manual SRVIVR-CSMU 1490002-0010
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 165E6903-01 00 5/24/2021 Installation and Operation Manual eSRVIVR-FDR-1553 1493200-2000
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 165E6358-01 A 6/13/2016 Installation and Operation Manual SRVIVR-CVFDR-1553 1493100-3400
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 165E6379-01 C 6/6/2023 Installation and Operation Manual SRVIVR-FDR-1553 1493100-2403
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 6081152 D 11/16/2021 Installation Manual. Commercial SRVIVR-CVR, SRVIVR-FDR-717, SRVIVR-CVFDR-429, SRVIVR-CVFDR-717 Variants 1493100-1100, 1493100-2100, 1493100-3103, 1493100-3104
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 6082027 Orig 2/21/2014 Installation Manual SRVIVR-CVFDR-1553 Variant (with ACSMU) 1493100-3401
SRVIVR - LW-Series Installation Manual 165E6247-01 - 6/13/2016 Installation and Operation Manual eSRVIVR Encrypted SRVIVR-CVFDR-1553 1493200-3000
SRVIVR - LW-Series Service Bulletin SRVIVR SB001 Orig 3/22/2013 MOD E ISSUE OF AUDIO RECORDER DISTORTION AND REMOVAL OF SWITCH CIRCUITRY TO PREVENT ARINC 429/717 BUS ATTENUATION 1493100-1000 1493100-2000 1493100-3001 1493100-3002 1493100-1100 1493100-2100 1493100-3103 1493100-3104 1493100-3105 1493100-2200 1493100-2201
SRVIVR - LW-Series Service Bulletin SRVIVR SB002 orig 8/18/2017 Software update. Upgrade ULB from 30 to 90 day [MOD F or G] INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE UPDATE OPERATIONAL FLIGHT PROGRAM (OFP)- 0109 SOFTWARE UPDATE OPERATIONAL FLIGHT PROGRAM (OFP)- 0109; Upgrade ULB from 30 to 90 day [MOD F or G] 1493100-1100 1493100-2100 1493100-3103 1493100-3104
SRVIVR - LW-Series Service Bulletin SRVIVR SB-2015-003 01 7/21/2016 INTRODUCTION OF L-3AR 90-DAY UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON MOD DOT F INTRODUCTION OF L-3AR 90-DAY UNDERWATER LOCATOR BEACON 1493100-1000 1493100-2000 1493100-3001 1493100-3002 980-xxx-xxx
SRVIVR - LW-Series Service Letter SIL-001-SRVIVR 00 9/19/2023 Service Information Letter A software error exists that can cause data corruption of previously recorded data within a data partition upon the next application of power when recording. 1493100-x4xx
TACAN Installation Manual 0040-35001-01 L 10/16/2023 Tacan+ Installation Manual Incorporates 1.11 Software and new part number. License required. 9200-35000-0101 9200-35000-0201 9200-35000-0301 9200-35000-0401
TACAN Service Bulletin SB001-BTP-1634 00 4/3/2023 Service Bulletin, BTP-1634 Bench Test Panel for AN/ARN-154 (V) TACAN System MOD A: Add TACAN+ Compatibility. 805-10045-001, 805-10045-002, 805-10045-003
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-2 A 8/23/2012 To inform customers of Software Version 1.3 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-1 B 2/4/2019 To replace components on Transmitter and frequency Generator Circuit Card Assemblies due to part availability. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-11 A 4/14/2016 To inform customers of Software Version 1.9 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-12 C 2/4/2019 Reliability improvement providing reduced likelihood of unit incurring a degraded operational range condition. (MOD E) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-13 C 2/4/2019 To improve unit power up performance. (MOD F) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-14 A 9/13/2017 To inform customers of Software Version 1.10 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN Service Bulletin SB920035000-4 A 11/13/2012 To inform customers of Software Version 1.4 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-5 C 2/4/2019 Units listed in Table 1 were shipped without tin plating (bare copper) on the ground foil P/N 9000-35027-01 used on RF transmitter. The bare copper ground foil, must be replaced with tin plated copper ground foil to prevent degradation of the transmitter. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-6 A 8/19/2013 Temporary loss of tracking (less than 3 seconds) can occur when two or more tracking channels are tuned to, or un-tuned from, the same frequency. (SW Version 1.5) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-7 B 2/4/2019 To improve reliability and reduce likelihood of premature failure of fielded units. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN+ Installation Manual 0040-35001-01 L 10/16/2023 Tacan+ Installation Manual Incorporates 1.11 Software and new part number. License required. 9200-35000-0101 9200-35000-0201 9200-35000-0301 9200-35000-0401
TACAN+ Pilot Guide 0040-35000-01 D 2/7/2023 TACAN+ Pilots Guide Supports 1.6; 1.7, & 1.8 Software 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0201
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-7 B 2/4/2019 To improve reliability and reduce likelihood of premature failure of fielded units. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-8 A 5/18/2015 Service Bulletin, Software 1.6 TACAN+ / TRC2634 Corrects an intermittent mode change issue associated with the MIL-STD-1553B interface (part no. 9200-35000-0101 only), and eliminates a condition where the TRC2634 transceiver may reply to interrogations while in Air-Air Receive-Only mode. SW1.6 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-9 A 6/22/2015 Service Bulletin, SW 1.7 TACAN+ / TRC2634 Incorporation of this software implements 1553 interface software v1.3 that will correct intermittent 1553 output data for tracking channels C and D. SW1.7 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-10 A 7/6/2015 Service Bulletin, Release 1.8 TACAN+ / TRC2634 Adds the capability to detect a lead aircraft that is transmitting in Beacon mode (coarse bearing signals) and, if this air-air bearing signal is not present, to automatically enter a new High Signal Dynamics 20-Meter mode of operation. Release 1.8 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-6 A 8/19/2013 Temporary loss of tracking (less than 3 seconds) can occur when two or more tracking channels are tuned to, or un-tuned from, the same frequency. (SW Version 1.5) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-5 C 2/4/2019 Units listed in Table 1 were shipped without tin plating (bare copper) on the ground foil P/N 9000-35027-01 used on RF transmitter. The bare copper ground foil, must be replaced with tin plated copper ground foil to prevent degradation of the transmitter. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB920035000-4 A 11/13/2012 To inform customers of Software Version 1.4 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-3 B 2/4/2019 Service Bulletin, MOD C TACAN+ / TRC2634 Implement new Digital PCB assembly's P/N 9220-35008-01; -02. 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-14 A 9/13/2017 To inform customers of Software Version 1.10 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-13 C 2/4/2019 To improve unit power up performance. (MOD F) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-12 C 2/4/2019 Reliability improvement providing reduced likelihood of unit incurring a degraded operational range condition. (MOD E) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-11 A 4/14/2016 To inform customers of Software Version 1.9 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-1 B 2/4/2019 To replace components on Transmitter and frequency Generator Circuit Card Assemblies due to part availability. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TACAN+ Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-2 A 8/23/2012 To inform customers of Software Version 1.3 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TAWS8000 Database TAWS DataBase x.x 1/1/2023 Information on TAWS Database Databases are sold as exchanges through Avionics Service. The -001 is a North American Database and the -002 is a Worldwide Database. Please email Avionics.Service@L3Harris.com TAWS
TAWS8000 Drawings / SPEC TAWS Database Notice n/a 4/22/2024 TAWS Database Updates TAWS8000/8100 DB you need to send the CF card to Grand Rapids Factory. It cannot be updated in the field. Contact avionics service for a price and lead time. DB is updated by L3H every 30 days. Phone: 1-321-674-4900 Email: Avionics.Service@L3Harris.com 805-18000-001, 805-18200-001, 805-18200-002, 805-18650-001
TAWS8000 Installation Manual 009-18001-001 J 6/20/2023 Installation Manual Terrain Awareness and Warning System 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness iCA ES400-300103-200 C 9/8/2003 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Supplement For TAWS 8000 Terrain Awareness Warning System Installed on Raytheon Aircraft Company Beech 400, 400A, 400T Aircraft. TAWS8000
TAWS8000 Pilot Guide 009-18000-001 D 9/2/2003 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-18000-001 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Printer Copies 009-18000-001PC D 9/2/2003 Pilot's Guide
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB-108 Orig 2/12/2003 A production change to add patent numbers to the serial number and ID tag. 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB-111 Orig 3/20/2003 Correct a problem that may cause a unit to fail factory testing. 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB-112 Orig 3/14/2003 Maintenance upgrade. [software version 1.9 upgrade]. 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB-133 Orig 8/16/2004 Release of Software version 1.11. Corrects service menu data monitor for the ARINC 429 recievers and descretes. Corrects the intermittent lighting of the "terrain not available" lamp and occurrence of error 17. 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB-A127 Orig 12/9/2003 Software upgrade incorporates changes for the GPS position correction when using 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB-A117 Orig 7/9/2003 To prevent degradation of computed altitude that may result when a baro set potentiometer is connected to the TAWS8000 and also connected to an ADC. Refer to SM-134 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB805-18000-200 A 3/14/2005 Software Version 1.12 Upgrade 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Bulletin SB805-18000-202 A 1/23/2012 To inform users of a suspected unapproved part (SUP) and to inform them of an inspection MOD effective at next service, which identifies units that have had this condition corrected. 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Service Letter SL-230 A 1/23/2008 Incorrect Elevation Reported for Black Rock Mountain In Canada TAWS TERRAIN ALERT 805-18000-001, 805-18650-001
TAWS8000 Service Letter SL-221 A 7/19/2007 Permission to use STC Permission to use STC 805-18000-001
TAWS8000 Supplemental Type Certificate ST01881CH-D-FMS Reis 9/19/2003 TAWS8000 (TAWS B) installation. Beechjet 400 Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems LANDMARK Terrain Awarenes and Warning System TAWS8000 (TAWS B) installation.
TAWS8000 Supplemental Type Certificate ST01881CH-D Reis 9/19/2003 Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems LANDMARK Terrain Awarenes and Warning System TAWS8000 (TAWS B) installation. Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems LANDMARK Terrain Awarenes and Warning System TAWS8000 (TAWS B) installation.
TAWS8000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01663CH-D-FMS Amen 11/12/2004 Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100. Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100.
TAWS8000 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01663CH-D Reis 11/12/2004 Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100. Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100.
TAWS8000 Troubleshooting Guide TP-611 C 6/6/2008 TAWS8000 Troubleshooting Guide TAWS8000 Troubleshooting Guide
TAWS8100 Database TAWS DataBase x.x 1/1/2023 Information on TAWS Database Databases are sold as exchanges through Avionics Service. The -001 is a North American Database and the -002 is a Worldwide Database. Please email Avionics.Service@L3Harris.com TAWS
TAWS8100 Drawings / SPEC TAWS Database Notice n/a 4/22/2024 TAWS Database Updates TAWS8000/8100 DB you need to send the CF card to Grand Rapids Factory. It cannot be updated in the field. Contact avionics service for a price and lead time. DB is updated by L3H every 30 days. Phone: 1-321-674-4900 Email: Avionics.Service@L3Harris.com 805-18000-001, 805-18200-001, 805-18200-002, 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Installation Manual 009-18651-001 G 6/20/2023 Installation Manual Terrain Awareness and Warning System 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Pilot Guide 009-18650-001 A 9/1/2004 Pilot's Guide, TAWS8100 LandMark. Class B terrain awareness & Warning System 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Bulletin SB805-18650-201 A 5/18/2009 TAWS 8100 Software Version 2.09 Upgrade TAWS 8100 Software Version 2.09 Upgrade 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Bulletin SB805-18650-200 A 2/10/2005 Mod A - Add insulator between mouning bracket and PCB of U2 and U3 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Bulletin SB805-18650-202 A 1/23/2012 To inform users of a suspected unapproved part (SUP) and to inform them of an inspection MOD effective at next service, which identifies units that have had this condition corrected. 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Letter SL-342 A 4/18/2019 GPS WAAS 1201 Sensor Issue GPS WAAS 1201 Sensor Issue 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Letter SL-222 A 4/26/2007 Permission to use STC Permission to use STC 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Letter SL-230 A 1/23/2008 Incorrect Elevation Reported for Black Rock Mountain In Canada TAWS TERRAIN ALERT 805-18000-001, 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Letter SL-203 A 1/11/2005 Notify dealers that the TAWS8100 requires an extra pin on the serial cable (pin 7) when using the service menu via laptop. 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Service Letter SL-205 Orig 12/8/2004 Remove caution and limitation of installing a TAWS8100 on an aircraft equipped with SATCOM. 805-18650-001
TAWS8100 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01663CH-D Reis 11/12/2004 Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100. Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100.
TAWS8100 Supplemental Type Certificate SA01663CH-D-FMS Amen 11/12/2004 Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100. Installation of an L-3 Communications Avionics Systems Terrain Awareness & Warning System TAWS 8000 or TAWS 8100.
TAWS8100 Troubleshooting Guide TP-612 C 6/6/2008 TAWS8100 Troubleshooting Guide TAWS8100 Troubleshooting Guide
TCAS791 Installation Manual 009-10013-001 H 7/18/2013 Installation Manual Pub# 009-10013-001 805-10001-(), 805-10001-004, 805-10001-005, 805-10001-024, 805-10001-025, 805-10001-026
TCAS791 Pilot Guide 009-10025-001 G 6/24/2004 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10025-001 805-10001
TCAS791 Service Letter SL-235 A 5/29/2008 Identify alternate display software drivers available with software v1.5 or higher. TCAS791 installations using alternate display(s). TCAS791
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA8709SW-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) model TCAS 791/791A. Installation of a Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) model TCAS 791/791A.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA8709SW Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) model TCAS 791/791A. Installation of a Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) model TCAS 791/791A.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST155CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BF Goodrich Avionics systems TCAS791 traffic alert and collison avoidance system I (TCASI). Installation of BF Goodrich Avionics systems TCAS791 traffic alert and collison avoidance system I (TCASI).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST155CH Reis 3/14/2006 Installation of BF Goodrich Avionics systems TCAS791 traffic alert and collison avoidance system I (TCASI). Installation of BF Goodrich Avionics systems TCAS791 traffic alert and collison avoidance system I (TCASI).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA373CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a BFGoodrich Flight Systems TCAS I Installation of a BFGoodrich Flight Systems TCAS I
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA373CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a BFGoodrich Flight Systems TCAS I. Installation of a BFGoodrich Flight Systems TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST319CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) I. Installation of a TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST319CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) I. Installation of a TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00296WI-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791 (TCAS I). Cessna 650
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00296WI Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791 (TCAS I). on Cessna 650
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST364CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS I (Model TCAS791). Installation of a TCAS I (Model TCAS791).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST364CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS I (Model TCAS791). Installation of a TCAS I (Model TCAS791).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST282CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). Installation of TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST282CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). Installation of TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST374CH-FMS Reis 2/13/2002 Installation of a TCAS I. Installation of a TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST374CH Reis 2/13/2002 Installation of a TCAS I. Installation of a TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST219CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). Installation of BFGoodrich TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST219CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). Installation of BFGoodrich TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST238CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a BFGoodrich Flight Systems TCAS I. Installation of a BFGoodrich Flight Systems TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST238CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich TCAS I. Installation of BFGoodrich TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST328CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791 (TCAS I). IAI 1124
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST328CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00929AT Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791/A STC Beech 99.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST381CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS I. Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST381CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS I. Installation of a Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00155DE-D-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS 791 TCAS I System. Installation of TCAS 791 TCAS I System.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00155DE-D Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS 791 TCAS I System. Installation of TCAS 791 TCAS I System.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA378CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 TRC-791 Beech 65-90 w/FMS
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA378CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS I. Installation of TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00929AT-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791 FMS for Beech 99
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA92CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a flight systems traffic alert and collision avoidance system,TCAS 1 (Model TCAS791). Installation of a flight systems traffic alert and collision avoidance system,TCAS 1 (Model TCAS791).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA92CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a flight systems traffic alert and collision avoidance system,TCAS 1 (Model TCAS791). Installation of a flight systems traffic alert and collision avoidance system,TCAS 1 (Model TCAS791).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00061DE-FMS Resi 2/17/2004 Installation of Goodrich Model TCAS791/791A traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) I. Installation of Goodrich Model TCAS791/791A traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA156CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS791/791A Traffic Alert and Collision System (TCAS I). Installation of Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS791/791A Traffic Alert and Collision System (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA156CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS791/791A Traffic Alert and Collision System (TCAS I). Installation of Goodrich Avionics Systems TCAS791/791A Traffic Alert and Collision System (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA106CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I). Installation of TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA106CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I). Installation of TCAS 791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA8655SW-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of interfaced provisions only for TCAS791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I). Installation of interfaced provisions only for TCAS791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA8655SW Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of interfaced provisions only for TCAS791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I). Installation of interfaced provisions only for TCAS791 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA306CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of Model TCAS 791 TCAS I. Installation of Model TCAS 791 TCAS I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST316CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS791/791A Traffic alert and collision avoidance system I (TCAS I). Installation of a TCAS791/791A Traffic alert and collision avoidance system I (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST316CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS791/791A Traffic alert and collision avoidance system I (TCAS I). Installation of a TCAS791/791A Traffic alert and collision avoidance system I (TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00029LB-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich traffic alert and collision avoidance system(TCAS I). Installation of BFGoodrich traffic alert and collision avoidance system(TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00029LB Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFGoodrich traffic alert and collision avoidance system(TCAS I). Installation of BFGoodrich traffic alert and collision avoidance system(TCAS I).
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST126CH-FMS Reis 3/15/2006 Installation of Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) system. Installation of Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) system.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST126CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) system. Installation of Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) system.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00106WI-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a BFGoodrich model TCAS791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) I. Installation of a BFGoodrich model TCAS791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate ST00106WI Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a BFGoodrich model TCAS791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) I. Installation of a BFGoodrich model TCAS791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) I.
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SR268CH-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 BFG FlightSystems TCAS I (Model TCAS-791/A). S-76 TCAS I (Model TCAS-791/A). on S-76
TCAS791 Supplemental Type Certificate SR268CH Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of BFG FlightSystems TCAS I (Model TCAS-791/A). Installation of BFG FlightSystems TCAS I (Model TCAS-791/A).
TCAS791 Troubleshooting Guide 009-10109-001 04 4/29/2009 TCAS 791 Troubleshooting guide TCAS 791 Troubleshooting guide
TP-100 Component Maintenance Manual TP-345 Orig 9/2/1980 Instruction Manual Pub# TP-345 501-1322-01
TRC2634 Installation Manual 0040-35001-01 L 10/16/2023 Tacan+ Installation Manual Incorporates 1.11 Software and new part number. License required. 9200-35000-0101 9200-35000-0201 9200-35000-0301 9200-35000-0401
TRC2634 Pilot Guide 0040-35000-01 D 2/7/2023 TACAN+ Pilots Guide Supports 1.6; 1.7, & 1.8 Software 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0201
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-11 A 4/14/2016 To inform customers of Software Version 1.9 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-12 C 2/4/2019 Reliability improvement providing reduced likelihood of unit incurring a degraded operational range condition. (MOD E) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-13 C 2/4/2019 To improve unit power up performance. (MOD F) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-14 A 9/13/2017 To inform customers of Software Version 1.10 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-3 B 2/4/2019 Service Bulletin, MOD C TACAN+ / TRC2634 Implement new Digital PCB assembly's P/N 9220-35008-01; -02. 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB920035000-4 A 11/13/2012 To inform customers of Software Version 1.4 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-5 C 2/4/2019 Units listed in Table 1 were shipped without tin plating (bare copper) on the ground foil P/N 9000-35027-01 used on RF transmitter. The bare copper ground foil, must be replaced with tin plated copper ground foil to prevent degradation of the transmitter. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-6 A 8/19/2013 Temporary loss of tracking (less than 3 seconds) can occur when two or more tracking channels are tuned to, or un-tuned from, the same frequency. (SW Version 1.5) TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-10 A 7/6/2015 Service Bulletin, Release 1.8 TACAN+ / TRC2634 Adds the capability to detect a lead aircraft that is transmitting in Beacon mode (coarse bearing signals) and, if this air-air bearing signal is not present, to automatically enter a new High Signal Dynamics 20-Meter mode of operation. Release 1.8 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-9 A 6/22/2015 Service Bulletin, SW 1.7 TACAN+ / TRC2634 Incorporation of this software implements 1553 interface software v1.3 that will correct intermittent 1553 output data for tracking channels C and D. SW1.7 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-8 A 5/18/2015 Service Bulletin, Software 1.6 TACAN+ / TRC2634 Corrects an intermittent mode change issue associated with the MIL-STD-1553B interface (part no. 9200-35000-0101 only), and eliminates a condition where the TRC2634 transceiver may reply to interrogations while in Air-Air Receive-Only mode. SW1.6 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-7 B 2/4/2019 To improve reliability and reduce likelihood of premature failure of fielded units. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-2 A 8/23/2012 To inform customers of Software Version 1.3 for the TRC2634 Transceiver. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102
TRC2634 Service Bulletin SB9200-35000-1 B 2/4/2019 To replace components on Transmitter and frequency Generator Circuit Card Assemblies due to part availability. TACAN+ / TRC2634 9200-35000-0101, 9200-35000-0102, 9200-35000-0103
TRC497 Service Letter SL-299 B 8/27/2015 Service Letter - Service transfer of SKYWATCH to Extant Aerospace Transfer of Service SKY497 and SKY899 805-10800-( ) 805-11900-( )
TRC69 Service Bulletin SB-95 Orig 8/27/2001 NACWS Low PRF Radar Database update Version RD01M20D. The radar database has been updated with FAA published data for 2001 and with information developed from radar data collection flights by Goodrich Avionics Systems. The database now includes data for t 805-10012-003, 805-10012-013
TRC69 Service Bulletin SB-94 B 8/19/2005 NACWS Low PRF Radar Database update Version RD01M20D. The radar database has been updated with FAA published data for 2001 and with information developed from radar data collection flights by Goodrich Avionics Systems. The database now includes data for t 805-10012-003, 805-10012-013
TRC691 Service Bulletin SB-94 B 8/19/2005 NACWS Low PRF Radar Database update Version RD01M20D. The radar database has been updated with FAA published data for 2001 and with information developed from radar data collection flights by Goodrich Avionics Systems. The database now includes data for t 805-10012-003, 805-10012-013
TRC691 Service Bulletin SB-95 Orig 8/27/2001 NACWS Low PRF Radar Database update Version RD01M20D. The radar database has been updated with FAA published data for 2001 and with information developed from radar data collection flights by Goodrich Avionics Systems. The database now includes data for t 805-10012-003, 805-10012-013
TRC691 Service Bulletin SB-93 original 8/19/2005 Software 1.7 notice for NACWS T-34 NACWS TRC691 Software Version 1.7 upgrade. Improve NACWS coverage by processing data from the new low PRF Secondary Surveillance Radar Equipment. 805-10012-003
TRC791 Pilot Guide 009-10025-001 G 6/24/2004 Pilot's Guide Pub# 009-10025-001 805-10001
TRC791 Service Bulletin SB-72 Orig 12/1/1996 Advise problem may arise when connecting to ARNIC 429 Data Bus 805-10001-( )
TRC791 Service Bulletin SB-73 Orig 2/1/1997 Mofify mounting tray to elliminate mounting difficulties. 805-10024-001, 805-10024-002
TRC791 Service Bulletin SB-83 Orig 2/1/2000 Software Upgrade to Ver. 1.5 805-10001-004, 805-10001-005, 805-10001-024, 805-10001-025, 805-10001-026
TRC791 Service Bulletin SB-66 1 10/1/1994 Eliminate connector misalignment and damage. 805-10024-001, 805-10024-002
TRC791 Service Bulletin SB-68 Orig 1/1/1995 To improve the reliability of the whisper shout function.
TRC791 Service Bulletin SB805-10001-1 B 3/21/2006 "...change to the RF Receiver PCB Assembly to prevent contact with another PCB assemlby. 805-10001-004, 805-10001-005, 805-10001-006, 805-10001-007
TRC791 Service Letter SL-253 B 10/14/2015 Collision Avoidence- Interference Check Silver Crown Interference /Remove SkyWatch References 805-10001-001, 805-10001-002, 805-10001-003, 805-10001-004, 805-10001-005, 805-10001-006, 805-10001-021, 805-10001-022, 805-10001-023, 805-10001-024, 805-10001-025, 805-10001-026
TRC791 Service Letter SL-140 Orig 9/17/1997 To provide information on the limitations for warranty consideration.
TRC791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00929AT Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791/A STC Beech 99.
TRC791 Supplemental Type Certificate SA00929AT-FMS Reis 2/17/2004 Installation of a TCAS-791 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS I). TCAS-791 FMS for Beech 99
TSC-1000 Installation Manual 0040-44001-01 F 10/31/2022 Installation Manual, TSC-1000 Touch Screen Controller 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Installation Manual 0040-44004-01 B 9/11/2020 Remove and Replace Instructions TSC-1000 (R&R) Remove and Replace Instructions 0040-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Intermediate Maintenance Manual 0040-44003-01 24- F 10/25/2022 Intermediate Maintenance Manual, TSC-1000 Touch Screen Controller 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-9 TSC1000-31-0005 00 10/31/2022 Service Bulletin, MOD J MOD J – Replace Solid State Drive 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-8 TSC1000-31-0004 00 4/28/2021 Service Bulletin, MOD H MOD H – Correct Fault Code Failures 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-3 B 6/27/2019 Service Bulletin, MOD A To correct anomalous behavior on the display under certain temperature conditions and slow ramp rates on the 28VDC input power line. 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-6 00 3/16/2021 Service Bulletin, MOD F Incorporation of MOD ensures that the latest version of the sequencer configuration is loaded on the TSC-1000 using the automated router. [MOD F] 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-7 00 3/16/2021 Service Bulletin, MOD G Solder defects have been found on a limited number of TSC-1000 Processor CCA’s. [MOD G] 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-4 01 9/7/2022 Service Bulletin, MOD D MOD D provides information on new A1 Display Assembly. 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-5 02 9/27/2021 Service Bulletin, MOD E MOD E provides information on new A2 Main Assembly that will allow unit to power up at faster voltage rise times. 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-1 B 9/7/2022 Service Bulletin, MOD B To improve display bonding characteristic. 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Bulletin SB9200-44000-2 A 4/16/2019 Service Bulletin, MOD C To replace obsolete hold up capacitor. 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Letter SIL-001-TSC-1000 00 10/28/2020 Touch Screen Controller (TSC) Operation Touch Screen Controller (TSC) Operation 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Letter SIL-002-TSC-1000 00 6/16/2021 Touch Screen Controller (TSC) Packaging Touch Screen Controller (TSC) Packaging 9200-44000-0101
TSC-1000 Service Letter SL-352 C 6/16/2021 Screen Discolor at Power Up Screen Discolor at Power Up 9200-44000-0101
ULB Component Maintenance Manual 165E5542-00 25-62-01 09 6/21/2024 Component Maintenance Manual for Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) Multiple Underwater Locater Beacon (ULB) Conversion kits Battery replacement kits (Conversion kit part no.) 0686224-00, 068E5542-00, 147E5542-00, 266E5542-00 (ULB part no.) 266E5542-00 266E0305-00 266E0305-01 266E0305-02, 266E6914-00, 9080−10036−01 (Replacement kits part no.) 147E5542-00, 147E0305-00
ULB Installation Manual 165E5542-10 04 6/21/2024 Installation & Operation Manual for ULB Multiple Underwater Locater Beacon (ULB) Conversion Kits Battery replacement kits (Conversion kit part no.) 0686224-00, 068E5542-00, 147E5542-00, 266E5542-00 (ULB part no.) 266E5542-00 266E0305-00 266E0305-01 266E0305-02, 266E6914-00, 9080−10036−01 (Replacement kits part no.) 147E5542-00, 147E0305-00
ULB Service Letter SIL-002-ULB 00 9/16/2024 Battery Information for 90 Day Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB). Provide Composition Information on Ingredients and Transportation Rules information on 90-day ULB. NOTE: The battery is considered a battery inside a contained product (i.e., ULB). P/N 266E5542-00 (Dukane DK120/90) P/N 9080-10036-01 (Dukane DK290-11) P/N 266E6914-00 (Novega 22960-00, GREEN90)
ULB Service Letter SIL-003-ULB 02 3/6/2025 Service Information Letter, NTO for ULB No Technical Objection (NTO) FA2100 and FA5000 Recorder Models for alternate Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) installation. TSO-C142B Compliant Devices: • P/N 9080-10036-01. DK290-11, Dukane (Non-Restricted Class 9 Lithium Battery) • P/N 266-E6914-00. Green90, Novega P/N: 22960−00 (Lithium Free Battery) ALL FA2100, FA5000 ULB: 9080-10036-01 ULB: 266-E6914-00
ULB Service Letter SIL-004-ULB 00 1/23/2025 Notification of Dukane Seacom Service Information Letter. Reports of internal battery spring discoloration within the DK120/90 have been reported by service technicians performing field battery replacement activities in accordance with Technical Manual 03-TM-0063 Section V. P/N 266E5542-00 (Dukane DK120/90)
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-312 34-20-14 8 3/6/2018 Component Maintenance Manual, VG-204AB, VG-204V, VG-204Z Pub# TP-312 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02, 501-1453-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-357 34-20-07 7 3/5/2012 Instruction Manual Pub# TP-357 501-1255-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-230 R1 C 2/14/2008 Instruction Manual Pub# TP-230 501-1120-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-250 34-20-13 10 6/20/2003 Maintenance Manual with IPL Displacement Gyroscope 501-1160-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-251 34-20-09 A4 12/11/2024 Maintenance Manual with IPL Displacement Gyroscope Model: VG-204D 501-1113-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-252 1 C3 2/14/2008 Maintenance Data Pub# TP-252 501-1125-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-414 34-20-23 7/26/2005 Maintenance Manual Pub# TP-414 501-1503-01
VG-204 Component Maintenance Manual TP-492 34-20-53 B 8/28/2017 Component Maintenance Manual, VG-204AM Pub# TP-492 501-1731-01
VG-204 Installation Manual TP-594 C 8/22/2019 Installation Manual Pub# TP-594 501-1113-01, 501-1160-01, 501-1160-02, 501-1494-01
VG-204 Installation Manual TP-363 34-20-14 Reis 3/10/1986 Installation instructions, VG-204AB Displacement Gyroscope 501-1453-01
VG-204 Installation Manual TP-487 34-20-47 Orig 5/11/1994 Installation and Operation Manual, VG-204AM Pub# TP-487 501-1731-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-16 A 7/13/2005 Improve reliability by updating units in the field to current. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-1 B 5/1/1999 To reduce audible noise. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-10 Orig 1/1/1985 To install more reliable stator. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-11 Orig 6/1/1985 To improve initial erection timing. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-12 Orig 3/1/1992 To ensure roll erection cut-off circuit operates. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-13 C 2/17/2004 To improve drift performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-14 Orig 11/26/2003 Prevent possible pitch precession by ensuring gimbal freedom. 501-1160-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-15 Orig 6/2/2004 Insure synchro output signals are compatible with application. 501-1160-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-2 Orig 9/1/1981 To eliminate nutation. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-3 Orig 9/1/1981 To improve reliability. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-4 Orig 10/1/1983 To insure roll erection when in the cut-off mode. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-5 B 11/1/1984 To minimize false erection and eliminate shaft looseness. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-6 Orig 6/1/1984 To replace base. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-7 Orig 6/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-8 Orig 6/1/1984 To use higher reliability diode. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1160-9 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize Synchro modulation. 501-1160-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-1 A 4/30/2002 To reduce audible noise. (Refer to SB501-1113-11) 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-10 Orig 6/1/1985 To improve initial erection timing. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-11 A 10/11/2005 Improve drift and vibration performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-2 Orig 2/1/1984 To eliminate nutation. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-3 A 8/1/1984 To minimize false erections and eliminate shaft looseness. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-4 A 9/1/1983 To insure correct relay is installed upon the 542-1213-01 Frame Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-5 Orig 2/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-6 Orig 2/1/1984 To replace base. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-7 Orig 6/1/1984 To install higher reliability diode. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-8 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize Synchro modulation. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1113-9 Orig 1/1/1985 To install a more reliable stator. 501-1113-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1120-1 Orig 11/1/1989 To provide for variations in transistor configuration. 501-1120-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1453-1 Orig 10/1/1988 To reduce EMI. 501-1453-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1453-2 Orig 11/1/1993 MOD 2 - To reduce pitch kicks. MOD 3 - To reduce output variations 501-1453-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1453-3 A 9/1/1994 To reduce environmental effects of vibration and shock. 501-1453-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1453-4 C 2/17/2004 To improve drift performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1453-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1453-5 A 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of connection. 501-1453-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-1 A 5/1/1999 To reduce audible noise. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-2 Orig 8/1/1984 To install K3 relay on 542-1360-01 Frame Circuit Card Assembly. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-3 A 7/1/1985 To strengthen base assembly and thereby improve reliability. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-4 Orig 6/1/1984 To strengthen cover and thereby improve reliability. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-5 Orig 6/1/1984 To install higher reliability diode. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-6 Orig 1/1/1985 To install a more reliable stator. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-7 Orig 2/1/1985 To install higher reliability diode. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-8 C 2/17/2004 To improve drift performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1255-9 Orig 12/1/2000 Improve reliability of connection. 501-1255-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-1 Orig 12/1/1980 To reduce audible noise. 501-1224-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-10 Orig 1/1/1985 To install a more reliable stator. 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-11 Orig 2/1/1985 To install higher reliability diodes. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-12 Orig 6/1/1985 To improve initial erection timing. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-13 C 11/15/2002 To reduce gyro signal interference with autopilot by conversion to VG-204AB configuration. [Factory Modification Only] 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-14 A 2/1/1994 To reduce environmental effects of vibration and shock. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-2 Orig 9/1/1981 To eliminate nutation. 501-1224-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-3 Orig 9/1/1981 To improve reliability. 501-1224-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-4 A 8/1/1985 To retrofit gyro to VG-204Z configuration. 501-1224-01
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-5 Orig 6/1/1984 To replace base. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-6 Orig 6/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-7 Orig 6/1/1984 To use diodes of higher reliability. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-8 A 5/1/1985 To minimize false erections. 501-1224-01, 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Bulletin SB501-1224-9 Orig 7/1/1984 To reduce Synchro modulation by demagnetizing unit. 501-1224-02
VG-204 Service Letter SL-180 Orig 4/17/2003 To advise authorized service centers on repair of Frame Circuit Card Assemblies. 501-1255-01, 501-1453-01
VG-204 Service Letter SL-174 A 4/3/2015 To provide Avionics Systems, Inc service centers and maintenance personnel with storage information for gyro products. [Replaces SL-113, SL-131, SL-168, SA-89]. Remove references to AIM Series Gyros.
VG-204 Service Letter SL-33 A 8/28/2000 To provide information on incorporation of Mod No. 20 which reduces pitch Synchro noise Inactive 501-
VG-204 Service Letter SL-35 B 9/13/2000 To clarify operating procedures and erection indications.
VG-204 Service Letter SL-111 Orig 12/1/1989 To provide gyro service centers with information regarding allowed use of DG-106 alternate solvent for performing gyro leak check.
VG-204 Service Letter SL-275 A 1/26/2012 To provide official approval for the discontinuation of the need to perform reliability tests that may be called out in maintenanc manuals for products listed in the Effectivity paragraph
VG-204 Service Letter SL-274 A 1/4/2012 To provide offical approval for the use of eqivalent test equipment to test and validate the functionality of vertical gyros manufactured by L-3 Avionics Systems.
VG-206 Component Maintenance Manual TP-322 34-20-08 6 12/17/2024 Maintenance Manual with IPL Pub# TP-322 501-1204-01
VG-206 Installation Manual TP-424 34-20-08 Orig 6/15/1989 Installation Manual Pub# TP-424 501-1204-01
VG-206 Installation Manual TP-226 Orig 11/8/1974 Installation Instructions Pub# TP-226 501-1150-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-1 A 2/1/1981 To reduce audible noise. Refer to SB501-1204-19. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-10 Orig 8/1/1984 To replace base. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-11 Orig 8/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-12 A 10/1/1984 To replace old stators with new stator and Terminal Board. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-13 Orig 1/1/1985 To remove components to eliminate DC voltage in pitch switch. Refer to SB501-1204-17. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-14 B 12/1/1998 To reduce pitch acceleration errors and insure adequate flag voltage. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-15 Orig 11/1/1988 To eliminate relay chatter at time out caused by power supply sag when relays energize. Refer to SB501-1204-17. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-16 Orig 6/1/1991 Modification to eliminate harmonic noise generated by two magnet gyroscope rotor assemblies. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-17 Orig 7/1/1992 To provide a replacement for Flex Frame Circuit Card Assembly in the event these circuit card assemblies become non-serviceable. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-18 Orig 5/1/1993 To provide information/instructions for replacement of cutoff switches P/N 561-1504-01 with P/N 561-1602-01 or -02. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-19 D 5/19/2005 To improve gyro performance by replacing double row bearing on pitch axis with single row bearing. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-2 A 2/11/2009 To reduce roll freedom when power is off. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-3 Orig 11/1/1983 To reduce possibility of improper Synchro outputs. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-4 A 8/1/1984 To reduce pitch transient noise. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-5 Orig 11/1/1983 To insure complete cut-off of single wheel monitor circuit when in "OFF" mode. Refer to SB501-1204-17 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-6 Orig 11/1/1983 To prevent terminal boards from warping. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-7 Orig 11/1/1983 To prevent solenoid shaft from coming loose. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-8 C 10/1/1999 To incorporate transient protection for U1 and improve single wheal operation. To improve reliability of output signals to inner axis terminal board. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Bulletin SB501-1204-9 Orig 11/1/1983 To improve reliability of radar printed circuit board. 501-1204-01
VG-206 Service Letter SL-111 Orig 12/1/1989 To provide gyro service centers with information regarding allowed use of DG-106 alternate solvent for performing gyro leak check.
VG-206 Service Letter SL-35 B 9/13/2000 To clarify operating procedures and erection indications.
VG-206 Service Letter SL-33 A 8/28/2000 To provide information on incorporation of Mod No. 20 which reduces pitch Synchro noise Inactive 501-
VG-206 Service Letter SL-174 A 4/3/2015 To provide Avionics Systems, Inc service centers and maintenance personnel with storage information for gyro products. [Replaces SL-113, SL-131, SL-168, SA-89]. Remove references to AIM Series Gyros.
VG-206 Service Letter SL-274 A 1/4/2012 To provide offical approval for the use of eqivalent test equipment to test and validate the functionality of vertical gyros manufactured by L-3 Avionics Systems.
VG-208 Component Maintenance Manual TP-260 34-20-12 15 1/13/2025 Maintenance Manual with IPL Displacement Gyroscope 501-1121-01, 501-1121-02, 501-1209-01, 501-1210-01
VG-208 Installation Manual TP-270 B 9/4/2012 Installation Manual Pub# TP-270 501-1121-01, 501-1209-01, 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-11 A 9/25/1990 To improve reliability by replacing stators. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-1 B 5/1/1999 To eliminate the possibility of shorting leads of resisitors R4 and R7. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-10 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize false erections. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-11 Orig 1/1/1985 To install more reliable stator. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-12 Orig 1/1/1985 To remove components to eliminate DC voltage on pitch switch. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-13 Orig 6/1/1992 To provide use of capacitor with improved reliability characteristics. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-14 A 5/1/1999 Incorporation of this modification will eliminate interference between the unit cover and Resistor A5R4. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-15 A 5/1/2001 To improve drift performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-2 B 5/1/1999 To reduce audible noise. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-3 A 9/1/1984 To improve reliability. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-4 B 4/1/1985 To eliminate nutation. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-5 Orig 8/1/1984 To prevent solenoid shaft from coming loose. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-6 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize Synchro modulation. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-7 A 7/1/1985 To replace base. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-8 Orig 8/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1209-9 A 4/1/1986 To reduce Synchro modulation and remove mod 19 parts. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-1 B 5/1/1999 To eliminate the possiblity of shorting of resisitors R4 and R7. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-10 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize false erections. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-12 Orig 1/1/1985 To remove components to eliminate DC voltage on pitch switch. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-13 Orig 6/1/1992 To provide use of a capacitor with improved reliability characteristics. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-14 B 8/18/2006 Incorporation of this modification will eliminate interference between the unit cover and Resistor A5R4. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-15 A 5/1/2001 To improve drift performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-16 B 7/4/2003 Unsecured Pitch Stop can come loose during operation. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-2 B 5/1/1999 To reduce audible noise. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-3 A 9/1/1984 To replace flex circuits with molded Terminal Board. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-4 B 4/1/1985 To eliminate nutation. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-5 Orig 8/1/1984 To prevent solenoid shaft from coming loose. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-6 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize Synchro modulation. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-7 A 7/1/1985 To replace base. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-8 Orig 8/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1210-9 A 4/1/1986 To reduce Synchro modulation and remove mod 19 parts. 501-1210-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-1 B 5/1/1999 To eliminate the possibility of shorting leads of resistors R4 and R7. Refer to SB501-1121-14A. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-10 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize false erection. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-11 Orig 1/1/1985 To install a more reliable stator. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-12 Orig 1/1/1985 To remove components to eliminate DC voltage on pitch switch. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-13 Orig 6/1/1992 To provide use of a capacitor with improved reliability characteristics. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-14 A 5/1/1999 Incorporation of this modification will eliminate interference between the unit cover and Resistor A5R4. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-15 A 5/1/2001 To improve drift performance and eliminate potential of spring on pitch axis from rubbing on shield of bearing. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-2 B 5/1/1999 To reduce audible noise. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-3 A 4/1/1985 To replace flex circuits with molded Terminal Board. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-4 A 4/1/1985 To eliminate nutation. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-5 Orig 8/1/1984 To prevent solenoid shaft from coming loose. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-6 Orig 8/1/1984 To minimize Synchro modulation. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-7 A 7/1/1985 To replace base. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-8 Orig 8/1/1984 To replace cover. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Bulletin SB501-1121-9 A 4/1/1986 To reduce Synchro modulation and remove mod 19 parts. 501-1121-01
VG-208 Service Letter SL-174 A 4/3/2015 To provide Avionics Systems, Inc service centers and maintenance personnel with storage information for gyro products. [Replaces SL-113, SL-131, SL-168, SA-89]. Remove references to AIM Series Gyros.
VG-208 Service Letter SL-173 Orig 5/2/2001 Plate and Mod decal replacement To authorize replacement of Bendix Identification Plate and Modification Decal for service centers with access to TP-260. 501-1209-01
VG-208 Service Letter SL-33 A 8/28/2000 To provide information on incorporation of Mod No. 20 which reduces pitch Synchro noise Inactive 501-
VG-208 Service Letter SL-35 B 9/13/2000 To clarify operating procedures and erection indications.
VG-208 Service Letter SL-111 Orig 12/1/1989 To provide gyro service centers with information regarding allowed use of DG-106 alternate solvent for performing gyro leak check.
VG-208 Service Letter SL-152 Orig 1/21/1998 Provide information on how to replace RCR resistor with an RWR sized resisitor. 501-1121-01, 501-1209-01, 501-1210-01, 501-1687-01
VG-208 Service Letter SL-274 A 1/4/2012 To provide offical approval for the use of eqivalent test equipment to test and validate the functionality of vertical gyros manufactured by L-3 Avionics Systems.
VG-401 Service Letter SL-274 A 1/4/2012 To provide offical approval for the use of eqivalent test equipment to test and validate the functionality of vertical gyros manufactured by L-3 Avionics Systems.
VNAV Service Bulletin SB-29 Orig 5/1/1981 RNAV612 and 612RIU distance computation error when VNAV541 or VNAV541A has no A+ applied. 805D0400
VRS-3000 Installation Manual TP-561 P 10/18/2016 Installation Manual Updated DO-160 Information 501-1854-1101, 501-1854-1102, 501-1854-1201, 501-1854-1301, 501-1854-1401, 501-1854-1501, 501-1854-1601, 501-1854-2101, 501-1854-2102
VRS-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1854-1 B 11/18/2014 Add Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to improve synchro output resolution. Add Part Number 501-1854-01501 & 501-1854-01601 501-1854-1101, 501-1854-1201, 501-1854-1301, 501-1854-1401, 501-1854-1501, 501-1854-1601
VRS-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1854-2 B 11/18/2014 Prevent the decrease in synchro loopback voltage which could result in ATP or BIT test failure. ADD P/N 501-1854-1501 & 501-1854-1601 501-1854-( ), 501-1854-1101, 501-1854-1201, 501-1854-1301, 501-1854-1401, 501-1854-1501, 501-1854-1601
VRS-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1854-3 B 11/18/2014 Correct Sensor Calibration. Add P/N 501-1854-1501 & 501-1854-1601 501-1854-1101, 501-1854-1201, 501-1854-1301, 501-1854-1401, 501-1854-1501, 501-1854-1601
VRS-3000 Service Bulletin SB501-1854-4 A 10/18/2016 Software 1.2 Incorporates Software 1.2 501-1854-1101, 501-1854-1201, 501-1854-1301, 501-1854-1401, 501-1854-1501, 501-1854-1601, 501-1854-2101
VRS-3010 Installation Manual TP-592 F 10/28/2016 Installation Manual Pub# TP-592 501-1877-01, 501-1877-02
VRS-3010 Service Bulletin SB501-1877-1 B 4/4/2011 Correct sensor calibration. 501-1877-01
VRS-3010 Service Bulletin SB501-1877-3 A 10/31/2016 Software 1.2 Software 1.2 501-1877-01, 501-1877-02
VRS-3010 Service Bulletin SB501-1877-2 B 10/28/2016 Convert VRS-3010 to VRS-3020 (P/N 501-1877-02) to provide access to existing digital outputs 501-1877-01
VRS-3020 Installation Manual TP-592 F 10/28/2016 Installation Manual Pub# TP-592 501-1877-01, 501-1877-02
VRS-3020 Service Bulletin SB501-1877-3 A 10/31/2016 Software 1.2 Software 1.2 501-1877-01, 501-1877-02
VRS-4000 Installation Manual TP-598 E 4/28/2015 Installation Manual Vertical Reference System 501-1892-1101 501-1892-1201
VRS-4000 Installation Manual TP-598 E 4/28/2015 Installation Manual Add part number 501-1892-1201 501-1892-1101, 501-1892-1201